
生活学习2024-02-12 11:00:18自考教育网



1. 定义:expanding是一个动词,意为“扩大、扩展、增加”。它可以用来描述物体的体积、范围或数量的增加,也可以指人们的思想、知识或能力的提升。


2. 同义词:expanding的同义词包括enlarging, extending, broadening等。它们都表示某物或某人变得更大、更宽广或更广泛。

3. 例句:

a. With the expanding of the company's business, more job opportunities have been created.


b. The expanding universe is a concept that has fascinated scientists for centuries.


c. Reading books is a great way to expand your knowledge and vocabulary.



1. 发音:[ikˈspændɪŋ],音标为ik-span-ding。

2. 读法:可以分为两个部分来读,首先读ik,发音类似于“ick”的音,然后读span,发音类似于“spun”的音,最后再加上-ing的结尾音。

3. 同义词:expanding还有许多同义词可以表示扩张、增长等含义,比如:growing、increasing、enlarging等。

4. 例句:

- Our company is expanding rapidly, and we are looking for new employees to join our team.


- The expanding universe has always been a topic of fascination for scientists.



1. 什么是expanding?


2. 如何读音?


3. 同义词有哪些?

Synonyms of expanding include enlarging, extending, broadening, and spreading.

4. 例句:

- Our company is expanding into new markets.


- The universe is constantly expanding.


- She plans on expanding her business overseas.


- The expanding population is putting a strain on resources.



1. Broadening - This word has a similar meaning to expanding, as it refers to something becoming larger or more extensive. For example, "The company is broadening its reach by expanding into international markets."

2. Enlarging - Like expanding, this word also describes something increasing in size or scope. For instance, "The city is enlarging its public transportation system to accommodate the growing population."

3. Extending - This synonym can be used to describe the act of making something longer or stretching it out. For example, "The road construction project will extend the highway by several miles."

4. Developing - While expanding refers to physical growth, developing can also refer to progress or advancement in a particular area. For instance, "The company is developing new products to expand its offerings."

5. Growing - This word has a similar meaning to expanding as it describes something increasing in size or quantity over time. For example, "The business is growing rapidly due to its expanding customer base."

6. Widening - This synonym can be used when describing something becoming broader or more extensive. For instance, "The river widened after the heavy rainfall caused flooding."

7. Amplifying - This word can be used when describing something being made larger or more intense. For example, "The speaker amplified his voice so that everyone could hear him."

8. Augmenting - Similar to amplifying, this word means to increase or enhance something in size or intensity. For instance, "The company augmented its workforce by hiring more employees."

9. Multiplying - This synonym can be used when describing something increasing in number or quantity at a rapid rate. For example, "As the demand for their products grew, the company multiplied its production capacity."

10. Expanding further into new territories and markets shows that the business is constantly growing and evolving.

11. Stretching beyond current limitations and boundaries demonstrates an expansion of possibilities and opportunities.

12. Growing in all directions indicates a well-rounded and comprehensive expansion in various aspects.

13. Evolving and developing into new areas showcases an expanding knowledge and expertise.

14. Unfolding into new territories displays a gradual yet steady expansion of influence and reach.

15. Broadening horizons suggests an expansion of perspectives and understanding through new experiences and opportunities


1. 扩大(expand):意为增大、增加,常用于形容事物的规模、范围或数量的增加。例如:The company is expanding its business to other countries. (这家公司正在将业务扩展到其他国家。)

2. 扩展(extent):意为延伸、扩大,常用于形容事物的范围或程度的扩大。例如:The government is planning to expand the national park. (政府计划扩大国家公园的规模。)

3. 增长(growth):意为增加、生长,常用于形容事物数量或大小的逐渐增加。例如:The population growth in this city is alarming. (这个城市的人口增长令人担忧。)

4. 扩充(enlarge):意为扩大、增加,常用于形容事物规模或范围的变化。例如:The company plans to enlarge its production capacity next year. (该公司计划明年扩大生产能力。)

5. 膨胀(inflate):意为膨胀、扩张,常用于比喻性地形容事物规模或数量的急剧增加。例如:The price of housing has inflated in recent years. (近年来房价急剧上涨。)

6. 增强(strengthen):意为加强、提升,常用于形容事物能力或效果的提高。例如:The company is looking for ways to strengthen its brand image. (该公司正在寻求提升品牌形象的方法。)

7. 扩展性(extensibility):意为可扩展性、延伸性,常用于形容事物具有可持续发展的潜力。例如:This new technology has great extensibility in various industries. (这项新技术在各行业具有巨大的发展潜力。)

8. 扩张(expansion):意为扩大、增加,常用于形容事物规模或范围的变化。例如:The expansion of the company's business has led to an increase in profits. (公司业务的扩张导致了利润的增加。)

9. 增加(increase):意为增加、提高,常用于形容事物数量或程度的变化。例如:The government plans to increase the budget for education next year. (政府计划明年增加教育预算。)

10. 膨胀性(inflationary):意为通货膨胀的、膨胀性的,常用于形容经济状况或价格上涨趋势。例如:The inflationary pressure is causing concern among consumers. (通货膨胀压力引起了消费者的担忧。)

