mow是什么意思 mow的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-06-17 07:05:01披头尸

mow是什么意思 mow的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:割草,修剪草坪

2. 词性:动词

3. 常用场景:在公园、花园、草坪等需要修剪草地的地方使用。例如:“I need to mow the lawn today.”(我今天需要修剪草坪。)

4. 词组搭配:mow the gr(修剪草坪),mow the lawn(修剪草坪),mow the field(收割麦田),mow down(砍倒),mow over(轧过)

5. 相关短语:mowing machine(割草机),mowing season(割草季节)

6. 发音拼写:/mo/





1. I need to mow the lawn before the party tonight.


2. The farmer spends all day mowing the fields.


mow的中文解释是"鬼脸、建筑工程部",还有怪脸的意思,发音是[mau. mu],mow是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到40个与mow相关的句子。



例句:But we apprehended this man. He was pretending to mow the lawn. (不过我们抓到了这个人 抓他的时候,这家伙正准备逃跑!)


例句:Watch out, next thing you know she'll have you taking out the garbage and mow the lawn. (关注,接下来的事情你知道她会让你 取出垃圾,修剪草坪。)


例句:As a special treat, people might give their Dad a bit of a rest - make him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn. (作为特殊的礼物,人们可能让父亲享受片刻悠闲时光——为他沏杯茶,给他洗车,或者帮忙修剪草坪。)


例句:If HSR is to be a success, more rigorous and effective means will be required to separate train operations from MOW activities. (翻译:如果高铁想要成功运营,必须采取更严格、更有效的手段,将护路设备的活动与高铁运营分离开来。)


mow一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to mow(刈割)、mop and mow(作怪相,扮鬼脸;做出愁眉苦脸的样子)、mow conveyer(干草输送器)等常见短语中出现较多。

to mow刈割
mop and mow作怪相,扮鬼脸;做出愁眉苦脸的样子
mow conveyer干草输送器
mow down摧毁
mow the lawn修刈草坪


1. As a special treat, people might give their Dad a bit of a rest - make him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn. (翻译:作为特殊的礼物,人们可能让父亲享受片刻悠闲时光——为他沏杯茶,给他洗车,或者帮忙修剪草坪。)

2. If HSR is to be a success, more rigorous and effective means will be required to separate train operations from MOW activities. (翻译:如果高铁想要成功运营,必须采取更严格、更有效的手段,将护路设备的活动与高铁运营分离开来。)

3. Maybe just mow the occasional lawn. (翻译:也许只是想让你去帮他们剪草坪而已 Maybe just mow the occasional lawn.)

4. I just penetrate by this time she mow a pate of cutty cilia, the light projects light upon the stereoscopic profile of a half-blooded woman. (翻译:我这时才看到她剪了一头极短的头发,灯光照射出混血女子的立体轮廓。)

5. And so by getting us to mow the lawn, we keep the trees from coming back, which in New England happens very, very quickly. (翻译:这样通过使我们修割草坪,我们就一直抑制树木。这种情况在新英格兰发展的十分快。)

6. I'm not helping to take care of her, to mow her lawn, to be a good son. (翻译,不能给她剪草坪,不能做一个好儿子。)

7. It even looks worse than my mom's, my mom's yard, man, 'cause we don't mow it. (翻译:我们从不剪草 我妈的院子就够乱了,这里更乱)

8. The presence of MOW equipment either occupying the wrong track or fouling an adjacent track has been the cause of serious accidents in the past. (翻译:过去,护路设备占用错误轨道或阻塞相邻车道是造成重大事故的原因。)

9. I've seen him and a bunch of brother Pink'ts mow down 32 Apache women and children (翻译:他跟其他一些师... 杀死了32个印第安女人跟儿童)

10. These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field. (翻译:这些人能用宝石不费吹灰之力 These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations 摧毁整个文明 like wheat in a field.)

11. If I see one truck or one aeroplane or one policeman or one soldier or one person we'll mow these kids down. (翻译:如果看到任何一部车 飞机、警员... 兵士或任何一个人... 我就射杀他们)

12. You could mow a neighbor's lawn in exchange for her babysitting your child for an evening, so you and your spouse can enjoy a movie or a quiet dinner. (翻译:你可以为邻居修剪草坪,作为交换让她照顾你的孩子一个晚上,这样你和你的爱人就可以享受一场电影或一顿安静的晚餐了。)

13. I'm going to get an ambulance. Then one day Mrs. Huber finally got the chance to mow down the competition. Help! (翻译:我去叫救护车 这一天Huber终于找到 扭转竞争形势的机会了 救命!)

14. Axl, dad's about to mow the lawn and I can't find his wallet or his keys. (翻译:Axl,老爸要去修草坪 而我找不到钱包或钥匙)

15. And so by getting us to mow the lawn, we keep the trees from coming back, which in New England happens very, very quickly. (翻译:这样通过使我们修割草坪,我们就一直抑制树木。这种情况在新英格兰发展的十分快。)


