
生活学习2024-02-12 12:42:07自考教育网


What does explode mean?







Explode的同义词包括burst, erupt, detonate, blow up等。它们都可以用来表示突然而强烈的爆发或爆炸。


1. The fireworks exploded in a dazzling display of colors.

2. The angry protester's emotions finally exploded and he started shouting at the police.

3. The bomb exploded with a deafening sound, causing chaos and destruction.

4. The popularity of the new product has exploded in the past few months.

5. Her laughter suddenly exploded into a fit of giggles.


How to pronounce explode?

1. Explode的意思


2. Explode的读音


3. Explode的同义词

- Burst:指突然破裂或爆炸,常用于形容气球、泡沫等物体。

- Detonate:指通过引信或其他方式使爆炸物爆炸。

- Erupt:指火山喷发或其他自然现象突然迸发出来。

- Blast:指强大的冲击力或噪音,也可以用作动词表示爆炸。

- Boom:指突然增长或扩展,也可以用作名词表示巨大的声响。

4. Explode的例句

- The bomb exploded with a loud bang, causing chaos in the city.


- When the pressure inside the container became too high, it exploded and shattered into pieces.


- The volcano erupted, sending a cloud of ash and smoke into the sky.


- The angry protesters exploded in violence, setting fire to cars and buildings.



Usage and examples of explode

1. Explode的意思


2. Explode的发音及读音


3. Explode的同义词

- Blast:意为“爆炸”,与explode相同含义。

- Burst:意为“爆裂”,也可用来表示物体突然破裂或情绪突然爆发。

- Detonate:意为“引爆”,通常用来指引爆炸物。

- Erupt:意为“喷发”,多指火山喷发或情绪突然激动。

- Shatter:意为“粉碎”,常用来描述物体被强力撞击后破碎成小块。

4. Explode的例句

- The bomb exploded with a loud bang, causing chaos in the crowded market.


- The angry crowd exploded in protest when the government announced the new policy.


- The volcano erupted suddenly, spewing hot lava and ash into the air.


- The glass shattered into pieces when it fell from the table.


5. Explode的常见搭配

- Explode with anger:因愤怒而爆发

- Explode into laughter:突然大笑起来

- Explode in popularity:迅速流行起来

- Explode a bomb:引爆一枚炸弹

- Explode a myth:打破一个神话

Phrases with explode

1. Definition of explode

Explode is a verb that means to burst or shatter violently, causing damage or destruction. It can also mean to suddenly increase or expand in size or intensity. In a figurative sense, it can refer to a sudden outburst of emotions or ideas.

2. How to pronounce explode

Explode is pronounced as /ɪkˈsploʊd/ (ik-sploud).

3. Synonyms for explode

- Burst: This word has a similar meaning to explode, referring to something that breaks open suddenly and forcefully.

- Detonate: To detonate something means to cause it to explode by using an explosive device.

- Erupt: This word can be used in the context of a volcano erupting, but it can also mean to burst forth suddenly and violently.

- Blast: To blast something means to cause an explosion, usually with the use of explosives.

- Blow up: This phrase has a more colloquial tone and can refer to both literal explosions and figurative outbursts.

4. Example sentences

- The bomb exploded with a deafening sound, shattering windows and causing chaos in the streets.

- The balloon unexpectedly exploded, covering everyone in confetti.

- The volcano erupted, spewing lava and ash into the sky.

- The demolition team will detonate the building at precisely 9 AM tomorrow.

- She couldn't contain her anger any longer and finally erupted at her boss during the meeting.

- He blew up at his friend for constantly being late without giving any notice.

5. Idioms with explode

- Explode with laughter: This phrase means to laugh uncontrollably or burst into fits of laughter.

Example: The comedian's jokes were so funny that the audience exploded with laughter.

- Explode into action: This idiom refers to someone suddenly becoming active or energetic after being inactive for some time.

Example: As soon as the music started, the dancers exploded into action on the stage.

- Explode in anger: This phrase describes a sudden and intense outburst of anger.

Example: The customer exploded in anger when he found out his order was wrong.

- Explode with rage: Similar to the previous idiom, this one also refers to a sudden and intense outburst of anger.

Example: The politician's controversial statement caused social media to explode with rage.

In conclusion, explode can be used in various contexts, from literal explosions to figurative outbursts. It is important to use this word carefully and accurately, as it can have serious connotations

Synonym examples of explode

1. Boom: This word can be used as a synonym for explode, especially when describing a sudden and loud sound. For example, "The firecracker boomed in the sky, startling everyone."

2. Burst: Similar to the word explode, burst can also be used to describe something that suddenly breaks open or bursts apart. For instance, "The balloon burst with a loud pop, sending confetti flying everywhere."

3. Detonate: This word has a more intense connotation and is often used when referring to explosives or bombs. It means to explode or cause an explosion. Example: "The bomb detonated with a deafening blast, destroying the entire building."

4. Erupt: When something erupts, it bursts out suddenly and violently. It can be used as a synonym for explode in certain contexts. For example, "The volcano erupted with a massive explosion of lava and ash."

5. Blast: This word can also be used as a synonym for explode when referring to a sudden and powerful release of energy or force. For instance, "The cannon blasted with such force that it shook the ground."

6. Pop: While this word is commonly associated with small and gentle explosions like popping balloons or opening champagne bottles, it can also be used as a synonym for explode in certain situations. Example: "The tire popped loudly as it hit the sharp rock on the road."

7. Ignite: To ignite means to set something on fire or cause it to start burning suddenly and violently. It can also be used as a synonym for explode in some contexts where there is an intense release of energy involved. For example, "The fireworks ignited in the night sky, creating a spectacular display of colors."

