
生活学习2024-02-12 12:19:03自考教育网



1. explaining的含义


Explaining是一个动词,意为“解释,说明”。它来自于动词explain的现在分词形式。根据牛津词典的解释,explain的意思是“make (something) clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it”。

2. explaining的发音

explaining的读音为 /ɪkˈspleɪnɪŋ/,其中重音在第二个音节上。第一个音节发短元音/i/,第二个音节发长元音/eɪ/,最后一个音节发辅音/n/和元音/ɪŋ/。

3. explaining的翻译


4. explaining在句子中的用法

Explaining通常作为谓语动词使用,在句子中起到说明、阐述或解释的作用。例如,“She spent an hour explaining the rules to us.”(她花了一个小时向我们解释规则。)

5. explaining与其他相关词汇

- explanation:名词,意为“解释”,是explain的名词形式。

- explanatory:形容词,意为“说明性的”,是explain的形容词形式。

- explainable:形容词,意为“可解释的”,是explain的形容词形式。

- explainable:形容词,意为“可解释的”,是explain的形容词形式。

6. explaining的相关搭配

- explaining something:解释某事

- explaining the situation:解释情况

- explaining the concept:阐述概念

- explaining in detail:详细说明





explaining的发音为 /ɪkˈspleɪnɪŋ/,其中重读音节为第二个音节。/e/发短元音/i/发长元音,而/aɪ/则发长元音。


















1. explaining的翻译方式

- 解释

- 说明

- 阐述

- 讲解

2. explaining的例句

- Can you please explain the instructions to me? (你能给我解释一下这些说明吗?)

- He spent hours explaining the concept to his students. (他花了几个小时向学生们解释这个概念。)

- The teacher used visual aids to help with explaining difficult concepts. (老师使用视觉辅助工具来帮助解释难懂的概念。)

- She did a great job of explaining the complicated process in simple terms. (她以简单的语言很好地解释了复杂的过程。)

- The book does an excellent job of explaining complex scientific theories. (这本书很好地解释了复杂的科学理论。)


1. 解释说明 (explanation)

例如:Can you give me a brief explaining of this concept?


2. 说明书 (explanatory note)

例如:The product comes with an explanatory note to help customers understand how to use it.


3. 解说 (commentary)

例如:The documentary was accompanied by a commentary from the director, explaining the inspiration behind the film.


4. 理由 (reasoning)

例如:Please provide some reasoning for your decision so that we can better understand your thought process.


5. 讲解 (elucidation)

例如:The teacher's elucidation of the difficult concept made it much easier for the students to understand.



1. Elucidating

- Meaning: to make something clear or easy to understand

- Example: The professor did a great job of elucidating the complex concept of quantum mechanics.

2. Clarifying

- Meaning: to make something clearer or easier to understand

- Example: The teacher spent extra time clarifying the instructions for the assignment.

3. Describing

- Meaning: to give an account in words of someone or something, including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events

- Example: The tour guide did an excellent job of describing the history and significance of each monument.

4. Interpreting

- Meaning: to explain the meaning of something, especially by translating it into another language or by giving your own opinion about it

- Example: The interpreter provided a detailed interpretation of the speaker's words for the international audience.

5. Defining

- Meaning: to explain the exact meaning or purpose of something

- Example: The dictionary provides definitions for difficult words that are not easy to understand.

6. Demonstrating

- Meaning: to show how something works or how it is done

- Example: The chef demonstrated how to make a traditional Italian pasta dish.

7. Exemplifying

- Meaning: to give an example in order to make something clearer or easier to understand

- Example: The trainer exemplified proper form and technique during the workout session.

8. Expounding

- Meaning: to explain in detail and carefully

- Example: The lawyer expounded on the intricacies of the case during his closing argument.

9. Elaborating

- Meaning: adding more details and information in order to explain something more fully

- Example: The author elaborated on her characters' motivations in her latest novel.

10. Deciphering

- Meaning: interpreting and understanding (something that is difficult or complicated)

- Example: It took some time for me to decipher the ancient hieroglyphics on the stone tablet.

11. Elucidation

- Meaning: an explanation or clarification

- Example: The editor provided helpful elucidations for the confusing passages in the manuscript.

12. Exposition

- Meaning: a comprehensive explanation or description of an idea or theory

- Example: The professor's exposition of Freud's psychoanalytic theory was well-received by the class.

13. Explication

- Meaning: a detailed explanation or interpretation of something

- Example: The literary critic's explication of the poem revealed its hidden meanings and symbolism.

14. Illustrating

- Meaning: providing examples or visual aids to make something clearer or easier to understand

- Example: The presenter used charts and graphs to illustrate the data and make it more comprehensible.

15. Unraveling

- Meaning: explaining something that is complicated or mysterious

- Example: The detective spent hours unraveling the clues to solve the case.

16. Simplifying

- Meaning: making something easier to understand by reducing complexity

- Example: The instructor simplified the math problem by breaking it down into smaller steps.

17. Expounding upon

- Meaning: providing further explanations and details on a topic

- Example: The speaker expounded upon his theories during the Q&A session, answering audience questions in depth.

18. Elaboration on

- Meaning: adding more details and information to clarify a point

- Example: The author provided elaboration on her research findings in her latest book, including additional data and analysis.

19. Illuminating

- Meaning: shedding light on something, making it clearer and easier to understand

- Example: The documentary illuminated the history of ancient civilizations through stunning visuals and expert interviews.

20. Dissecting

- Meaning: analyzing something in detail, breaking it down into smaller parts for better understanding

- Example: The scientist dissected each stage of the experiment to identify any potential flaws in the methodology

相信读者已经对explaining有了更加深入的了解。explaining是一个动词,意为“解释”。它的发音为/ɪkˈspleɪnɪŋ/。在翻译方面,explaining可以表达为“解说”、“阐述”等。例如,“She is good at explaining complex concepts in simple terms.”(她擅长用简单的语言解释复杂的概念。)除此之外,explaining还可以构成一些常用的词组,如“explain away”(辩解)、“explain oneself”(说明原因)等。此外,explaining的同义词还有clarify、elucidate等。最后,我是网站编辑,希望能够通过本文为大家带来有价值的信息。如果喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!
