
生活学习2024-02-12 07:42:11自考教育网



1. 看起来像“eggs-amined”吗?

2. 还是更像是“eggs-uh-mind”?


3. 其实,它的正确发音是“ig-zamind”。

4. 是不是有点意外?别担心,你并不孤单。

5. 很多人都会读错这个单词的发音,因为它看起来和一些常见的英语单词很相似。

6. 但其实,“examined”的正确发音和这些单词完全不同。

7. 它来自拉丁语中的一个词根,意思是“审查”或“检验”。

8. 所以,如果你想要用它表达某物被仔细检查过了,就要记住正确的发音啦!

9. 那么,现在你可以和朋友们炫耀一下你学会了如何正确发音“examined”啦!

10. 不要忘记分享给其他人哦,让大家都能说出这个单词的正确发音


1. 什么是examined?


2. examined的发音和词源


3. examined与其他相关单词的区别


- inspect:强调对某物进行仔细观察和检查,并通常用于指定特定目标。

- review:指对某事物进行全面回顾和评估。

- evaluate:着重于对某事物进行深入分析和判断,并给出结论。

4. examined在不同语境下的用法

- 在医学领域中,examined通常用来描述医生对患者进行身体检查。

- 在教育领域中,examined可以指学生参加考试或被老师提问。

- 在法律领域中,examined可以指法官或律师对证人进行询问。

- 在商业领域中,examined可以指对某个产品或服务进行质量检查。

- 在日常生活中,examined可以指对某个问题或情况进行仔细观察和分析。

5. examined的用法示例

- The doctor carefully examined the patient's symptoms and made a diagnosis. (医生仔细检查了患者的症状并作出了诊断。)

- The teacher examined the students on their knowledge of history. (老师考察了学生们对历史知识的掌握情况。)

- The lawyer examined the witness in court. (律师在法庭上对证人进行了询问。)

- The company has strict procedures for examining the quality of their products. (该公司有严格的程序来检查产品质量。)

- We need to carefully examine all the options before making a decision. (在做出决定之前,我们需要仔细考虑所有的选择。)


1. examined的基本含义


2. examined作为及物动词的用法

a. 用于检查物体:The doctor examined the patient's wound carefully. (医生仔细检查了病人的伤口。)

b. 用于审查文件:The lawyer examined the contract before signing it. (律师在签署合同前审查了文件。)

c. 用于调查情况:The police are examining the evidence to solve the case. (警方正在调查证据以解决这起案件。)

3. examined作为不及物动词的用法

a. 意为“参加考试”:He will be examined on his knowledge of history tomorrow. (明天他将接受关于历史知识的考试。)

b. 意为“接受身体检查”:All applicants must be examined by a doctor before being hired. (所有申请者在被录用前必须接受医生的身体检查。)

4. examined作为形容词的用法

a. 表示被检验过的状态:The examined documents were found to be authentic. (经过检验后,这些文件被发现是真实的。)

b. 表示经过仔细思考的:The examined solution proved to be the most effective. (经过仔细思考后,这个解决方案被证明是最有效的。)

5. examined的例句

a. The teacher examined the students' homework and gave them feedback.


b. The police are examining the crime scene for any clues.


c. I need to get my eyes examined because I've been having trouble seeing clearly.


d. The students were all nervous before being examined for their final exams.


e. The doctor examined the patient's x-ray and found a fracture in his arm.



1. be examined:被检查、被审查

2. carefully examined:仔细检查

3. closely examined:密切审视

4. critically examined:批判性地检查

5. thoroughly examined:彻底检查

6. medically examined:接受医学检查

7. legally examined:经过法律审查

8. closely examined evidence:仔细审视的证据

9. minutely examined details:详细检查的细节

10. exhaustively examined documents:详尽检查的文件

11. expertly examined findings:专家审视的发现

12. meticulously examined records:精心检查的记录

13. independently examined reports:独立审查的报告

14. systematically examined data:系统地分析的数据

15. repeatedly examined facts:反复核实的事实


1. Investigated - 调查、研究

2. Scrutinized - 审查、仔细观察

3. Studied - 学习、研究

4. Analyzed - 分析、检测

5. Inspected - 检查、审视

6. Examined in detail - 详细检查

7. Probed - 探索、探究

8. Evaluated - 评估、估计

9. Assessed - 评估、审定

10. Reviewed - 复查、回顾

