
生活学习2024-02-12 08:04:30自考教育网



1. "excellent"一词的发音为 [ˈɛksələnt],其中第一个音节为重读音节,即强读。


2. 音标中的[x]发音类似于汉语拼音中的"sh",但要比"sh"更轻柔。

3. 音标中的[ə]发音类似于汉语拼音中的"e",但要比"e"更短促。

4. 音标中的[l]发音为舌尖抵住上齿龈,用气流摩擦发出声音。

5. 音标中的[nt]组合发音为齿龈塞擦音,即舌尖抵住上齿龈,用气流阻止后再释放出来。

6. 最后一个音节的[t]发音要轻一些,不要带有强烈的爆破气流。



1. 词性:形容词

2. 词义:非常好的,卓越的,优秀的



例如,在工作中表现出色的员工可以被称为“an excellent employee”;一本书被认为是非常优秀的作品时可以说是“an excellent book”;而在体育比赛中获得冠军则可以被称为“an excellent achievement”。

除了用来修饰人和事物外,“excellent”还可以用来表示某件事情做得非常好或达到了高标准。比如,“an excellent performance”指的是一场非常成功的演出;“excellent service”则表示服务非常周到、专业


1. "excellent"是一个形容词,意为非常好的、优秀的。

例句:She did an excellent job on her presentation and received high praise from her boss.

2. "excellent"也可以用作表示赞扬或赞美的感叹词。

例句:Excellent! You have finally passed your driving test after three attempts.

3. 这个词也可以用来形容某人具有出色的能力或特质。

例句:He is an excellent cook and always impresses his guests with delicious meals.

4. 在商业场景中,"excellent"可以用来表达某个产品或服务质量非常好。

例句:The hotel received excellent reviews for its top-notch facilities and exceptional service.

5. 除了形容人或事物,"excellent"也可以用来描述一种状态或情况。

例句:The weather was excellent for our outdoor picnic, with clear blue skies and warm sunshine.

6. "excellent"还可以作为表示同意或赞同的回答。

例句:A: Do you think we should go to the beach this weekend? B: Excellent idea! I could use some sun and relaxation.

7. 最后,作为一种俏皮的用法,年轻人也经常使用"excellent"来强调某件事情的重要性或酷炫程度。

例句:That party was excellent! The music was amazing, the food was delicious, and the company was great


1. Outstanding - "excellent"的同义词,意为出色的、杰出的。例如:His performance in the competition was outstanding.

2. Exceptional - "excellent"的同义词,意为非凡的、卓越的。例如:She has exceptional talent in playing the piano.

3. Superb - "excellent"的同义词,意为极好的、精湛的。例如:The food at that restaurant is always superb.

4. Marvelous - "excellent"的同义词,意为了不起的、令人惊叹的。例如:The view from the top of the mountain was marvelous.

5. Splendid - "excellent"的同义词,意为华丽的、壮观的。例如:The ballroom was decorated with splendid chandeliers.

6. Terrific - "excellent"的同义词,意为极好的、了不起的。例如:He did a terrific job on his presentation.

7. Fabulous - "excellent"的同义词,意为极好的、绝妙的。例如:The party was absolutely fabulous!

8. Brilliant - "excellent" 的同义词,意为杰出聪明、辉煌灿烂。例如:Her performance in the play was brilliant.

9. First-rate - "excellent" 的同义词,意为一流优秀。例如:The service at this hotel is always first-rate.

10. Top-notch - "excellent" 的同义词,意为顶级水平、一流品质。例如:This restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine


1. Poor

- "Poor" is the opposite of "excellent" and describes something that is of low quality or lacking in value or importance. For example, "The movie received poor reviews from critics."

- Other synonyms for "poor" include: bad, inferior, subpar, unsatisfactory.

2. Mediocre

- Another antonym for "excellent" is "mediocre", which means average or ordinary. It can be used to describe something that is not particularly good or impressive. For example, "The food at the restaurant was mediocre."

- Other synonyms for "mediocre" include: average, ordinary, unremarkable.

3. Inferior

- When something is described as "inferior", it means it is of lower quality or value compared to something else. It can also mean being lower in rank or status. For example, "The cheaper brand was inferior to the more expensive one."

- Other synonyms for "inferior" include: substandard, second-rate, lower-quality.

4. Deficient

- If something is lacking in some way or falls short of expectations, it can be described as "deficient". This word can also be used to describe a person who lacks certain qualities or skills. For example, "The team's performance was deficient due to their lack of practice."

- Other synonyms for "deficient" include: inadequate, insufficient, lacking.

5. Faulty

- Something that has defects or flaws can be referred to as being "faulty". This word is often used to describe objects or systems that are not functioning properly. For example, "The car had faulty brakes."

- Other synonyms for "faulty" include: defective, flawed, malfunctioning.

6. Terrible

- When something is extremely bad or unpleasant in some way, it can be described as being "terrible". This word can also be used to express a strong negative emotion. For example, "The service at the restaurant was terrible."

- Other synonyms for "terrible" include: awful, dreadful, horrible.

7. Dreadful

- Similar to "terrible", "dreadful" is used to describe something that is extremely bad or unpleasant. It can also mean causing fear or dread. For example, "The weather was dreadful during our vacation."

- Other synonyms for "dreadful" include: appalling, atrocious, abysmal.

8. Abysmal

- If something is described as "abysmal", it means it is extremely bad or of very low quality. It can also mean being at the lowest point or level possible. For example, "The team's performance was abysmal this season."

- Other synonyms for "abysmal" include: dismal, deplorable, wretched.

9. Unsatisfactory

- When something fails to meet expectations or requirements, it can be described as being "unsatisfactory". This word can also be used to describe a situation that is not acceptable or pleasing. For example, "The company's profits were unsatisfactory this quarter."

- Other synonyms for "unsatisfactory" include: inadequate, unacceptable, disappointing.

10. Unremarkable

- Another antonym for "excellent" is "unremarkable", which means not particularly interesting or impressive. It can also mean being ordinary or average in quality. For example, "The play received unremarkable reviews from critics."

- Other synonyms for "unremarkable" include: mediocre, unexceptional, average

