鞠躬精粹用英语怎么说 鞠躬精粹英语翻译

生活学习2024-05-30 15:04:31初雪

鞠躬精粹通常被翻译为"make a bow"意思,还经常被译作to bow,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到59个与鞠躬精粹相关译文和例句。

1. (Applse) Take a bow, take a bow.

2. First bow, second bow, third bow.

鞠躬精粹用英语怎么说 鞠躬精粹英语翻译

3. Peony Pavilion is the quintessential Chinese opera.

4. What are you doing? Stop bowing. Just stop rything.

5. Stand up, slim, take a bow.

6. - We've gotta win. - i hail you.

7. Take a bow. Hello madam, hello sir.

8. And some acts demand that we bow.
