
生活学习2024-02-12 12:35:54自考教育网


What does explicit mean?

1. Explicit的定义



2. 读音


3. 同义词

Explicit的同义词包括clear, definite, unambiguous等。这些词都强调信息或内容表达得明确、清晰。

4. 例句

(1) The movie contains explicit scenes of violence and nudity.


(2) The contract should be explicit about the exact terms and conditions.


(3) She was very explicit in her instructions, leaving no room for confusion.


(4) The teacher gave explicit examples to help the students understand the concept.


(5) The lyrics of this song are quite explicit, so it may not be suitable for children.


How to pronounce explicit?


同义词方面,explicit可以替换为明确的(clear)、直白的(straightforward)、详细的(detailed)等。例如,“The instructions were very explicit and easy to follow.”(这些说明非常明确,很容易遵循。)

另外,explicit也可以作为动词使用,在这种情况下意为“表达、阐明”。例如,“He explicitly stated his opinion during the meeting.”(他在会议上明确表达了自己的观点。)

Usage and examples of explicit in sentences

1. Explicit的含义


2. 如何发音


3. 同义词

explicit的同义词包括clear, precise, unambiguous等。它们都指表达清楚明确的意思,没有歧义。

4. 例句1

Her explicit instructions made it easy for us to follow the recipe and bake a delicious cake.


5. 例句2

The movie contains explicit scenes of violence and may not be suitable for young children.


6. 例句3

His explicit refusal to help us was a clear indication of his true feelings towards us.


Common phrases with explicit

1. "Get explicit": 要求明确的意思,通常用于表达对某人的要求或期望,例如:I need you to get explicit about your needs and wants.

2. "Explicitly stated": 明确说明的意思,表示某事已经被明确地陈述或表达出来,例如:It was explicitly stated in the contract that there would be no refunds.

3. "Make it explicit": 让它变得明确的意思,表示需要将某事变得更加明确或清晰,例如:Can you make it explicit what you want me to do?

4. "Explicit content": 明确内容的意思,通常用于指涉含有暴力、色情或不适宜未成年人观看的内容,例如:This website contains explicit content, viewer discretion is advised.

5. "Be explicit": 要求表达清楚的意思,表示需要对某事进行详细的阐述或解释,例如:Can you be more explicit about your plans for the project?

6. "Explicitly clear": 明确清楚的意思,表示某事已经被表达得很清楚明白,例如:The rules were explicitly clear, yet he still broke them.

7. "In explicit terms": 用明确的措辞来表达的意思,在这种情况下通常指直接、坦率地表达某事,例如:She told him in explicit terms that she was not interested in a relationship.

8. "Without any ambiguity or doubt": 没有任何模糊或疑问的意思,表示某事已经被表达得非常明确,例如:Her instructions were given without any ambiguity or doubt.

9. "Explicitly mentioned": 明确提到的意思,表示某事已经被明确地提及或提到过,例如:The issue was explicitly mentioned in the meeting minutes.

10. "Explicitly forbidden": 明确禁止的意思,表示某事被明确地禁止或不允许,例如:Smoking is explicitly forbidden in this area

Synonyms for explicit with examples

1. Definition of explicit

Explicit is an adjective that means clearly and directly stated, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. It is often used to describe something that is expressed in a straightforward and unambiguous manner.

2. Synonyms for explicit

- Clear: easily understood, obvious, unambiguous

Example: The instructions were clear and explicit, making it easy to follow.

- Precise: exact, accurate, specific

Example: The contract was drafted with precise and explicit terms to avoid any misunderstandings.

- Unmistakable: impossible to miss or misunderstand, unmistakable

Example: The message was conveyed in an unmistakable and explicit manner.

- Straightforward: direct, honest, candid

Example: She gave us a straightforward and explicit answer to our question.

- Explicitly: unequivocally, categorically, explicitly

Example: He explicitly stated his intentions before signing the document.

3. Examples of using synonyms for explicit:

- Clear:

The teacher gave clear instructions on how to solve the math problem.

The company's policy on discrimination is very clear and leaves no room for interpretation.

- Precise:

The doctor gave us precise instructions on how to take the medication.

In order to be successful in this job, you need precise communication skills.

- Unmistakable:

The warning signs were unmistakable - bright red with bold letters.

Her facial expression was unmistakably showing her disappointment.

- Straightforward:

The politician's speech was very straightforward and gained him many supporters.

I appreciate your straightforward approach in dealing with difficult situations.

- Explicitly:

He explicitly stated that he would not be attending the meeting tomorrow.

She explicitly mentioned her allergies before ordering her food

In summary, explicit means something that is clearly stated or expressed. It can also refer to something that is graphic or detailed in nature. Now that you know what explicit means and how to pronounce it, let's take a look at some common phrases and synonyms to help you further understand this word.
