spearhead是什么意思 spearhead的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-07-26 17:05:55万箭穿逼


spearhead是什么意思 spearhead的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 领导或者推动某项计划或者行动。


- She spearheaded the company's expansion into China.(她带领公司进军中国市场。)

- The committee was spearheaded by a group of dedicated volunteers.(委员会是由一群热心志愿者领导的。)

2. 用来形容某个活动或者行动的领头人或者先锋。


- The spearhead of the protest marched towards the Capitol building.(的先锋朝着国会大厦前进。)

- The company hired a team of experts to spearhead the new marketing campaign.(公司聘请了一支专家团队来推动新的营销活动。)

3. 意为“尖端的、最先进的、最前沿的”。


- The company's new product line is at the spearhead of the technology.(公司的新产品线处于技术的最前沿。)

- The scientist's research is at the spearhead of the field.(这位科学家的研究位于该领域的尖端。)

4. 强调某个行动或者活动带有特定的目标和意义。


- The project was spearheaded by the CEO himself, emphasizing the importance of the initiative.(这个项目是由CEO本人领导,强调该计划的重要性。)

- The environmental group spearheaded the campaign to reduce plastic waste.(环保组织带头发起了减少塑料废弃物的活动。)

5. 可以使用“spearhead”作为动词和名词,使用灵活。


- The commander sent the spearhead troops to attack the enemy's frontline.(指挥官派遣先锋攻击敌军前线。)

- The company's new strategy is spearheaded by a team of experienced executives.(公司的新战略由一支经验丰富的管理团队领导。)


spearhead的中文翻译是“矛头”,读音为 [sphd]。


1. The new project is being spearheaded by a team of experienced engineers.(这个新项目由一组有经验的工程师主导。)

2. He was the spearhead of the company's push into new markets.(他是公司进军新市场的主要推手。)

3. The protesters used the issue of police brutality as a spearhead for their demands for reform.(者将暴力问题作为推动改革的矛头。)




例句:Then, as segregation raged in much of the country, young black people helped spearhead civil rights campaigns in the 1950s and 1960s. (20 世纪 50 和 60 年代 种族隔离在全国肆虐时, 年轻的黑人们担当了 运动的先锋。)


例句:Alex Schure, the president of New York Tech, hired Ed to spearhead the new computer graphics department to develop paint programs and other tools to create art and animation using the computer. (他聘请爱德到新成立的电脑绘图系担任先锋 开发绘画程序和其他工具来协助艺术创作 并将电脑运用在动画上)


例句:I have suggested that instead of wasting Elspeth Dickens on the Asia-Pacific campaign, they use her to spearhead the... ..international launch! (我曾经建议,而不是浪费埃尔斯珀斯狄更斯 对亚太竞选, 他们使用她把矛头指向...)


例句:Sudan's strongman, Omar al-Bashir, blasts the proposed deployment of UN troops in Darfur as the spearhead of a new Western crusade. (翻译:苏丹的强人欧麦尔•巴希尔大肆攻击在达尔富尔地区部署的提议,称其为西方新的前锋。)


spearhead一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to spearhead([网络] 走在前列)、double spearhead(双中锋)、spearhead attack(标枪头侵蚀”(颗粒燃料芯核外热解碳层的楔形空洞)))等常见短语中出现较多。

to spearhead[网络] 走在前列
double spearhead双中锋
spearhead attack标枪头侵蚀”(颗粒燃料芯核外热解碳层的楔形空洞))
spearhead dieback矛头状顶死
spearhead shovel矛形松土铲


1. I have suggested that instead of wasting Elspeth Dickens on the Asia-Pacific campaign, they use her to spearhead the... ..international launch! (翻译:我曾经建议,而不是浪费埃尔斯珀斯狄更斯 对亚太竞选, 他们使用她把矛头指向...)

2. Sudan's strongman, Omar al-Bashir, blasts the proposed deployment of UN troops in Darfur as the spearhead of a new Western crusade. (翻译:苏丹的强人欧麦尔•巴希尔大肆攻击在达尔富尔地区部署的提议,称其为西方新的前锋。)

3. But we also maintain that once our London agents had contacted him... he was used by Control as a weapon... indeed as a spearhead in Control's plot... to incriminate Comrade Mundt. (翻译:一旦我们伦敦的同志联系他 他就被指挥作为一件武器 实际上是,的尖端,在指挥的计划中 用来陷害穆特同志)

4. I like Spearhead and the Beastie Boys. (翻译:我喜欢矛头跟《野兽男孩》。)

5. At the beginning of the season, he wasn't doing this as the team were playing great attacking football with Rooney as the spearhead. (翻译:而在赛季初,鲁尼没有这么做过,他只是被作为锋线尖刀来使用,因为那时全队充满了攻击性。)

6. Whatever his pretensions, Mr Lieberman is not ready to spearhead a revolt. (翻译:无论他用什么借口,利伯曼先生都不会带头反抗。)

7. Within a year he was the spearhead of the Arsenal attack and helping them towards the 'double'. (翻译:xx年内他就成为了阿森纳的前锋主力,帮助球队赢得双冠王。)

8. If the entry times are a true indication of form, the swimmers will fan out into a spearhead formation during the race. (翻译:如果预赛成绩能真实反映决赛的阵容,那么决赛时选手们就会成扇形展开,好像箭头似的。)

9. The duke contracted a ruthless businesswoman to spearhead the mining operation: (翻译:那个开发公司是跟一个残忍无情的女人签订合同的 让他们无节制的开发矿藏)

10. Colonel Hessler I'm putting you in command of our armored spearhead. (翻译:海斯勒上校 我要任命你 当我们机械化前锋的指挥官)

11. This spearhead raises many questions. (翻译:这矛头引出了许多问题。)

12. The expanding gap between the frontline spearhead and the critical rear guard a vast moonscape of wrecked battle debris and enemy dead is a no man's land our GI's have nicknamed, "The Void," (翻译:缝隙正在弄宽在 前线 和 rearguard, 一个碎片的巨大领域和 尸体,)

13. Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun is helping to spearhead a new fund to help children with leukaemia. (翻译:中国流行歌手李宇春正在建立一个新的基金来帮助患有百血病的儿童。)

14. medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet. (翻译:中世纪的武器,有尖锋附在长杆或枪柄上,后在被刺刀取代。)

15. Fish slipping through the overly-thick algae... caught in the iron bars of the sheetless bed, reddened on the spearhead that rips the silk beneath the skin when the sea is receding... (翻译:鱼浮动在茂密的海藻中, 困于光溜溜的铁床栏杆之间, 于矛头之上转成红色,)


