
生活学习2023-05-20 19:18:40顾北





1. Blair is a Scottish surname that originated from the Gaelic language.(是一个起源于盖尔语的苏格兰姓氏。)

2. Tony Blair was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007.(托尼是英国首相,任职时间为xx年至xx年。)

3. Blair Witch Project is a horror movie that was released in 1999.(《女巫计划》是一部于xx年上映的恐怖电影。)

4. Blairgowrie is a town in Scotland that is known for its fruit growing industry.(高里是苏格兰的一个城镇,以种植水果而著名。)

5. Linda Blair is an American actress who is best known for her role in the horror movie The Exorcist.(琳达是一名美国女演员,因其在恐怖电影《驱魔人》中的角色而闻名。)

6. Blair Atholl is a village in Scotland that is famous for its castle and whisky distillery.(阿索尔是苏格兰的一个村庄,以其城堡和威士忌酿造厂而闻名。)

7. Blair Underwood is an American actor who has appeared in many television shows and movies.(安德伍德是一名美国演员,曾出演许多电视节目和电影。)

8. Blair is a uni name that is more commonly given to girls.(是一个非常常见的中性姓名,更常用于女孩。)

9. Blair Witch is a horror game that was released in 2019.(《女巫》是一款于xx年发布的恐怖游戏。)
