
生活学习2024-02-12 12:28:38自考教育网



1. Explanation是什么意思?



2. Explanation怎么读?


3. Explanation翻什么?

Explanation可以翻译为“解释、说明、说明书”等。在不同的语境下,其翻译也可能有所不同。例如,“Can you give me an explanation for your behavior?”可以翻译为“你能给我解释一下你的行为吗?”,“The teacher gave a detailed explanation of the new concept.”可以翻译为“老师详细地解释了这个新概念。”


1. Explanation的定义


2. Explanation的发音


3. Explanation的同义词


4. Explanation与其他相关概念


- Definition(定义):指对某一事物或概念给出准确而简明的解释。

- Description(描述):指对某一事物或现象进行详细而客观的叙述。

- Interpretation(解释):指对某一事物或现象进行理解和说明。


5. Explanation在翻译解释行业中的意义


6. Explanation在生活中的应用




1. Explanation的含义


2. Explanation的发音


3. Explanation的用法


- give an explanation (给出解释)

- provide an explanation (提供解释)

- seek an explanation (寻求解释)

- demand an explanation (要求解释)

- accept an explanation (接受解释)

- offer an explanation (提供解释)

- offer a detailed explanation (提供详细解释)

4. Explanation的例句

(1)She gave a detailed explanation of the experiment.


(2)I can't understand the instructions without any explanations.


(3)The teacher asked for an explanation for the student's absence.


(4)The company provided a clear explanation for the sudden price increase.


(5)I demand an explanation for your rude behavior.


(6)He accepted her explanation and forgave her.


5. Explanation的同义词

- clarification (阐明)

- interpretation (解释)

- description (描述)

- illustration (说明)

- exposition (阐述)

6. Explanation的反义词

- confusion (困惑)

- misunderstanding (误解)

- complication (复杂化)

- obscurity (模糊不清)

7. Explanation的相关词汇

- explain (动词,解释、说明)

- explanatory (形容词,解释性的、说明性的)

- explainable (形容词,可解释的、可说明的)

Explanation是一个常用于英语中表示“解释”、“说明”的名词,其发音为/ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/。它可以作为主语、宾语、定语或表语等,并常与give, provide, seek, demand等动词搭配使用。在写作中,我们可以使用其同义词或相关词汇来丰富表达,但要注意避免其反义词的使用。希望本小节对你理解和使用Explanation有所帮助


1. Explanation的含义


2. Explanation的读音


3. Explanation翻译


4. Further explanation

Further explanation是指进一步的解释或说明。当我们需要对某件事情进行更加详细和全面的阐述时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:The teacher gave us further explanation on the complicated math problem.

5. Detailed explanation

Detailed explanation意为“详细的解释”。当我们需要对某件事情进行全面而详细地阐述时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:Can you give me a detailed explanation of how this machine works?

6. Clear explanation

Clear explanation是指清晰易懂的解释。当我们需要将复杂的概念或理论用简单明了的语言解释给他人时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:The professor's clear explanation helped us understand the difficult concept.

7. Simple explanation

Simple explanation意为“简单的解释”。当我们需要用简洁明了的语言来解释某件事情时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:Could you give me a simple explanation of this complicated process?

8. Logical explanation

Logical explanation是指符合逻辑的解释。当我们需要对某件事情进行合乎常理和逻辑的阐述时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:His logical explanation convinced everyone to change their decision.

9. In-depth explanation

In-depth explanation意为“深入的解释”。当我们需要对某件事情进行更加深入地探讨和阐述时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:The book provides an in-depth explanation of the historical event.

10. Brief explanation

Brief explanation是指简要的解释。当我们需要用简洁扼要的语言来说明某件事情时,就可以使用这个短语。例如:Can you give me a brief explanation of the company's financial report?

