vestas是什么意思 vestas的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-06-07 07:04:46久思是病


1. 中文翻译:维斯塔斯

vestas是什么意思 vestas的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 读音:vsts

3. 例句:

- Vesta是古罗马守护家庭和家庭祭祀的女神。

- Vestas是一家全球领先的可再生能源公司,致力于为人类创造更清洁、更可持续的未来。




例句:By joining the Vestas Graduate Programme you can kick-start your career and contribute to a sustainable tomorrow! (加入维斯塔斯的管理培训生项目,你可以开启个人事业,为可持续发展的明天做贡献!)

例句:Other British factory occupations have followed, most recently at the Vestas wind turbine plant on the Isle of Wight. (其他英国工厂占领运动接踵而至,最近的一次发生在威斯塔斯公司位于怀特岛的风能涡轮机厂。)


例句:Vestas also is planning to build a U.S. headquarters in Portland, Oregon. (Vestas还在计划在俄勒冈的波特兰建立一个美国总部。)


例句:At Vestas global experience and local expertise go hand in hand. Over the years, Vestas has built up a worldwide sales and service network. (翻译:维斯塔斯将丰富的全球经验与本土资源完美地结合在一起,数年来,已建立遍及全世界的销售和服务网络。)


1. Vestas also is planning to build a U.S. headquarters in Portland, Oregon. (翻译:Vestas还在计划在俄勒冈的波特兰建立一个美国总部。)

2. At Vestas global experience and local expertise go hand in hand. Over the years, Vestas has built up a worldwide sales and service network. (翻译:维斯塔斯将丰富的全球经验与本土资源完美地结合在一起,数年来,已建立遍及全世界的销售和服务网络。)

3. Copenhagen covered 30% of investment costs, and guaranteed loans for large turbine exporters such as Vestas. (翻译:哥本哈根付出了30%的投资成本,并为维斯塔斯等大型涡轮机出口商提供了贷款担保。)

4. Vestas also serves other markets in Asia from some of its Chinese plants, thus profiting from the lower component cost. (翻译:维斯塔斯还通过自己的部分中国工厂为亚洲其它市场服务,以此从降低要素成本中获益。)

5. Through its partnership with Vestas the company was able to acquire advanced wind turbine technologies and production capabilities. (翻译:通过它与Vestas的合作,该公司有能力获取先进的风力发电技术和生产能力。)

6. In 1987 Mr Poulsen took the helm at Vestas, then a small Danish firm with 60 employees. (翻译:xx年Poulsen开始执掌Vestas公司,当时这家公司还只是一个有60名员工的丹麦小企业。)

7. Energy and environment: Johannes Poulsen, former chief executive, Vestas Wind Systems, for the commercialisation of wind energy. (翻译:能源与环境奖:JohannesPoulsen,Vestas风力系统公司前首席执行官。获奖原因——风能的商业化。)

8. Peers likes Danish wind-turbine producer Vestas wind Systems (VWDRY). (翻译:皮尔斯看好丹麦风力涡轮机制造商Vestas风能系统。)


