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The pronunciation of explores

Are you tired of stumbling over the word "explores" every time you come across it? Well, fret no more! In this article, we'll explore the pronunciation of "explores" and give you some tips on how to say it like a pro.


1. What does "explores" mean?

Before we dive into the pronunciation, let's first understand what "explores" means. As a verb, it means to travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it or to search for something. It can also mean to examine or discuss something in detail.

2. How do you pronounce "explores"?

The word "explores" is pronounced as ik-splawrz or ik-splohrz. The first syllable is stressed and the second syllable is pronounced with a long o sound.

3. Synonyms for "explores"

If you want to mix things up a bit and use different words instead of "explores," here are some synonyms you can try: investigates, probes, delves into, researches, examines.

4. Examples of using "explores"

Let's take a look at some examples of how "explores" can be used in a sentence:

- The documentary explores the untouched beauty of the Amazon rainforest.

- The team plans to explore the depths of the ocean in their upcoming expedition.

- The author's latest book explores the complexities of human relationships.

- This class will explore various theories on global warming.

- She explores her creativity through painting and writing.

5. Final thoughts

Now that you know how to pronounce "explores" and have some synonyms and examples under your belt, go out there and confidently use this word in your conversations or writing. Remember, practice makes perfect!

So next time someone asks you about the pronunciation of explores, you can confidently say it like a pro!

How to pronounce explores

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of "explores"? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people find this word tricky to say correctly. But fear not, in this article, we'll explore the meaning of "explores", how to pronounce it, and some synonyms and examples to help you better understand this word.

1. What does "explores" mean?

"Explores" is a verb that means to travel through or investigate an unfamiliar place or idea. It can also refer to examining or studying something in detail.

2. How do you pronounce "explores"?

The correct pronunciation for "explores" is ik-splawrz, with the stress on the second syllable. To help with your pronunciation, break down the word into two parts: "ex-" and "-plores". The first part is pronounced like the letter "x", and the second part rhymes with "pores".

3. Synonyms for "explores"

If you want to spice up your vocabulary, here are some alternative words that have a similar meaning to "explores":

- Investigate

- Examine

- Probe

- Delve into

- Survey

4. Examples of using "explores" in a sentence

To give you a better understanding of how to use the word "explores", here are some examples:

- The documentary explores the lives of indigenous tribes in South America.

- The team will explore different options before making a decision.

- She loves to explore new restaurants and try different cuisines.

- The book explores themes of love, loss, and redemption.

- He plans to explore the possibility of starting his own business.

In conclusion, now you know what "explores" means, how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples that can help you expand your vocabulary. Keep practicing and soon enough you'll be able to confidently use this word in your daily conversations. Happy exploring!

The usage and examples of explores

1. "Explores"是一个动词,意思是“探索、调查”。

2. 它的发音为[ɪkˈsplɔːrz],读音类似于“ik-splorz”。

3. 其他同义词包括:investigates, examines, researches等。

4. 例如:The scientist explores the depths of the ocean to discover new species.


5. 另外,"explores"也可以指“探讨、研究”某个主题或问题。

6. 例如:The book explores the concept of time and its impact on our lives.


7. "Exploration"是名词形式,意为“探索、调查”,常用于科学研究或冒险活动中。

8. 例如:The exploration of Mars has fascinated scientists for decades.


9. "Explorer"则是指进行探索的人,也可以指冒险家或游历者。

10. 例如:The famous explorer reached the summit of Mount Everest last week.


Phrases with explores

1. "Explores the unknown" - 探索未知领域

例句:The documentary explores the unknown depths of the ocean.


2. "Explores different perspectives" - 探索不同的观点

例句:The novel explores different perspectives on love and relationships.


3. "Explores new possibilities" - 探索新的可能性

例句:The company is constantly exploring new possibilities for growth.


4. "Explores cultural diversity" - 探索文化多样性

例句:The festival aims to explore cultural diversity through various performances and workshops.


5. "Explores the human condition" - 探索人类境况

例句:The artist's work often explores the human condition and our relationship with nature.


Synonym examples for explores

1. Investigates

- Meaning: To carry out a systematic or thorough examination in order to uncover and understand something.

- Example: The detective investigates the crime scene for any clues.

2. Examines

- Meaning: To inspect or scrutinize something in detail.

- Example: The doctor examines the patient's symptoms to make a diagnosis.

3. Explores

- Meaning: To travel through or across an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.

- Example: The group explores the jungle, discovering new plants and animals.

4. Probes

- Meaning: To explore or examine something thoroughly and carefully.

- Example: The journalist probes into the politician's background for any scandals.

5. Delves into

- Meaning: To research or investigate something deeply.

- Example: The historian delves into ancient texts to uncover the truth about a historical event.

6. Studies

- Meaning: To examine or investigate something scientifically, systematically, and in detail.

- Example: The scientist studies the effects of climate change on marine life.

7. Surveys

- Meaning: To investigate or study by gathering information from a sample of individuals or areas.

- Example: The company surveys its customers to gather feedback on their products and services.

8. Inspects

- Meaning: To examine closely and critically for accuracy, quality, or condition.

- Example: The building inspector inspects new constructions for safety and code compliance.

9. Scrutinizes

- Meaning: To examine closely and carefully in order to assess its worthiness or validity.

- Example: The judge scrutinizes the evidence presented in court before making a decision.

10. Expounds upon

- Meaning: To explain or discuss an idea or concept in detail.

Example - In her presentation, the professor expounds upon the theory of relativity

