
生活学习2023-05-20 19:20:35心心念念





例句:Scene: ABC Properties Company, Tai Koo Shing branch. (场景:abc地产代理公司太古城分行。)


例句:Louis Koo also wore these pants in commercials it's universally the latest elastic fabric invented (古天乐拍广告也是穿这条裤子 全宇宙最新发明的弹性布料)


例句:Louis Koo and I recorded a few parts, and then it was the baby's time to shine. (我和古天乐分别录了好几段,之后就是宝贝婴儿出场。)


nerokoorous一般作为名词使用,如在Nerokoorous([地名] 奈罗库鲁斯 ( 希 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Nerokoorous[地名] 奈罗库鲁斯 ( 希 )


1. Louis Koo and I recorded a few parts, and then it was the baby's time to shine. (翻译:我和古天乐分别录了好几段,之后就是宝贝婴儿出场。)

2. Rous sarcoma virus contains the src gene that triggers tumor formation. (翻译:劳斯肉瘤病毒包含触发肿瘤形成的 src 基因。)

3. Go through the "Nero Installation Wizard" , the application InCD can now be installed by a right-click on the InCD option. (翻译:浏览“Nero安装向导”,现在可以通过右键单击InCD选项安装应用程序InCD。)

4. Did he ever have pasta nero here? No clue. (翻译:他有没有在这吃过乌意粉 我不知道 Did he ever have pasta nero here?)

5. The magnetic distortion from the planet's rings... will make us invisible to Nero's sensors. (翻译:那星球外层光环产生的磁场畸变... 可以帮我们躲避Nero的探测器)

6. Mr Koo is trying to make the case that the indictment itself is illegal. (翻译:顾立雄正试图造成起诉本身就是非法的局面。)

7. Furthermore, the carefully contrived marriage between Octavia and Nero was a disaster on a personal level. (翻译:进一步说,尼禄和屋大维娅的这场精心设计的婚姻其实就个人层面来说是一场灾难。)

8. Nero, order your men to disable the drill or I will... (翻译:Nero 叫你的人关闭钻头 不然我就...)

9. Nero did have a musical gift and could play the lyre or the cithara. (翻译:尼罗确实有音乐天赋,能够弹奏里拉琴和西特拉琴。)

10. Every second we waste Nero's getting closer to his next target. (翻译:我们越是浪费时间 Nero离他的下一个目标就越近)

11. Closest match I found was Nero's lyre from the great fire of Rome. (翻译:程才磞瓃琌 霉皑ゥ▅Nero柑焊?)

12. We haven't been introduced. My name is Nero Wolfe. (翻译:我们还没有被介绍到。我叫尼罗沃尔夫。)

13. Captain Nero. The Vulcan ship's been taken. The drill has been destroyed. (翻译:Nero舰长 瓦肯星舰被人开走了 钻头也被毁了)

14. This refers to a great myth from the ancient world called Nero redivivus. (翻译:这里指的是古代的一大传说,叫做尼禄复活。)

15. Nero Scout is of particular significance for Nero Home, since file searches using Nero Home only find and display cataloged files. (翻译:NeroScout对NeroHome尤为重要,因为使用NeroHome搜索文件只能查找和显示已编制目录的文件。)
