stasis是什么意思 stasis的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-08-12 11:06:20巫云


1. So we the illusion of stasis.

stasis是什么意思 stasis的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. A catalog of all the inhumans they tned and put into stasis.

翻译:是他们并置入静止态所有异人族 a catalog of all the inhumans they tned and put into stasis.。

3. They had him on stasis in a halfway house.

4. Run a complete structal scan, log them in pperly and put them in stasis.

翻译:做一个彻底结构扫描 并做好正确记录保存起来。

5. The crew couldn't svive unless they were in stasis.

6. Most species stay in stasis for long peods of time.

7. Yo mind and body are in a state of shock as a result of the stasis.

8. Rock 'n' ll had entered a peod of stasis.

9. Bluish fingernails suggest venous stasis.

翻译:浅蓝指甲说明静脉停滞 Bluish fingernails suggest venous stasis.。

10. alive, healthy, just asleep.

翻译:健康地活着 只是睡着了 It keeps them in stasis... alive, healthy, just asleep.。

11. it's fm the stasis. Some people just unravel.

12. And the money is in solving people's diabetic foot ulcers and venous stasis ulcers.


13. Now, what Shaw belid was that stasis is impossible.

14. The Effect of Niaoduqing Tablet on the Diesis in Normal Rats and the Hemorheolo in Blood-stasis Rats

15. Comparative Study of XSJZW on the Effects on Hemorheolo in Rat Model of Acute Blood Stasis


