
生活学习2024-02-12 11:34:15自考教育网



The definition of expense

1. 什么是expense?


2. 如何读音?


3. 同义词有哪些?


4. 例句有哪些?

a) The company has cut down on its expenses in order to increase profits.


b) Travel expenses will be reimbursed by the company.


c) The expense of repairing the car was much higher than expected.


How to pronounce expense

1. "expense"是什么意思?


2. 如何正确发音"expense"?


3. "expense"的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- The company's expenses have increased significantly this year.


- The cost of living has risen, leading to higher expenses for families.


- We need to carefully consider all the expenses before making a decision.


Examples and usage of expense

1. Understanding the meaning of expense:

Expense refers to the cost or amount of money that is required to be paid or spent for something. It can also refer to the effort, sacrifice, or loss that is involved in obtaining or achieving something.

2. How to pronounce "expense":

The word "expense" is pronounced as [ik-spens], with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for expense:

Some synonyms for expense include cost, expenditure, outlay, charge, and fee.

4. Examples of using expense in a sentence:

- The company incurred a lot of expenses while setting up their new office.

- The trip was cancelled due to unforeseen expenses.

- I can't afford such an expensive car; it's way out of my budget.

- The team's success came at the expense of their opponents' defeat.

- She had to make a lot of sacrifices and expenses to pursue her dream career.

5. Common phrases using expense:

- At the expense of: used to indicate that one thing is gained or achieved by sacrificing another.

Example: He became successful at the expense of his personal life.

- Expenses paid: refers to costs that have already been covered by someone else.

Example: All travel expenses will be paid by the company.

- Hidden expenses: refers to costs that are not immediately apparent but are included in the overall cost.

Example: Be careful when buying a house; there may be hidden expenses involved.

6. Tips for managing expenses:

- Keep track of your spending and create a budget plan.

- Prioritize your needs over wants when it comes to spending money.

- Look for ways to save money, such as using coupons or buying in bulk.

- Avoid unnecessary expenses and try to find more affordable alternatives.

- Plan ahead for big expenses and save up for them instead of relying on credit cards.

In conclusion, understanding what expense means and how it can affect our finances is important for managing our money effectively. By keeping track of our expenses and finding ways to save, we can achieve our financial goals without overspending. Remember, every expense comes at a cost, so it's essential to make wise decisions when it comes to spending money

Synonyms for expense

1. Cost: This word is often used to refer to the amount of money that is spent on something.

Example: The cost of living in this city is very high.

2. Expenditure: This word can be used to describe the act of spending money or the amount of money that has been spent.

Example: The company's expenditure on marketing has increased significantly.

3. Outlay: This word is often used in a business context and refers to the amount of money that is invested or spent on a project.

Example: The initial outlay for this project was quite high, but it will pay off in the long run.

4. Price: This word can be used to describe the amount of money that must be paid for something.

Example: The price of gas has gone up again.

5. Fee: This word is often used to describe a fixed amount of money that must be paid for a service.

Example: I had to pay a fee to renew my driver's license.

6. Charge: Similar to fee, this word also refers to an amount of money that must be paid for a service or product.

Example: There is an additional charge for using the gym facilities.

7. Expense: Although this is the original word we are discussing, it can also be used as a synonym for cost or expenditure.

Example: The expense of maintaining a large house can be overwhelming.

8. Investment: This word is often used when referring to spending money with the expectation of future returns or benefits.

Example: Buying a house can be seen as an investment in your future.

9. Disbursement: This formal word refers to the act of paying out money, especially from a fund or account.

Example: The disbursement of funds will be handled by our accounting department.

10. Overhead: In business, overhead expenses refer to costs that are necessary for operating but are not directly related to producing goods or services.

Example: We need to reduce our overhead expenses in order to increase profits

Example sentences using the word "expense"

1. The word "expense" refers to the cost or amount of money that is required to pay for something.

Example: The expense of living in a big city is much higher than in a small town.

2. "Expense" can also be used as a verb, meaning to spend or use up money or resources.

Example: We need to carefully consider our expenses before making any big purchases.

3. Synonyms for "expense" include cost, expenditure, and outlay.

Example: The company's expenses have increased significantly this year due to rising production costs.

4. Another way to say "expense" is "financial burden."

Example: The unexpected medical expenses were a huge financial burden for the family.

5. Here are some example sentences using the word "expense":

- I can't afford to go on vacation this year because of all my other expenses.

- Our company has been cutting back on expenses in order to increase profits.

- The expense of repairing my car was more than I expected.

- She was shocked by the expense of the designer dress she wanted to buy.

- We had to cancel our trip due to unforeseen expenses that came up.

6. In some cases, "expense" can also refer to something that is sacrificed or given up in order to achieve something else.

Example: The success of their business came at the expense of their personal lives and relationships.

7. When used as an adjective, "expensive" means costing a lot of money or being high-priced.

Example: This restaurant is too expensive for our budget.

8. Some synonyms for "expensive" include costly, dear, and pricey.

Example: We found a more affordable hotel since everything else was too expensive.

9. Here are a few more examples using the word "expensive":

- It's not always true that expensive things are better quality.

- She has expensive taste and always buys designer brands.

- The most expensive item on the menu is the lobster dish.

- I can't believe how expensive gas prices have become.

- We had to make some budget cuts because our expenses were getting too high

