
生活学习2024-02-12 10:40:44自考教育网





1. "e"的发音就像是我们中文里的“诶”,不过要比较轻松一点,就像是在说“嗯”的时候,突然想起了什么好玩的事情一样。

2. "x"的发音就像是我们中文里的“克斯”,不过要快一些,就像是在说“快乐”的时候,突然被吓了一跳一样。

3. "i"的发音就像是我们中文里的“艾”,不过要比较明亮一点,就像是在说“爱”的时候,突然想到了一个人一样。

4. "t"的发音就像是我们中文里的“提”,不过要比较轻松一点,就像是在说“太棒了”的时候,突然想到了一个好主意一样。

5. 所以,“exit”的拼音其实可以理解为:嗯克斯艾提!听起来有点像是在给自己打气呢。不论遇到什么困难或者挑战,在这个拼音的鼓励下,相信你都能够勇敢地迎接并顺利通过。加油!


1. “exit”到底怎么读?


2. 从根源上说,“exit”的发音取决于它的词源及其所处的语境。在拉丁语中,“exire”意为“走出”,因此,“exit”的第一种发音是[ˈɛksɪt],强调第一个音节,类似于单词“egg”的发音。

3. 另外一种常见的发音方式是[ˈɛgzɪt],强调第二个音节。这种发音更接近于法语中的“sortie”,也就是“出口”的意思。如果你想要更加准确地表达出这个意思,可以选择这种发音方式。

4. 此外,在某些特定场合下,“exit”还可以被读作[ˈiːksɪt]或者[ˈaɪksɪt]。比如在舞台剧或电影中,“exit”指代角色离开舞台或镜头时使用的台词,通常会被念成[iksit]或者[aiksit]。

5. 总的来说,我们可以根据具体的语境来决定“exit”的正确发音。如果是指出口或离开某处的意思,可以读作[ˈɛksɪt]或者[ˈɛgzɪt];如果是指离开舞台或镜头,可以读作[ˈiːksɪt]或者[ˈaɪksɪt]。

6. 不管怎么读,“exit”都是一个非常常用的词汇,在日常生活中经常会遇到。所以,掌握它的正确发音也是非常重要的。希望通过今天的介绍,你已经学会了如何正确地读“exit”啦!

7. 最后,让我们来做个小测试吧!下次当你看到“exit”这个单词时,你会怎么读?快来试一试吧!记得根据语境选择合适的发音哦


1. 用法说明


2. 动词用法

a. 作为及物动词,exit表示“退出、离开”,常与from或out连用。例如:

- She exited the room quietly.


- The passengers exited the plane one by one.


b. 作为不及物动词,exit表示“出去、离开”。例如:

- He exited through the back door.


- The students exited the classroom noisily.


3. 名词用法

a. exit作为名词时,常指“出口、通道”,特别是指紧急情况下的逃生通道。例如:

- Please follow the signs to the nearest exit.


- In case of fire, use the emergency exits.


b. 在计算机领域,exit也有特定的含义,表示“退出程序或系统”。例如:

- Click on the exit button to close the program.


4. 双语例句

- Please exit the building in an orderly manner.


- The emergency exit is located at the back of the plane.


- He quickly exited the meeting when he received an urgent call.


- The computer program will automatically exit after completion.


- The exit signs were clearly visible in case of an emergency.



1. Exit strategy - 退出策略,指企业或投资者在投资项目中如何退出的计划,通常包括出售股权、上市或合并等方式。

2. Exit fee - 退出费用,指在某些交易或合同中,当一方选择提前终止合作时需要支付给另一方的费用。

3. Exit interview - 离职面谈,指员工离职前与公司进行的面对面沟通,旨在了解离职原因和提供改进建议。

4. Exit clause - 退出条款,指合同中规定的当某些特定情况发生时一方可以提前结束合同的条款。

5. Exit sign - 出口标识,通常是指紧急情况下人们可以通过的安全出口标志。

6. Exit visa - 出境签证,指前往某些国家需要申请并获得批准才能离开本国的签证。

7. Exit poll - 出口民意调查,指在选举日当天询问选民投票情况以预测选举结果的调查方法。

8. Emergency exit - 紧急出口,通常是指建筑物中设置的应急疏散通道。

9. Early exit - 提前退出,在某些投资项目中指提前结束投资并获得收益的行为。

10. Exit velocity - 退出速度,指火箭或飞船等从地球轨道离开时的速度。

11. Exit ramp - 出口匝道,指高速公路上连接主路和出口的匝道。

12. Exit music - 结束曲,指电影、电视节目或演唱会结束时播放的音乐。

13. Exit visa system - 出境签证制度,指某些国家对外国人入境和出境进行管理的制度。

14. Exit wound - 出口伤口,通常是指子弹从身体另一侧穿出造成的伤口。

15. Exit counseling - 离职咨询,指员工离职后向公司提供建议和反馈意见的咨询活动


1. Departure - This word is often used in the context of leaving a place, especially when traveling.

2. Withdrawal - This word can be used to describe leaving a situation or relationship.

3. Retreat - This word implies a strategic withdrawal or departure from a difficult situation.

4. Evacuation - Used in emergency situations, this word refers to the process of leaving a dangerous area.

5. Egress - This word is often used in legal or technical contexts to refer to exiting a building or space.

6. Exodus - This word has biblical origins and refers to a mass departure of people from a place.

7. Departing - A simple and straightforward synonym for exit.

8. Abandonment - This word has negative connotations and implies leaving something behind without taking responsibility for it.

9. Disengagement - Used in the context of relationships, this word refers to ending or withdrawing from a connection with someone.

10. Retirement - Often used in the context of work, this word refers to leaving one's job permanently.

11. Parting ways - A more emotional synonym for exit, implying that there was some sort of relationship involved.

12. Bailing out - Used informally, this phrase means to leave quickly or unexpectedly.

13. Checking out - Another informal phrase that can be used as a synonym for exit, especially when leaving a hotel or rental property.

14. Making an exit - Often used in dramatic situations, this phrase implies leaving with flair or making an impression as you leave.

15. Saying goodbye - A simple and common way to refer to an exit, implying that there was some sort of connection with the place or people being left behind.

16. Moving on - Used in personal growth contexts, this phrase refers to leaving behind something that no longer serves you and moving forward with your life.

17. Taking off - Another informal phrase that can be used as a synonym for exit, especially when leaving a social gathering or event.

18. Getting out - A straightforward and casual way to refer to an exit, often used in everyday conversations.

19. Departing from - A more formal way to refer to an exit, often used in written contexts.

20. Exiting - Another simple and straightforward synonym for exit.

21. Escape - This word implies a sense of urgency or danger in leaving a situation.

22. Absence - Used in the context of relationships, this word refers to the state of being away from someone.

23. Fleeing - Similar to escape, this word implies a sudden and urgent departure from a dangerous situation.

24. Outgoing - This word can be used as a synonym for exit, but it can also refer to someone who is friendly and sociable.

25. Passage - Used in the context of travel, this word refers to the act of leaving one place and arriving at another

