
生活学习2024-02-12 10:32:00自考教育网



What does existent mean?

Are you confused about the word "existent"? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people struggle to understand this word, but fear not, I am here to help!

First of all, let's break down the word. "Existent" is an adjective that describes something that exists or is real. It comes from the Latin word "existere" which means "to come into being". So essentially, existent means something that has come into being and currently exists.

Now, how do you pronounce it? The correct pronunciation is ig-ZIS-tuhnt. Remember to emphasize the second syllable and make the "t" sound at the end.

If you're still having trouble understanding what existent means, let me give you some examples. A tree in your backyard is existent because it physically exists in your backyard. Your favorite TV show is also existent because it currently exists and can be watched. On the other hand, a unicorn is not existent because it does not physically exist in our world.

Some synonyms for existent are existing, present, and real. These words can be used interchangeably depending on the context.

For example:

- The existent problem needs to be addressed immediately.

- The existing situation is causing a lot of stress.

- Is there any present danger in this area?

- I can't believe this is actually real!

In conclusion, existent simply means something that exists or is real. Now that you have a better understanding of this word, go out and impress your friends with your new knowledge!

How to pronounce existent?

1. 什么是existent?

- existent是一个形容词,意为“存在的”、“实际的”、“真实的”。它来自于拉丁语的词根existere,意为“出现”、“出现在某处”。

2. existent怎么读?

- existent的发音为[ɪɡˈzɪstənt],重音在第二个音节上。

3. existent的同义词有哪些?

- existent的同义词包括:existing、real、actual、present、material等。

4. existent在句子中如何使用?

- 例如:

- The evidence proves that the rumored creature is actually existent.(证据证明传闻中的生物实际上是存在的。)

- The company is facing a crisis of its existent status.(公司正面临着其现有状态的危机。)

5. 如何正确使用existent?

- 在使用existent时,需要注意以下几点:

- 它通常用作形容词,修饰名词或代词;

- 在句子中作表语时,需要与be动词搭配使用;

- 可以用来描述物质或抽象概念

Usage and examples of existent

1. Definition of existent

Existent is an adjective that means "having being or actual existence". It can also refer to something that is currently in existence or present. The word comes from the Latin word "existere" which means "to come into being, to appear".

2. Pronunciation of existent

The word existent is pronounced as /ɪɡˈzɪstənt/ in American English and /ɪɡˈzɪstənt/ in British English.

3. Synonyms of existent

- Present: refers to something that currently exists or is happening.

Example: The present situation is causing a lot of concern.

- Actual: refers to something that truly exists or happens, rather than being imagined or supposed.

Example: The actual cost of the project was much higher than expected.

- Real: refers to something that exists objectively and can be perceived by the senses.

Example: The real reason for his resignation was never revealed.

- Tangible: refers to something that can be touched, felt, or experienced physically.

Example: She wanted tangible evidence before believing the rumors.

4. Examples of existent in sentences

- The company's existent problems have been resolved with the new management team.

- Despite their differences, they both agreed on one thing - the existent threat of climate change.

- The artist's latest exhibit showcases a combination of abstract and representational art forms, creating an interesting dialogue between the non-existent and the existent.

- Many people believe in an afterlife, but there is no concrete evidence for its existence in our current existent world.

5. Usage tips for existent

- Existent can be used as an adjective to describe a noun (existent problems) or as a noun itself (the state of being).

- It can also be used as an antonym for non-existent (something that does not exist).

- Be careful not to confuse existent with the word existence, which is a noun referring to the state or fact of existing.

In conclusion, existent is a versatile word that can be used to describe something that currently exists or has actual existence. It is often used in contrast with non-existent and can be used in various contexts. Remember to use it accurately and appropriately in your writing

Synonyms for existent

1. Present

- Definition: currently existing or happening; in existence at the present time

- Example: The present situation is causing a lot of stress for everyone involved.

2. Actual

- Definition: existing in reality or fact; not merely possible or imaginary

- Example: The actual cost of the project turned out to be much higher than expected.

3. Real

- Definition: existing or occurring as fact; not imagined or supposed

- Example: The real reason for his absence was finally revealed.

4. Tangible

- Definition: capable of being touched; real or actual rather than imaginary or visionary

- Example: We need tangible evidence to support our claims.

5. Existing

- Definition: having life or being; currently in existence

- Example: The existing laws are outdated and need to be revised.

6. Subsisting

- Definition: continuing to survive or exist

- Example: The company is subsisting on its reserves until the economy improves.

7. Extant

- Definition: still in existence; surviving

- Example: The extant documents provide valuable insights into the history of the region.

8. Alive

- Definition: living, not dead

- Example: Despite his old age, he is still very much alive and active.

9. Current

- Definition: happening now; present time

- Example: The current situation requires immediate action.

10. In being

- Definition: currently existing and functioning

- Example: The new policies are already in being and have been well received by the public

Sentences with existent

1. What does existent mean?

Existent refers to something that exists or is real, as opposed to something that is imaginary or nonexistent. For example: "The existent problems in our society cannot be ignored any longer."

2. How do you pronounce existent?

Existent is pronounced as /ɪɡˈzɪstənt/, with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for existent

Some synonyms for existent include: real, actual, tangible, present, and alive.

4. Example sentences with existent

- The existent state of the economy is causing concern among citizens.

- Is there any evidence to prove the existence of aliens or is it just an existent theory?

- The therapist helped her come to terms with her existent fears and anxieties.

- His paintings depict a world beyond our own, a realm of pure imagination rather than one of existent reality.

- Despite the challenges, she remained hopeful and determined to make her dreams into an existent reality

In conclusion, existent is a word that refers to something that is real or currently existing. It is pronounced \ig'zistənt\ and can be used in various contexts to describe the presence of something. Some synonyms for existent include present, current, and actual. For example, "The existent situation is causing a lot of problems." Additionally, here are some sentences with existent: "The rumors about the new product were just that - rumors. The existent product was even better than expected." "She couldn't believe the existent beauty of the scenery in front of her." As an editor for this website, I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you enjoyed it, please consider following me for more interesting content. Thank you for reading!
