jit是什么意思 jit的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-08-18 08:06:28又卉

jit是什么意思 jit的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 概念解释: JIT管理方法是一种基于需求预测的生产模式,通过减少库存、缩短产品生产周期以及优化物流等手段,提高了生产线的效率和产品质量。它的特点是生产和交付的时间短,无需大量储备库存,可以根据市场需求实时调整生产。

2. 发展历程: JIT管理方法于日本企业中最早实行,并在20世纪xx年始迅速普及。随着全球化的加速和市场的不断变化,越来越多的企业开始采用JIT管理方法,为产品的研发、生产和交付提供了便利。

3. 优势与缺陷:JIT管理方法的优势在于可以减少库存、降低成本、提高效率、缩短产品生产周期和提高市场反应速度。但是,它也存在一些缺陷,比如生产计划要求高度准确,供应链延误可能导致生产线停滞和供应短缺。

4. 应用范围: JIT管理方法适用于各种生产场景,特别是汽车、电子、航空和医疗等高技术行业。它也适用于服务业,如餐饮和医疗保健等领域。


1. The JIT method has been widely adopted in the manufacturing industry to improve efficiency and reduce costs. (JIT方法已经被广泛应用于制造业,以提高效率、降低成本。)

2. The implementation of JIT helps us to minimize inventory costs and optimize production efficiency. (JIT的实施有助于我们将库存成本最小化并优化生产效率。)

3. JIT production requires precise planning and scheng to ensure timely delivery to customers. (JIT生产需要精确的计划和调度,以确保按时交付给客户。)

4. The JIT system enables us to respond quickly to changing market demands and customer needs. (JIT系统让我们能够快速应对市场变化和客户需求。)

5. The company's success is partly due to its implementation of JIT management, which has improved productivity and reduced waste. (公司的成功部分归功于其实施JIT管理,这提高了生产效率并减少了浪费。)




1. JiT是成功的关键之一。 (JiT is one of the keys to success.)

2. 你需要不断地学习新的JiT。 (You need to constantly learn new JiT.)

3. 这个工作需要一些特殊的JiT。 (This job requires some special JiT.)

4. JiT的重要性不容忽视。 (The importance of JiT cannot be ignored.)

5. 她很有JiT,所以她的工作总是做得非常好。 (She has a lot of JiT, so she always does her work very well.)

6. JiT可以帮助你在职场中取得成功。 (JiT can help you succeed in the workplace.)

7. 学习JiT需要时间和努力。 (Learning JiT takes time and effort.)

8. JiT是获得就业机会的重要因素。 (JiT is an important factor in getting job opportunities.)

9. 我们需要培养学生的JiT,以便他们将来成为优秀的公民。 (We need to cultivate students' JiT so that they can become excellent citizens in the future.)





1. The JIT compiler reduces the startup time of the application.


2. JIT compilation is widely used in modern programming languages.





例句:Displays the total MSIL bytes JIT-compiled since the application started. (显示自应用程序启动后实时编译的总MSIL字节数。)


例句:The AOT-compiled code is the equivalent to the native code the JIT compiler would generate if it used a fixed optimisation level. (如果JIT使用了一种固定的优化级别,那么AOT编译的代码就等同于JIT编译器生成的本地代码。)


例句:The JIT compiler ensures it does not compile the MSIL at two different sequence points into a single native instruction . (JIT编译器可确保不会将两个不同序列点的MSIL编译成一条本机指令。)


例句:Not all JIT compilers generate the code as above. (翻译:不是所有的 JIT 编译器都生成如上代码。)


1. The JIT compiler ensures it does not compile the MSIL at two different sequence points into a single native instruction . (翻译:JIT编译器可确保不会将两个不同序列点的MSIL编译成一条本机指令。)

2. Not all JIT compilers generate the code as above. (翻译:不是所有的 JIT 编译器都生成如上代码。)

3. For the OpenJDK the release includes a new JIT compiler, their Pauseless Garbage Collector, and their scalable runtime. (翻译:对于OpenJDK来说,该发布包含了一个新的JIT编译器,不会停顿的垃圾收集器和可伸缩的运行时。)

4. EMQ and JIT are popular approaches of managenment decisions at present. (翻译:EMQ生产模式和JIT生产模式是目前较常用的生产方式。)

5. This helps ensure that the options you think are being set are actually being received and recognized by the JIT compiler. (翻译:这可以帮助确保您考虑的正在设置的选项实际上都正被JIT编译器接受和识别。)

6. The JIT reads in the MSIL and begins to perform optimizations that are very sensitive to changes in the MSIL. (翻译:JIT读取MSIL并开始执行优化,这些优化对MSIL中的变化很敏感。)

7. One of the activities that will interfere with your benchmark is JIT compilation of your code. (翻译:JIT会编译你的代码,这也是众多影响基准测试的行为之一。)

8. That is, it is a parent of other optimizations, and setting JITC_COMPILEOPT=NALL, mean that all other JITspecific optimizations components are also disabled. (翻译:也就是说,这是进行其他优化的祖先;设置 JITC_COMPILEOPT=NALL 意味着所有其他 JIT 特有的优化组件也被禁用了。)

9. The resulting file loads and starts more quickly than it would have if it were being converted to native code by the standard JIT option. (翻译:与用标准JIT选项转换为本机代码相比,结果文件的加载和启动速度更快。)

10. RM localization and VMI are the basis of JIT purchasing mode, it really achieve the aim of low inventory and flexibility management. (翻译:原材料本地化策略和供应商管理库存策略为JIT采购模式的实施奠定了基础,真正意义实现了低库存和柔性生产。)

11. First, write a good optimizing JIT. (翻译:首先,编写一个好的优化JIT。)

12. In discrete production stages, pull type production is used kernelled by JIT to control production logistics. (翻译:以JIT为主线,采用拉式生产模式,进行离散生产阶段的生产物流控制。)

13. If our State organs in accordance with regulations help JIT clearance a tax rebate, the enterprise's job is to a great deal of support. (翻译:我们的国家如能按规定帮助企业及时清算退税,对企业的工作就是一种极大的支持。)

14. The goal is either to avoid the JIT compiler's run-time performance or memory cost or to avoid the interpreter's early performance overhead. (翻译:目的在于避免JIT编译器的运行时性能消耗或内存消耗,或者避免解释程序的早期性能开销。)


