
生活学习2024-02-12 08:39:20自考教育网




1. 感到兴奋的:当你听到自己最喜欢的歌曲时,你会感到excited(兴奋)。例如:“I am so excited to see my favorite band perform live tonight!”(我今晚能看到我最喜欢的乐队现场表演,我太兴奋了!)


2. 充满激情的:当你对某件事情非常热衷时,你可以说你是excited(激动)的。例如:“I am excited about the new project at work and can't wait to get started!”(我对工作中这个新项目非常感兴趣,迫不及待要开始了!)

3. 激动人心的:当某件事情让人感到非常激动时,也可以用excited来形容。例如:“The news of their engagement got everyone excited.”(他们订婚的消息让大家都很激动。)

4. 热切期待的:当你对某件即将发生的事情充满期待时,也可以说你是excited(急切地等待)的。例如:“I am excited for my trip to Europe next month.”(我对下个月去欧洲旅行感到非常期待。)


1. I am so excited to go on vacation next week.


2. The children were excited to see the circus show.


3. She was thrilled to receive the award.


4. We are all eagerly waiting for the new restaurant to open.




1. 发音及词性

excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd]


2. 词义解释


3. 同义词

thrilled, elated, enthusiastic, ecstatic, exhilarated

4. 例句及用法解析

- She was excited about the trip to Europe. (她对去欧洲旅行感到兴奋。)

- I am so excited to see you again! (我很兴奋能再次见到你!)

- The children were excited to open their Christmas presents. (孩子们对打开他们的圣诞礼物感到兴奋。)

- The news of her promotion made her very excited. (她升职的消息让她非常激动。)

5. 语法提示


6. 搭配短语

- get excited: 变得兴奋

- be excited about/for: 对...感到兴奋

- be excited to do: 兴奋地做某事

- excitedly: 兴奋地,激动地

7. 注意事项


8. 拓展阅读


- The thrilling movie excited the audience. (那部惊险的电影让观众兴奋不已。)

- The news of his victory excited his fans. (他胜利的消息让他的粉丝们非常兴奋。)

9. 总结回顾



1. excited的意思是兴奋的,激动的,热情的。它可以用来形容某人对某件事情或某人感到非常兴奋和激动。

例如:I am so excited about my trip to Europe next month! (我对下个月去欧洲旅行感到非常兴奋!)

2. excited的发音为 [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd],重音在第一个音节。它的同义词包括thrilled, enthusiastic, eager等。

3. 双语例句:

- She was so excited that she couldn't stop jumping up and down.


- I could see the excitement in her eyes when she talked about her new job.


- The children were very excited to see the circus performance.


- I am really excited about the new project we are working on.



1. 热情洋溢的 (full of excitement)

例句:She was full of excitement when she heard the news about her promotion.

2. 兴奋不已的 (excited beyond words)

例句:The children were excited beyond words when they saw the fireworks display.

3. 激动不已的 (excited to no end)

例句:He was excited to no end when he found out he had won the lottery.

4. 欣喜若狂的 (ecstatic with excitement)

例句:The crowd was ecstatic with excitement as their team scored the winning goal.

5. 雀跃不已的 (jumping with excitement)

例句:The puppy was jumping with excitement when its owner came home.

6. 热烈兴奋的 (fervently excited)

例句:The fans were fervently excited as their favorite band took the stage.

7. 振奋人心的 (thrillingly excited)

例句:The rollercoaster ride was thrillingly exciting for the adrenaline junkies.

8. 兴高采烈的 (delightfully excited)

例句:She was delightfully excited to receive a surprise birthday party from her friends.

9. 跃跃欲试的 (eagerly excited)

例句:The students were eagerly excited to participate in the science fair competition.

10. 无比激动的 (tremendously excited)

例句:He was tremendously excited to meet his favorite celebrity in person


1. Thrilled

- Definition: feeling a sudden rush of excitement or pleasure

- Example sentence: She was thrilled to receive the job offer.

2. Enthusiastic

- Definition: having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval

- Example sentence: The audience was enthusiastic about the performance.

3. Ecstatic

- Definition: feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement

- Example sentence: He was ecstatic when he won the game.

4. Elated

- Definition: extremely happy and excited because of something good that has happened

- Example sentence: She was elated to hear that she got accepted into her dream university.

5. Euphoric

- Definition: characterized by an intense feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being

- Example sentence: Winning the championship left him feeling euphoric.

6. Exhilarated

- Definition: feeling very happy, animated, or elated; thrilled; invigorated

- Example sentence: The group was exhilarated after completing the challenging hike.

7. Delighted

- Definition: feeling or showing great pleasure; highly pleased

- Example sentence: She was delighted with her new puppy.

8. Jubilant

- Definition: feeling or expressing great joy and triumph

- Example sentence: The team was jubilant after winning the championship game.

9. Overjoyed

- Definition: extremely happy and excited; filled with joy

- Example sentence: She was overjoyed when she found out she was pregnant.

10. Excitedly

- Definition: in an enthusiastic and eager manner

Example sentence:- He spoke excitedly about his upcoming trip to Europe

