
生活学习2024-02-12 11:40:33自考教育网



1. 拼写:experienced,读作[ikˈspɪriənst]。

2. 发音:单词中的“ex”发音为/ɛks/,后面的“per”发音为/pər/,最后的“ienced”发音为/iənst/。注意,在英语中,单词结尾的“ed”通常读作/t/或/d/,但在这个单词中,由于前面有元音字母“i”,所以读作/nst/。


3. 含义:experienced是形容词,意为“有经验的”,指某人或某物经历过许多事情、具备丰富的知识和技能。在职场上常用来形容具备丰富工作经验的人。

4. 例句:She is an experienced teacher who has been working in this field for over 10 years.(她是一位有经验的老师,在这个领域已经工作了十多年。)

5. 幽默一点:如果把experienced拆开来看,“ex”可以理解为前任恋人,“per”可以理解为每个人,“ienced”可以理解为被抛弃(abandoned),那么这个单词就可以解释为“每个人都被前任抛弃过”。当然这只是一种幽默解读,并不代表实际含义哦~


1. experienced的含义


2. experienced的解释

- 在工作领域中,experienced通常用来形容那些具有多年从业经验、技能熟练且能够胜任复杂任务的人。例如:“我们需要一位有丰富经验的项目经理来领导这个项目。”

- 在生活中,experienced也可以指某人在某方面具有丰富的知识和经验。例如:“她是一位非常experienced的厨师,每天都能做出美味可口的菜肴。”

- 在情感方面,experienced可以表示某人曾经历过某种强烈或特殊的感受。例如:“他们是一对很幸福的夫妻,因为都曾经历过很多困难和挑战。”

- 在科学领域中,experienced可以指某种物质或现象已被证实、观察或测试过。例如:“这种药物已被证明是有效且安全的,经过了多次临床实验。”

- 在艺术领域中,experienced可以指某人具有丰富的创作经验和才华。例如:“这位experienced的作家已经出版了多部畅销书籍。”

3. experienced的读音


4. experienced翻译




1. experienced的意思是“有经验的”,通常用来形容一个人在某个领域或者某种活动中具有丰富的经验和知识。

例句:She is an experienced teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience.(她是一位有着超过10年教学经验的资深老师。)

2. experienced的读音为/ɪkˈspɪəriənst/,重音在第二个音节上。

例句:He pronounced the word like an experienced speaker.(他发音像一个有经验的演讲者。)

3. experienced也可以作为动词experience的过去分词形式,表示“经历过”的意思。

例句:She has experienced many challenges in her career but never gave up.(她在职业生涯中经历了许多挑战,但从未放弃。)

4. 在商业领域,experienced也可以指一个公司或者团队具有丰富的经验和专业知识。

例句:Our team is made up of experienced professionals who have worked in various industries.(我们团队由在不同行业工作过的资深专业人士组成。)

5. 在日常用语中,experienced也可以用来描述一个人具有丰富的生活阅历和智慧。

例句:He may seem young, but he is very experienced and has a lot of wisdom.(他看起来可能很年轻,但是他非常有经验,拥有很多智慧。)


1. Experienced professional - 经验丰富的专业人士

2. Highly experienced - 高度经验丰富的

3. Experienced in a certain field - 在某个领域有经验的

4. Experienced team - 经验丰富的团队

5. Experienced mentor - 有经验的导师

6. Experienced candidate - 有经验的候选人

7. Experienced leader - 经验丰富的领导者

8. Well-experienced - 经验丰富的,熟练的

9. Seasoned experienced - 经历丰富的,老练的

10. Experienced in dealing with challenges - 擅长应对挑战


1. Skilled - experienced implies a high level of skill and expertise in a particular field or activity.

2. Competent - someone who is experienced has the necessary knowledge and skills to perform a task effectively.

3. Seasoned - this implies that someone has been through many experiences and has become skilled and knowledgeable as a result.

4. Proficient - an experienced person is often proficient in their area of expertise, meaning they have a high level of competence and skill.

5. Expert - an expert is someone who has extensive experience and knowledge in a particular field or subject.

6. Knowledgeable - this suggests that someone has acquired a great deal of knowledge through their experiences.

7. Well-versed - this term refers to someone who is familiar with something as a result of their experience or study.

8. Practiced - an experienced person is often well-practiced, meaning they have had plenty of practice and are skilled at what they do.

9. Trained - someone who is experienced may have received formal training in their field, making them well-trained and knowledgeable.

10. Adept - this word describes someone who is highly skilled or proficient in a particular activity or subject due to their experience.

These are just some examples of synonyms for "experienced". It is important to note that each word may have slightly different connotations and should be used appropriately depending on the context. However, they all convey the idea of having gained knowledge and skill through past experiences

