
生活学习2024-02-12 08:13:49自考教育网



1. 异常情况的发音



2. exception的同义词及例句

- 同义词:anomaly, deviation, irregularity, aberration

- 例句:

a) The weather forecast predicted heavy rain, but we experienced the exception of a sunny day.


b) In our company, there are strict rules and regulations, but exceptions can be made in special circumstances.


3. exception怎么读

- 怎么读:exception [ikˈsepʃn]

- 音标:[ikˈsepʃn]

- 发音示范:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kj5I2VpR5w

4. 关于exception的其他用法及意思


- 动词用法:to except(除去),to make an exception(做出例外)

- 形容词用法:exceptional(特殊的、非凡的)



1. 引言


2. Exception的定义


3. Exception的发音


4. Exception的同义词


5. Exception的例句


- The company has made an exception for this special case. (公司在这个特殊情况下做出了例外)

- The teacher made an exception and allowed the student to retake the exam. (老师做出了例外,允许学生重考)

- This is an exception to the rule. (这是一个例外,不符合规则)

- The computer program encountered an exception and crashed. (计算机程序遇到了异常情况并崩溃)

6. Exception的常见用法




1. Exception的意思是“例外”,通常用来表示某种情况或对象与一般规则不同,具有特殊性。

例句:This case is an exception to the rule.(这个案例是规则的一个例外。)

2. Exception的读音为[ikˈsepʃn],其中的“ex”发音为[ɪks],“cept”发音为[sept]。

例句:Can you pronounce the word "exception" correctly?(你能正确地发音单词"exception"吗?)

3. Exception的同义词包括:anomaly、deviation、abnormality等。

例句:Her behavior was an exception to her usual calmness.(她的行为与平时沉稳相比是个异常。)

4. 当表示某种情况或对象与一般规则不同时,也可以使用其他表达方式,如:not the norm、out of the ordinary等。

例句:His performance was not the norm for a beginner.(对于一个初学者来说,他的表现并不是正常水平。)

5. 在编程语言中,Exception也常用来表示程序运行过程中出现的错误或异常情况。

例句:The program crashed due to an unhandled exception.(程序因未处理的异常而崩溃。)


1. Exceptional circumstances - 非常时期/情况

例句:Due to exceptional circumstances, the event has been postponed until further notice.

2. Make an exception - 作出例外

例句:I don't usually allow pets in my house, but I'll make an exception for your well-behaved dog.

3. Exceptionally talented - 非凡的天赋

例句:She is exceptionally talented in playing the piano.

4. Without exception - 毫无例外

例句:All employees, without exception, are required to attend the meeting tomorrow.

5. Exception to the rule - 例外情况

例句:She is usually very punctual, so her lateness today is an exception to the rule.

6. Take exception to - 对...感到不满/反对

例句:He took exception to my comment and started arguing with me.

7. No exceptions allowed - 不允许任何例外

例句:This rule applies to everyone, no exceptions allowed.

8. Exceptionally good/bad - 非常好/糟糕的

例句:The food at this restaurant is exceptionally good, I highly recommend it.

9. The exception proves the rule - 有意外就证明规律存在(常用于反讽)

例句:I know you said all men are liars, but he's an honest man. The exception proves the rule.

10. Be an exception rather than a rule - 是个特殊情况而非一般规律

例句:In this company, flexible working hours are an exception rather than a rule


1. Anomaly - 这个词的意思和exception相似,都表示不正常或异常的情况。例如:The sudden increase in prices was an anomaly in the market.

2. Abnormality - 同样也是指不正常或异常的情况,可以用来替换exception。例如:His behavior was an abnormality compared to his usual calm demeanor.

3. Deviation - 这个词可以表示偏离正常或标准的情况,也可以用来代替exception。例如:The company's profits showed a deviation from their projected numbers.

4. Irregularity - 和exception一样,这个词也可以表示不规则或异常的情况。例如:The irregularity in his attendance at work raised some concerns among his colleagues.

5. Fluke - 这个词有时候被用来表示意外或偶然发生的事情,也可以用来代替exception。例如:Winning the lottery was just a fluke for him.

6. Quirk - 同样也可以表示奇怪或不寻常的情况,适合替换exception。例如:Her sudden outburst was just a quirk of her personality.

7. Peculiarity - 这个词可以指某种特殊的特征或行为,也可以用来表达与众不同的情况。例如:His love for insects is just one of his peculiarities.

8. Oddity - 和peculiarity类似,这个词也可以表示与众不同或奇怪的事物。例如:The oddity of the situation left everyone confused.

9. Rarity - 这个词可以指罕见的事物,也可以用来表示不寻常的情况。例如:The snowstorm in May was a rarity for this region.

10. Unusual occurrence - 这个短语可以表示不寻常的事件,适合替换exception。例如:The earthquake was an unusual occurrence for this area

