速凝水泥用英语怎么说 速凝水泥英语翻译

生活学习2024-07-17 11:05:42落雨流殇

速凝水泥英语是"quick set cement",在常中也可以翻译为"quick setting",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到49个与速凝水泥相关翻译和例句。


1. Contl and Detect the Basis Cement Dosage in Hoggin Grass Roof

速凝水泥用英语怎么说 速凝水泥英语翻译

2. The gellant may be an amide gellant.

3. Can it be fst upon the gund?

4. Concrete Agitating Stake's Desi in Composite Foundation for Makou Cement Factory in Yingde of Guangdong

5. Let's just move this along.

6. - A case like this - needs an aggressive appach...

7. Pduction Practice of Utilizing Ardealite for Cement Coagulator

8. The results show that FWC has better gndability, hydration ability and gelling pperty, and it can be used as a kind of admixte in cement pduction.


9. i felt a lump in my that.

10. it means you got a head like concrete.

11. Stare into each other's eyes.

12. Out here no one n dirty

13. - i do not want to lose him.
