
生活学习2024-02-12 11:17:13自考教育网



The pronunciation of expectation

1. Expectation的发音是什么?

Expectation一词的发音为 /ˌekspekˈteɪʃən/,其中重音在第二个音节上。

2. expectation的意思是什么?


3. expectation的词源


4. expectation的用法


5. expectation与其他相关词汇


6. expectation在句子中的用法


7. expectation的常见搭配

Expectation经常与其他词汇搭配使用,例如:“high/low expectation”(高/低期望)、“meet/exceed expectation”(达到/超过期望)、“fulfill expectation”(实现期望)、“disappoint expectation”(让人失望的期望)等。

8. expectation在不同场景中的用法



How to read expectation

1. Expectation的定义


2. 读懂expectation的重要性


3. 不同场景下的expectation

a. 在工作场合:在工作中,我们通常会有一定的expectation。比如老板对员工的表现有一定的期待,员工也会对公司提供的福利和发展空间有一定的预期。

b. 在学习环境:学生们通常会把自己对老师、学校以及课程内容等方面的预期称为“expectation”。这些预期可能包括老师能否教好、学校是否提供良好的学习环境以及课程内容是否符合自己的兴趣等。

c. 在人际关系中:无论是家庭、友情还是爱情,expectation都扮演着重要的角色。比如夫妻之间的期待、朋友之间的希望以及家人对彼此的期望等。

4. 如何应对expectation

a. 对他人的expectation:首先,我们需要认识到每个人都有自己的期待和希望,尊重他人的expectation是非常重要的。其次,我们可以通过沟通和交流来了解对方的预期,并尝试达成双方都满意的结果。

b. 对自己的expectation:在面对自己的期待时,我们需要保持理性思考。合理地设定目标和计划,并不断努力去实现它们。同时也要接受失败和挫折,不要过分追求完美。

5. 如何处理失望


The usage and examples of expectation


1. 用法

- expectation作为名词,意为“期望”,常用于表示对未来的预期。

- expectation也可以作为动词,意为“期待”,常用于表示对某件事情的盼望。

2. 例子

- My parents have high expectations for my academic performance. (我的父母对我的学业表现有很高的期望。)

- I didn't meet my boss's expectations for this project. (我没有达到老板对这个项目的期待。)

- The new movie exceeded my expectations. (这部新电影超出了我的预期。)

- I expect to see you at the party tonight. (我希望今晚能在派对上见到你。)

Phrases with expectation

1. High expectations: 高期望

- Example: "My parents have high expectations for my academic performance."

2. Unrealistic expectations: 不切实际的期望

- Example: "I had unrealistic expectations for this job, and now I'm disappointed."

3. Meeting expectations: 达到期望

- Example: "The new employee is meeting all of our expectations so far."

4. Exceeding expectations: 超出期望

- Example: "The team exceeded our expectations and won the championship."

5. Disappointing expectations: 令人失望的期望

- Example: "The movie didn't live up to our disappointing expectations."

6. Unfulfilled expectations: 未达到的期望

- Example: "I had unfulfilled expectations for my relationship with my ex-boyfriend."

7. Great expectations: 伟大的期望

- Example: "As a child, I had great expectations for my future career."

8. False expectations: 错误的期望

- Example: "Don't have false expectations about how easy this project will be."

9. High hopes and low expectations: 高度希望和低度期待

- Example: "I have high hopes for this trip, but low expectations due to bad weather forecast."

10. Unmet expectations: 未满足的期待

- Example

Synonym examples of expectation

1. Anticipation

Anticipation refers to the act of looking forward to something with excitement or eagerness. It is a synonym for expectation as it conveys the idea of having a strong belief that something will happen in the future.

2. Hope

Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. It is often used in a positive context, conveying optimism and confidence in the outcome.

3. Assumption

Assumption refers to something that is accepted as true or certain without proof. It can also be used to express an expectation based on previous experiences or beliefs.

4. Prediction

Prediction is the act of making an educated guess about what will happen in the future. It is similar to expectation as it involves foreseeing an outcome.

5. Presumption

Presumption refers to an assumption or belief about something without evidence or proof. It can also convey a sense of entitlement or expectation based on one's position or authority.

6. Prospect

Prospect refers to the possibility or likelihood of something happening in the future. It can also convey a sense of hopeful anticipation for a positive outcome.

7. Outlook

Outlook refers to one's attitude, perspective, or opinion about something in the future. It can also convey an expectation based on past experiences or current circumstances.

8. Foreseeability

Foreseeability refers to the ability to predict or anticipate something before it happens based on available information and knowledge. It is similar to expectation as it involves looking ahead and preparing for potential outcomes.

9. Confidence

Confidence refers to a feeling of trust and belief in oneself or others. In terms of expectation, it can convey a strong belief in the likelihood of something happening as desired.

10. Probability

Probability refers to the likelihood of something happening based on statistical analysis and evidence. In terms of expectation, it can convey a sense of certainty about an outcome due to its high probability