11. Full/complete/exhaustive/exhaustive/total/total/exhaustive/exhaustive/total/total/exhaustive/exhaustive/complete/exhaustive/exhaustive/complete/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/full/exhaustive/exhaustive/total/exhaustive/complete/exhaustive/complete explanation

这些词组都可以用来形容“全面的解释”,强调对某件事情进行了详尽和彻底的阐述。例如:The professor gave a complete explanation of the theory, leaving no room for doubts.

12. Adequate/sufficient/excellent/good/proper/properly/properly/properly/properly/properly/detailed/detailed/detailed/detailed/detailed/detailed/detailed/detailed


这些词组都可以用来形容“充分的解释”,强调对某件事情进行了足够和适当的阐述。例如:The lawyer's excellent explanation of the case helped the jury reach a fair verdict.

13. Explanation of/for

Explanation of意为“关于……的解释”,for意为“为了……”。当我们需要说明某件事情的原因、目的或含义时,就可以使用这两个短语。例如:The book provides a detailed explanation of the author's writing style. / He gave an explanation for his late arrival.

14. Explanation on/about/of

这三个介词都可以与explanation连用,表示“关于……的解释”。例如:The teacher gave an explanation on how to solve the math problem. / He provided an explanation about the company's financial situation. / Can you give me an explanation of this new technology?

15. Explanation to/for

Explanation to意为“向……解释”,for意为“为了……”。当我们需要向他人解释某件事情时,可以使用这两个短语。例如:The doctor gave an explanation to the patient about his illness. / Can you give me an explanation for your absence at the meeting?


1. Definition

Explanation, also known as clarification or interpretation, refers to the act of making something clear, understandable or comprehensible. It involves providing a detailed account or description of a concept, idea or event in order to help others understand it better.

2. Elucidation

Elucidation is another synonym for explanation and it means to explain something in a way that makes it easier to understand. This term is often used in academic or technical contexts.

3. Exposition

Exposition is the act of explaining or describing something in detail, often through written or spoken communication. It can also refer to a piece of writing or speech that explains a particular topic.

4. Interpretation

Interpretation involves explaining the meaning or significance of something, often by providing a personal understanding or perspective on it. It can also refer to the process of translating from one language to another.

5. Clarification

Clarification is the act of making something clearer and more understandable by providing additional information or details. It can also refer to the process of removing confusion or ambiguity from a concept or idea.

6. Description

Description refers to the act of giving an account or representation of something through words, images, or other means. It can also involve explaining the characteristics, features, and qualities of something.

7. Illustration

Illustration involves using examples, diagrams, pictures, etc., to explain and clarify a concept or idea. It can be especially useful for visual learners who may have difficulty understanding complex concepts through words alone.

8. Explication

Explication refers to the process of analyzing and interpreting a text in order to explain its meaning and significance. This term is often used in literary analysis and criticism.

9. Demonstration

Demonstration involves showing how something works or how it is done in order to explain its purpose and function. This can be particularly effective for explaining practical skills and procedures.

10. Annotation

Annotation involves adding explanatory notes or comments to a text in order to provide additional information and clarification. It is often used in academic texts to help readers better understand complex ideas or concepts.

11. Exegesis

Exegesis is the process of interpreting and explaining a religious or philosophical text, often through critical analysis and commentary. It can also refer to the explanation and interpretation of any written work.

12. Decipherment

Decipherment involves interpreting and explaining something that is difficult to understand, such as a code, symbol, or ancient script. This term is often used in the fields of linguistics and archaeology.

13. Elaboration

Elaboration refers to the act of expanding on an idea or concept by providing more details, examples, or explanations. It can be helpful for providing a deeper understanding of a topic.

14. Rationalization

Rationalization involves explaining something in a way that makes it seem reasonable or justifiable, even if it may not be entirely true. This term can have negative connotations as it may involve distorting the truth for personal gain.

15. Justification

Justification is similar to rationalization in that it involves providing reasons or explanations for something, but it typically implies a stronger sense of validity and truthfulness. It can also refer to the act of proving something to be right or reasonable

