
生活学习2024-02-12 13:13:30自考教育网



exports的拼音是 [ɪkspɔːts],它是由 export 这个单词的复数形式构成的。那么,export 又是什么意思呢?简单来说,它是指将本国产品或服务出口到其他国家,从而获得利润的商业行为。



exports作为一个名词,在商业领域中也有着广泛的应用。它可以指代一个国家或地区出口到其他国家或地区的所有商品和服务总额,也可以指具体某个产品或服务的出口量。无论哪种情况,exports 都扮演着重要角色。

当然,在日常生活中我们也会经常听到 exports 这个词。比如,你可能听说过某个国家因为其主要出口商品价格下跌而陷入经济困境;或者你可能会看到一些大型企业在广告中宣称他们的产品是“出口级别”的,意思就是说这些产品具有出口质量


1. 简介


2. 发音


3. 原意

exports一词源自拉丁语“ex portare”,意为“从港口运出”。在古代,人们通常通过海运来进行贸易活动,因此将商品从港口运出就成了一个重要的行为。

4. 在英语中的用法

在英语中,exports通常作名词使用,表示国家出口到其他国家的商品或服务总量。例如:“China's exports have increased significantly in recent years.”(中国近年来出口量大幅增加。)

5. exports与imports的关系


6. exports在经济发展中的重要性


7. exports在全球贸易中的地位



1. exports是指出口商品或服务,通常用于国际贸易领域。例如,中国的出口额在过去几年一直保持高速增长。

2. exports也可以指出口的商品或服务的总量。例如,中国的出口总额在2018年达到了2.49万亿美元。

3. exports还可以指特定国家或地区向其他国家或地区出口的商品或服务。例如,中国对美国和欧盟的出口额分别占其总出口额的18%和16%。

4. exports也可以用作动词,表示将商品或服务出售给其他国家或地区。例如,这家公司每年都会将大量产品exports到欧洲市场。

5. exports在双语中也有相应的翻译:中文为“出口”,英文为“exports”。

6. exports一词也经常与imports(进口)相对应使用。两者共同构成一个国家对外贸易的重要指标。

7. “exports”一词还可以引申为“输出”某种资源、技术或文化等内容。例如,中国越来越多的电影开始exports到海外市场。

8. 在日常生活中,“exports”的含义也可以泛指某个领域、行业或产品在国际市场上取得成功并受到欢迎。例如,“Made in China”已经成为世界各地熟悉的品牌,中国的exports也越来越多地被认可和接受。

9. 总的来说,exports是一个重要的经济指标,也是国家间交流和合作的桥梁。随着全球化进程的加速,exports在国际贸易中扮演着越来越重要的角色


1. "Exporting goods": 这是最常见的词组,指的是将国内生产的商品出口到其他国家。

2. "Export market": 指的是出口市场,也就是销售商品到其他国家的市场。

3. "Export regulations": 这个词组指的是出口相关的法规和规定,包括出口许可证、报关手续等。

4. "Export quota": 指的是出口配额,表示某一国家或地区对特定商品出口数量的限制。

5. "Export subsidy": 这个词组指的是出口补贴,即政府为鼓励企业出口而提供的财政支持。

6. "Export-oriented": 这个形容词指的是以出口为导向的,表示某一企业或国家主要依靠出口来发展经济。

7. "Export-driven economy": 指以出口为主导驱动经济增长的国家或地区。

8. "Exporter": 这个名词指的是从事出口业务的人或企业。

9. "Export surplus/deficit": 分别指出口盈余和赤字,表示某一国家或地区在贸易中获得或损失了多少利润


1. Trade: This term refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between countries. It is often used interchangeably with exports, as exports are a form of trade.

2. Shipment: This word describes the act of sending goods or products from one place to another, usually by ship or other means of transportation. In the context of exports, it refers to the process of sending goods out of a country to be sold in another.

3. Outbound: This term is used to describe something that is leaving a particular place or country. In the context of exports, it refers to goods that are being sent out of a country to be sold in other markets.

4. Outflow: This word describes the movement or transfer of something out of a particular place or system. In the context of exports, it refers to the flow of goods out of a country's borders for sale in other countries.

5. Overseas: This term refers to places outside one's own country, usually across oceans or seas. In the context of exports, it describes the destination for goods being sent out from a particular country.

6. Foreign trade: This phrase is often used synonymously with international trade and refers to the exchange of goods and services between countries. Exports are an important aspect of foreign trade as they contribute to a country's economy and global market presence.

7. Merchandise: This word refers to goods that are bought and sold in commerce, including both raw materials and finished products. In the context of exports, it specifically refers to products that are being sent out from a country for sale in other markets.

8. Commodity: This term describes any item that can be bought and sold, especially raw materials or agricultural products traded on international markets. Exports often include various commodities such as oil, grains, and metals.

9.Cargo: This word refers to items or goods carried by a ship, plane, or other means of transportation. In the context of exports, it describes the products being shipped out of a country to be sold in other markets.

10. Goods: This term is used to describe physical items that can be bought and sold. In the context of exports, it refers to products that are being sent out from a country for sale in other countries.

11. Products: This word is often used interchangeably with goods and refers to items that are manufactured or produced for sale. In the context of exports, it specifically describes the products being sent out from a country to be sold in other markets.

12. Merchandise trade: This phrase refers to the exchange of goods between countries and is often used synonymously with international trade. It includes both imports and exports and plays a significant role in a country's economy.

13. Global trade: This term describes the exchange of goods and services between countries on a global scale. Exports are an essential aspect of global trade as they allow countries to access new markets and increase their economic growth.

14. International sales: This phrase refers to the process of selling goods or services across international borders. Exports are a form of international sales as they involve sending products out of one country to be sold in another.

15. Cross-border trade: This term describes any type of trade that occurs between different countries or regions, including both imports and exports. It is an essential aspect of global commerce and contributes significantly to economic growth.

exports同义词示例包括trade、shipment、outbound、outflow、overseas、foreign trade、merchandise、commodity、cargo、goods、products、merchandise trade、global trade、international sales和cross-border trade。这些词汇都与exports有着密切的关联,可以帮助读者更好地理解exports的含义和作用。同时,这些同义词也可以用来替换exports,使文章更具有多样性和丰富性

