
生活学习2024-02-12 10:51:16自考教育网










1. exotic的发音:[ɪɡˈzɒtɪk]

2. exotic的词性:形容词

3. exotic的含义:指来自外国或异国情调的、与众不同的、奇异的。

4. exotic的同义词:unusual, foreign, strange, unfamiliar, rare, unique, extraordinary

5. exotic的例句:

- The restaurant serves a variety of exotic dishes from around the world.


- She loves to travel and experience different cultures and try exotic foods.


- The fashion show featured models wearing exotic costumes inspired by African tribal designs.


- The zoo has a section dedicated to showcasing exotic animals from all over the world.


- Her jewelry collection includes many pieces with intricate designs and exotic gemstones.



1. exotic的意思


2. exotic的读音


3. exotic的同义词

1) foreign:指来自其他国家或地区的事物,与exotic含义相近。

例句:She loves to collect foreign stamps.


2) unusual:指与平常不同、罕见或新颖的事物。

例句:His painting style is quite unusual.


3) bizarre:指极其奇异、离奇或怪异的事物。

例句:The performance was filled with bizarre costumes and props.


4. exotic的用法

1) 作为形容词使用时,exotic通常修饰名词,表示某人或某物具有异国风情或独特之处。

例句:She loves to travel to exotic places.


2) 作为名词使用时,exotic指代具有异域风情的事物或人。

例句:The market is filled with exotic fruits and spices.


5. exotic的双语例句

1) The restaurant offers a variety of exotic dishes from different countries.


2) She was fascinated by the exotic culture of India.


3) The fashion show featured models wearing exotic outfits from various countries.



1. Out of the ordinary - 非同寻常的

例句:The exotic flavors of the dish left us wanting more.

2. Unconventional - 非传统的

例句:She has an exotic sense of fashion that always turns heads.

3. Unique and unusual - 独特而不寻常的

例句:The boutique sells exotic souvenirs from all over the world.

4. Intriguing and mysterious - 有趣而神秘的

例句:The exotic culture of the country fascinated me.

5. Alluring and captivating - 迷人而吸引人的

例句:The exotic beauty of the tropical island was breathtaking.

6. Fascinating and enchanting - 迷人而迷人的

例句:The exotic dance performance left the audience in awe.

7. Quirky and eccentric - 古怪而离奇的

例句:Her home is filled with exotic decorations from her travels.

8. Unusual and rare - 不寻常和罕见的

例句:The zoo has a collection of exotic animals from different parts of the world.

9. Exotic and foreign - 异国情调和外来的

例句:I love trying new and exotic foods from different cultures.

10. Excitingly different - 令人兴奋地不同

例句: The city's nightlife offers a variety of exotic experiences for tourists to enjoy


1. Unusual: This word is often used to describe something that is not commonly seen or experienced, just like exotic.

例句:The restaurant served some unusual dishes that were considered exotic by the locals.

2. Intriguing: It means something that arouses curiosity or interest, similar to the allure of something exotic.

例句:The store displayed an array of intriguing items from different cultures, making it feel like a journey to an exotic land.

3. Fascinating: This word conveys a sense of charm and attraction, just like the allure of something exotic.

例句:The museum had a fascinating collection of artifacts from exotic civilizations.

4. Alluring: It means enticing or tempting, similar to the appeal of something exotic.

例句:The travel brochure promised an alluring experience in an exotic destination.

5. Mysterious: This word is often used to describe something that is unknown or unfamiliar, just like the aura of something exotic.

例句:The forest was filled with mysterious creatures and plants, making it feel like an exotic world.

6. Enchanting: It means delightful or charming, similar to the enchantment of something exotic.

例句:The small village had an enchanting atmosphere with its colorful houses and traditional customs, giving off a sense of being in an exotic place.

7. Unique: This word describes something that is one-of-a-kind or distinct from others, just like the uniqueness of something exotic.

例句:The market sold unique spices and herbs from different countries, adding a touch of exotic flavor to the dishes.

8. Bizarre: It means strange or unusual in appearance or behavior, similar to the peculiarity of something exotic.

例句:The fashion show featured bizarre outfits inspired by various cultures, showcasing an eclectic mix of styles from around the world

