evidence 是什么意思

生活学习2024-02-12 07:06:59自考教育网



1. 什么是evidence

evidence 是什么意思


2. evidence的发音


3. 音标说明




4. 发音步骤

a) 发出长元音i的/i/:先把嘴唇张开,然后把舌头放平。

b) 发出短元音i的/vɪd/:保持嘴唇稍微张开,把舌头放平,发出一个短元音i。

c) 发出元音ə和长元音s的组合/əns/:保持嘴唇放松,舌头放平,发出一个特殊的中央元音ə,然后再发出长元音s。

5. 注意事项

a) 重音要放在第二个音节上,即/vɪd/。

b) 发音时要注意把每个音节都分开发出来,不要把它们连在一起。

c) 声带不要震动。

6. 示例

a) 我需要一些证据来支持我的论点。[I need some evidence to support my argument.]

b) 他提供了大量的证据来证明自己的清白。[He provided a lot of evidence to prove his innocence.]


1. 词性:名词

2. 词义解释:

- 物证,指能够证明某件事情的具体物质或现象。

- 证据,指能够证明某件事情真实性的信息、事实或逻辑推理。

- 迹象,指能够表明某件事情存在或发生的迹象或痕迹。

3. 示例:

- The detective found some new evidence at the crime scene that could help solve the case.


- There is no evidence to support his claim that he was innocent.


- The dark clouds were evidence of an approaching storm.



1. 什么是evidence?


2. evidence的用法


例如:The police found new evidence that links the suspect to the crime.(警方发现了新的证据将嫌疑人与犯罪联系起来。)

There is no evidence to support his claim.(没有证据支持他的主张。)


例如:The data clearly evidences a decline in sales.(数据清楚地表明销售额下降。)

She was asked to evidence her claims with concrete examples.(她被要求用具体例子来支持她的主张。)

3. evidence的例句

(1)There is strong evidence that climate change is caused by human activities.


(2)The prosecution presented compelling evidence against the accused.


(3)The new study provides further evidence for the theory of evolution.


(4)The detective gathered all the evidence and finally solved the case.


(5)The witness's testimony is crucial evidence in this trial.


(6)The company has to provide evidence of its financial stability before getting a loan.


4. 注意事项




(3)evidence可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,但作及物动词时需要加介词for或against。例如:He evidenced his innocence by providing an alibi.(他通过提供不在场证明来表明自己的清白。)



1. Gather evidence:收集证据

2. Strong evidence:强有力的证据

3. Supporting evidence:支持性证据

4. Convincing evidence:令人信服的证据

5. Overwhelming evidence:压倒性的证据

6. Circumstantial evidence:间接证据

7. Direct evidence:直接证据

8. Factual evidence:事实性证据

9. Admissible evidence:可采纳的证据

10. Incontrovertible evidence:不可辩驳的证据

11. Presenting evidence:呈现证据

12. Examining the evidence:审查证据

13. Evaluating the evidence:评估证据

14. Weighing the evidence:权衡证据

15. Interpreting the evidence:解释证据

16. Analyzing the evidence:分析证据

17. Corroborating evidence: 佐证/印证的证据

18. Contradictory evidence: 相反的/矛盾的 19.

Incriminating/Exculpatory Evidence: 控诉/无罪的 20.

Hearsay Evidence: 传闻式的/非直接见闻式的

21.Evidence-based approach: 循循善诱法案例

22.Evidence-based medicine: 循循善诱医学

23.Forensic Evidence: 法庭上使用作为依凭的法医学检验结果

24.Circumstantial Evidence: 周围环境下形成的间接性依凭

25.Hard Evidence: 硬证据/确凿的证据

26.Scientific Evidence: 科学依据

27.Statistical Evidence: 统计学依据

28.Testimonial Evidence: 证人证词

29.Digital Evidence: 数字化的证据

30.Documentary Evidence: 文件式的证据

31. Physical Evidence:物理性的证据

32. Trace Evidence:痕迹性的证据

33. Forensic DNA evidence:法医DNA证据

34. Ballistic evidence:弹道学证据

35. Audiovisual evidence:视听性的证据

36. Photographic evidence:摄影记录的证据

37. Documentary evidence:文件记录的证据

38. Material evidence:物质性的证据

39. Expert evidence:专家意见作为依凭的证据

40. Circumstantial/Indirect evidence:间接性/非直接性的证据

41. Primary/Secondary evidence:一手/二手资料作为依凭的证据 42.

Positive/Negative evidence: 正面/反面观点支持作为依凭的论点 43.

Hypothetical/Suggestive evidence: 假设性/暗示性作为依凭的论点 44.

Inadmissible/Inconclusive Evidence: 不可采纳/不确定性作为依凭的论点 45.

Cumulative/Circumstantial Evidence: 累积效应式/周边环境下形成作为依凭的论点 46.

Unsubstantiated/Fabricated Evidence: 未证实的/伪造的作为依凭的论点 47.

Unreliable/Inconsistent Evidence: 不可靠的/矛盾的作为依凭的论点 48.

Strong/Weak Evidence: 强有力的/薄弱的作为依凭的论点 49.

Conclusive/Inconclusive Evidence: 结论性/不确定性作为依凭的论点 50.

Credible/Doubtful Evidence: 可信的/可疑的作为依凭的论点


1. 同义词:proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, support

例如:The evidence presented in court was enough to prove the defendant's guilt.

2. 反义词:doubt, uncertainty, ambiguity, suspicion

例如:The lack of evidence in the case left room for doubt and uncertainty

