john wall是什么意思 john wall的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-05-15 12:04:13眉间

john wall是什么意思 john wall的中文翻译、读音、例句

'John Wall' 并不是一个常见的词语,而是一个人名,其意义是指名为 John Wall 的人。它是一个专有名词,属于名词词性。



发音拼写:/dn wl/


1. John Wall signed a four-year contract with the Rockets.(约翰沃尔与火箭队签订了为期xx年的合同。)

2. John Wall won the NBA's Rookie Challenge MVP in 2011.(约翰沃尔在xx年获得了NBA新秀挑战赛MVP。)

3. John Wall's speed and agility make him one of the most exciting players to watch in the NBA.(约翰沃尔的速度和敏捷性使他成为NBA最令人兴奋的球员之一。)

4. Many fans were disappointed when John Wall suffered a season-ending injury. (当约翰沃尔遭受季末伤病时,许多球迷都感到失望。)

5. John Wall's leadership and work ethic have earned him the respect of his teammates.(约翰沃尔的领导能力和职业道德赢得了队友们的尊重。)

6. John Wall is known for his incredible ping ability and court vision.(约翰沃尔以他惊人的传球能力和球场视野而闻名。)

7. John Wall's charitable work off the court has made him a beloved figure in his community.(约翰沃尔在场外的慈善工作使他成为社区中备受爱戴的人物。)


读音:jio hn w r

例句:John Wall是NBA球队奇才的得分后卫。 (Translation: John Wall is the shooting guard for the NBA team Washington Wizards.)
