
生活学习2024-02-12 07:33:18自考教育网



1. 拼音:[ɪgˈzæktli]


2. 解释:exactly是一个副词,意为“确切地,精确地”,常用于强调事物的准确性和精确性。

3. 用法:通常用于肯定句中,表示某件事情或情况与所描述的完全相符合。也可以用于问句中,询问某件事情或情况是否准确无误。

4. 同义词:precisely, accurately, correctly

5. 反义词:approximately, roughly, about

6. 示例:

(1) I want this job to be done exactly as I requested.


(2) Can you tell me exactly how to get to the train station?


(3) The price of this dress is exactly $50.


(4) He knows exactly what he wants in life.


7. 注意事项:

(1) 不要将exactly与very连用,因为它们都有强调的意思,会显得重复。

(2) 在口语中,often和exactly经常被连读成oft'n'xactly,注意发音时不要省略t和l的发音


1. 什么是exactly?


2. 如何读音?


3. 和其他类似词汇有什么区别?


4. 用法示例:

- “Could you tell me exactly what time the meeting starts?”(你能告诉我会议几点开始吗?)

- “I followed the instructions exactly, but it still didn't work.”(我按照指示做了,可还是没成功。)

- “I don't know exactly how many people will come to the party.”(我不知道会有多少人来参加派对。)

5. 幽默小故事:

有一次,小明去超市买东西,看到牛奶上写着“exactly one liter”。他想了想,突然问售货员:“这牛奶是不是一升啊?”售货员笑着回答:“exactly!”(正好是一升!)


1. 词性


2. 词源


3. 解释


4. 用法示例

- Can you tell me exactly what happened? (你能告诉我发生了什么事吗?)

- The dress fits her exactly. (这件连衣裙正好合身。)

- I need to know exactly where the meeting will be held. (我需要知道会议将在哪里举行。)

- That's exactly what I was thinking. (那正是我所想的。)

5. 同义词


6. 反义词


7. 搭配短语

- Exactly right: 完全正确的,一点不错。

- Exactly the same: 完全相同的。

- Exactly what I was looking for: 正是我在寻找的。

8. 常见错误



1. 简介


2. 语法


- He did exactly what I told him to do. (他完全按照我告诉他的做了。)

- The movie was exactly as I expected. (电影正如我所预料的那样。)

- She speaks English exactly like a native speaker. (她说英语就像母语者一样准确。)

3. 含义


- This is exactly the kind of music I like. (这正是我喜欢的那种音乐。)

- That is exactly what I wanted to hear. (那正是我想听到的。)

- You are exactly right about that. (你对此完全正确。)

4. 用法


- The map is exactly to scale. (这张地图比例尺完全准确。)

- This is exactly the dress I was looking for. (这正是我在找的那件裙子。)

5. 另外,exactly还可以用来表示强调或肯定的语气。在这种情况下,它通常与“that's”连用,表示“就是那样”、“正是如此”的意思。例如:

- That's exactly what I was trying to say. (就是那样,我想说的就是这个。)

- He's exactly the type of person I can't stand. (他就是我最受不了的那种人。)



1. 什么是exactly?


2. 如何使用exactly?

在日常口语中,我们经常会使用exactly来强调某件事情或者表达自己的同意。比如说,“I exactly know what you mean.”(我完全理解你的意思。)或者“Exactly! That’s what I was thinking too.”(完全正确!我也是这么想的。)此外,exactly还可以用来回答问题,表示肯定或者确认。例如,“Is this the right way to the station?”(这条路是去车站的正确路线吗?)“Exactly!”(没错!)

3. 双语例句:

- Can you tell me exactly how to get there?


- The instructions must be followed exactly.


- I can’t remember exactly when we met.


- This is exactly what I wanted.


- The weather forecast was exactly right.


4. 扩展用法:

除了作为副词和形容词之外,exactly还可以作为介词,表示“正好在……上”、“恰恰在……上”。例如,“The key fits exactly in the lock.”(钥匙正好能插入锁里。)此外,exactly还可以用来表示“就是”、“就在那里”的意思。比如,“I found the book exactly where I left it.”(我找到了书,就在我放的地方。)


1. Precisely

- This word has a similar meaning to exactly and is often used in formal contexts.

- Example: The instructions must be followed precisely in order to achieve the desired result.

2. Accurately

- This word emphasizes the importance of being correct and precise.

- Example: The measurements need to be taken accurately in order to ensure accuracy in the experiment.

3. Correctly

- Similar to accurately, this word stresses the importance of being right or accurate.

- Example: The answer must be calculated correctly in order for the equation to make sense.

4. Completely

- This word means that something is done with full accuracy and without any mistakes.

- Example: The project needs to be completed completely before the deadline.

5. Definitely

- This word expresses certainty and emphasizes that something is exact or precise.

- Example: I can definitely say that this is exactly what we were looking for.

6. Utterly

- Similar to completely, this word means that something is done without any errors or deviations.

- Example: The translation must be utterly accurate in order for it to be accepted by our clients.

7. Perfectly

- This word means that something is done with complete precision and without any flaws.

- Example: The painting was perfectly reproduced by the artist, it looks exactly like the original.

8. Faithfully

- This word suggests that something is done with great care and attention to detail, resulting in an exact representation.

- Example: The movie was faithfully adapted from the book, every scene was exactly as described.

9. Unerringly

- Similar to faithfully, this word means that something is done without making any mistakes or errors.

- Example: The detective's instincts were unerringly accurate, he solved every case he worked on.

10. Spot on

- This phrase means that something is completely accurate and correct.

- Example: Your analysis of the situation was spot on, we couldn't have done it without you.

11. Dead on

- This phrase has a similar meaning to spot on and emphasizes the precision and accuracy of something.

- Example: The target was hit dead on by the archer, his aim was perfect.

12. Bang on

- This phrase means that something is exactly right or correct.

- Example: Your answer was bang on, you understood the question perfectly.

13. On the dot

- This phrase emphasizes punctuality and exactness.

- Example: The meeting will start at 9 o'clock on the dot, please be on time.

14. Just right

- This phrase means that something is done with perfect accuracy or timing.

- Example: The amount of sugar in this recipe is just right, it tastes exactly as it should.

15. Rightly

- Similar to just right, this word suggests that something is done in a precise and accurate manner.

- Example: The decision was rightly made based on all the available information

