
生活学习2024-02-12 12:51:40自考教育网



1. exploit的含义



2. exploit的词源


3. exploit的同义词

- utilize:与exploit相似,都指对资源或机会进行有效利用。

- capitalize:表示充分利用某种机会或情况以获得最大收益。

- harness:强调将资源转化为有价值的结果。

- manipulate:通常带有负面含义,指通过巧妙手段控制他人以达到自身目的。

- leverage:强调通过合理使用资源来获得最大影响力。

4. exploit的例句

- The company is trying to exploit new markets in Asia.


- The politician was accused of exploiting his position for personal gain.


- The team managed to exploit their opponents' weaknesses and win the game.



1. 发音:[ikˈsplɔɪt],读作“ik-spl-oyt”。

2. 读法:exploit的读音与英语单词“exploit”相同,是一个多音节单词。

3. 同义词:利用,开发,剥削。

4. 例句:

a) The company plans to exploit new markets in Asia.


b) He was accused of exploiting his workers for his own gain.


c) The team used their opponent's weaknesses to exploit and win the game.



1. exploit的意思及读音

- exploit是一个英语单词,读作/ɪkˈsplɔɪt/。

- 它可以作为名词或动词使用。

2. exploit的意思

- 作为名词,exploit指的是“英勇行为”、“功绩”、“业绩”等。

例句:His exploits on the battlefield made him a hero in the eyes of his comrades.

- 作为动词,exploit指的是“利用”、“开发”、“剥削”等。

例句:The company is exploiting new markets in Asia.

例句:The landlord was accused of exploiting his tenants.

3. exploit的同义词

- 名词方面,与exploit意思相近的单词有:achievement、deed、feat、accomplishment等。

- 动词方面,与exploit意思相近的单词有:utilize、develop、take advantage of等。

4. exploit的例句

- He was awarded a medal for his exploits during the war.


- The company plans to exploit the potential of social media for marketing purposes.


- The factory owner has been accused of exploiting his workers by paying them below minimum wage.


- The team's success can be attributed to their ability to exploit their opponent's weaknesses.


- The hacker was able to exploit a vulnerability in the system and gain access to sensitive information.



1. Utilize - 使用

例如:He knows how to utilize his skills to his advantage. (他知道如何利用自己的技能来获得优势。)

2. Leverage - 利用

例如:She was able to leverage her connections to get the job. (她成功利用自己的关系获得了这份工作。)

3. Harness - 利用

例如:The company is looking for ways to harness renewable energy. (公司正在寻找利用可再生能源的方法。)

4. Exploitation - 开发

例如:The exploitation of natural resources has caused environmental damage. (自然资源的开发已经导致环境破坏。)

5. Capitalize - 利用

例如:The company was able to capitalize on the latest trend and increase their profits. (公司成功利用最新趋势增加了他们的利润。)

6. Monetize - 赚钱

例如:Many bloggers have found ways to monetize their content through advertisements and sponsorships. (许多博主通过广告和赞助找到了赚钱的方法。)

7. Take advantage of - 利用

例如:He always takes advantage of others' weaknesses for his own benefit. (他总是利用别人的弱点谋取自己的利益。)

8. Tap into - 开发,利用

例如:The company needs to tap into new markets in order to expand its business globally. (为了在全球扩大业务,公司需要开发新市场。)


1. Make use of the exploit: 利用这个漏洞

例句:The hackers were able to make use of the exploit to gain access to sensitive information.

2. Exploit someone's weakness: 利用某人的弱点

例句:The bully exploited his victim's fear of spiders to torment him.

3. Exploit a situation: 利用一个情况

例句:The politician was accused of exploiting the current economic crisis for his own gain.

4. Exploit an opportunity: 抓住机会

例句:She was able to exploit an opportunity to showcase her talents and land a job in the company.

5. Exploit resources: 开发资源

例句:The company plans to exploit natural resources in the area for their new project.

6. Exploit someone's talent: 充分发挥某人的才能

例句:The coach knew how to exploit each player's talent and create a winning team.

7. Exploit a flaw: 利用缺陷

例句:The hackers were able to exploit a flaw in the system and hack into the company's database.

8. Exploit one's potential: 发挥潜力

例句:With proper training and guidance, she was able to fully exploit her potential and become a successful entrepreneur.

9. Exploit laborers/workers: 压榨劳动者/工人

例句:The factory owner was criticized for exploiting his workers by paying them below minimum wage.

10. Exploit an idea/concept: 发掘一个想法/概念

例句:The artist was able to successfully exploit the idea of using recycled materials in her artwork, gaining recognition for her unique style

