cft是什么意思 cft的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-09-25 14:00:42傲娇浪女


cft是什么意思 cft的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. CFT可以指“情景反应训练”(Crisis First Aid Training),是一种培训模式,旨在帮助人们应对紧急情况和危机事件。通常涉及心理、生理、安全和沟通等方面的技能和知识。


- CFT可以教你如何在自然灾害发生时保护自己和他人。

(CFT can teach you how to protect yourself and others in natural disasters.)

- 公共场所的员工应该接受CFT培训,以确保他们在危机发生时能够有效应对。

(Public place employees should receive CFT training to ensure they can respond effectively during a crisis.)

2. CFT也可以指“共形场论”(conformal field theory),是一种重要的物理学理论,研究量子场和相互作用。它在描述相对论性量子体系的动力学过程中发挥着重要作用。


- CFT是研究量子相对论领域中的一个重要分支。

(CFT is an important branch of study in the field of quantum relativity.)

- CFT被认为是描述现代微观物理学世界的一种基本工具。

(CFT is considered a fundamental tool for describing the modern world of microphysics.)

3. CFT还可以指“换热面积因子”(heat transfer coefficient),是一个表示热传导过程中的换热效率的指标。


- 通过增加换热面积因子,可以提高热交换器的能效。

(By increasing the heat transfer coefficient, the energy efficiency of heat exchangers can be improved.)

- 了解换热面积因子的变化可以帮助我们优化加热和冷却系统。

(Understanding the changes in heat transfer coefficients can help us optimize heating and cooling systems.)

4. CFT也可以是“标准沥青混凝土”(conventional flexible pavement)的缩写。它是一种常见的道路铺设材料,主要由沥青和石料组成。


- CFT是一种经济实用的路面材料,广泛应用于公路建设中。

(CFT is a cost-effective road suce material widely used in highway construction.)

- 优化CFT的设计可以延长道路的使用寿命并减少维护成本。

(Optimizing the design of CFTs can prolong the life of roads and reduce maintenance costs.)

5. 最后,CFT也可以是“客户反应时间”(customer response time)的缩写。这是客户提交请求或投诉后,企业需要回应的时间。


- 提高CFT可以增强客户对企业的信任和忠诚度。

(Improving CFT can enhance customer trust and loyalty to the company.)

- 降低CFT可以提高工作效率并减少资源浪费。

(Lowering CFT can improve work efficiency and reduce resource waste.)





例句:The reliability index and sensitivity coefficients of CFT high piers were invested by the proposed model. (利用该模型分析钢管混凝土超高墩的非线性承载能力可靠度指标与敏感性系数。)


例句:CFT is encouraging community contribution from enterprise and independent developers alike. (CFT鼓励企业和个体开发者做出同样的社区贡献。)


例句:The reliability index and sensitivity coefficients of CFT high piers were invested by the proposed model. (利用该模型分析钢管混凝土超高墩的非线性承载能力可靠度指标与敏感性系数。)


1. The reliability index and sensitivity coefficients of CFT high piers were invested by the proposed model. (翻译:利用该模型分析钢管混凝土超高墩的非线性承载能力可靠度指标与敏感性系数。)

2. if you enjoy staying in shape and helping others , there has never been a better time to become a certified fitness trainer ( cft ) . (翻译:如果你仅仅保持自己的身体健壮来指导他们,将不会有时间或机会成为合格的健身私人教练。)

3. The proposed constitutive relationship can evaluate ultimate strength and deformation of square CFT effectively. (翻译:建议的本构关系可以用于评估方形钢管混凝土短柱的极限承载力和延性。)

4. Unequal thickness walled rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) are a sort of optimization design for rectangular CFT as beams. (翻译:非等壁厚矩形钢管混凝土结构作为梁是一种截面优化的矩形钢管混凝土构件。)
