
生活学习2024-02-12 12:01:03自考教育网



1. 发音



2. 音标


3. 音节划分


4. 同义词

expertise的同义词包括:skill, proficiency, know-how, mastery, competence等。

5. 例句

- She has great expertise in the field of medicine.


- The company is known for its expertise in marketing strategies.


- His expertise in computer programming is highly valued by the company.


6. 用法提示


7. 拓展阅读

除了作为名词使用外,expertise也可以作为动词expertise的过去式和过去分词形式,意为"使变得专业化"。例如:The company has expertise its production process to ensure high quality. (该公司已经使生产流程专业化,以确保高质量。)

8. 练习



1. 什么是expertise?


2. expertise的同义词

- Skill:技能,通常指某种特定的能力或技巧。

- Proficiency:熟练,指在某个领域内具备高水平的技能。

- Expertness:熟练,强调某人经过训练和实践后所达到的高超水平。

- Knowledge:知识,指对某一领域或主题的了解和理解。

- Mastery:精通,指对某一领域或技术的完全掌握。

3. expertise的例句

- His expertise in computer programming made him the perfect candidate for the job.


- The company hired a team of experts to provide their expertise in marketing strategies.


- She has developed her expertise in photography through years of practice and training.


- The conference will feature speakers who will share their expertise on the latest trends in the industry.



1. 什么是expertise?


2. expertise的发音


3. expertise的同义词

expertise的同义词包括knowledge, skill, proficiency, mastery等。

4. expertise的例句

- She has extensive expertise in the field of marketing.


- The company hired a team of experts to provide their expertise on the project.


- His expertise in cooking is well-known among his friends.



1. Expert knowledge - 专业知识

2. Specialized skills - 专业技能

3. Proficiency - 熟练程度

4. Competence - 能力

5. Mastery - 掌握

6. Expertness - 专业水平

7. Skillfulness - 技巧熟练度

8. Expert know-how - 专业技能与知识

9. Technical expertise - 技术专长

10. Subject matter expertise - 学科专业知识

11. Professionalism - 专业精神

12. Expert level proficiency - 高级熟练程度

13. Advanced knowledge and skills - 高级知识与技能

14. In-depth understanding - 深入理解

15. Extensive experience and knowledge - 广泛经验与知识

16. Expertise in a specific field/area/domain- 在特定领域/领域/领域的专长

17. Technical proficiency- 技术熟练程度

18.Expertise and experience- 专业水平和经验

19.Expertise development- 专业水平发展

20.Expertise transfer- 专业水平转移


1. Proficiency

- Definition: a high degree of competence or skill; expertise

- Example: Her proficiency in French allowed her to easily communicate with the locals during her trip to Paris.

2. Specialization

- Definition: the act of specializing or pursuing a particular line of study or work; expertise in a specific area

- Example: The company hired a team of experts with different specializations to work on their new project.

3. Mastery

- Definition: comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity; expertise

- Example: He has achieved mastery in the art of cooking after years of practice and dedication.

4. Competence

- Definition: the ability to do something successfully or efficiently; expertise

- Example: The engineer's competence in designing complex structures is highly valued by his colleagues.

5. Skillfulness

- Definition: the ability to do something well; expertise

- Example: The athlete's skillfulness in shooting hoops earned him a spot on the national basketball team.

6. Expertness

- Definition: expert skill or knowledge; expertise

- Example: The workshop was led by an expert who shared his expertness in digital marketing strategies with the participants.

7. Knowledgeability

- Definition: having extensive knowledge, especially on a particular subject; expertise

- Example: The professor's knowledgeability on ancient civilizations made her lectures engaging and informative.

8. Proficiency

- Definition: competency, skillfulness, expertise

- Example: The company requires all employees to have proficiency in at least two languages due to their international clientele.

9. Dexterity

- Definition: skill and grace in physical movement, especially hands; expertise

- Example: The surgeon's dexterity allowed him to perform complex surgeries with precision and speed.

10. Savvy

- Definition: practical understanding, shrewdness, common sense; expertise

Example: Her savvy business skills helped her successfully launch her own company

