
生活学习2024-02-12 13:29:42自考教育网



1. "expression"一词来源于拉丁语"expressio",意为表达或表现。它是一个名词,可用作单数或复数形式。


2. 发音:/ɪkˈsprɛʃən/,其中重音在第二个音节,读作ik-SHRE-shən。

3. 拼写:expression的正确拼写为e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n,其中字母x发音为/z/,字母s发音为/s/。

4. 在英式英语中,expression的最后一个音节可以发成/shən/的形式,即ik-SHREE-shən。

5. 在美式英语中,expression的最后一个音节通常发成/n/的形式,即ik-SHRE-shən。但也有部分地区会发成/shən/的形式。

6. expression一词也可以用作动词,意为表达或表现出来。此时的发音和拼写与名词相同。

7. expression在不同语境下可以有不同的含义。例如,在数学中指代表达式;在艺术中指代表情感或思想的作品;在面部表情中指代面部肌肉运动所产生的表情等等。

8. expression也可以用来表示某种特定类型的说法或措辞。例如,“这句话是我的个人expression”表示这句话是我个人所说出来的话,代表我的观点或想法。

9. expression一词也可以用来表示某种特定的心情或状态。例如,“他的expression很沮丧”表示他的脸上表现出了沮丧的情绪。

10. 总的来说,expression是一个常用且多义的词汇,它可以用来描述各种不同的情况和概念。因此,在使用时需要根据具体语境来理解其含义


1. 什么是expression?


2. expression的不同含义


3. expression与emotion的区别


4. expression在日常生活中的使用

在日常生活中,我们经常会用到expression这个词汇。比如,在交流时我们会说“His facial expression showed that he was angry(他的面部表情显示他很生气)”;在学习时,老师可能会要求我们“Use different expressions to express your ideas(用不同的表达方式来表达你的想法)”;在艺术欣赏时,我们也会说“Her dance performance was full of expression(她的舞蹈表演充满了表现力)”。

5. expression在文学作品中的应用

Expression也经常出现在文学作品中,它可以帮助作者更加精准地表达情感和思想。比如,在小说《傲慢与偏见》中,作者简·奥斯汀使用了许多expression来描绘人物的性格和情感。比如,“His expression showed a mixture of surprise and disbelief(他的表情显示出惊讶和不信)”,“Her face was a study of disappointment and anger(她的脸上写满了失望和愤怒)”。

6. 如何提升expression能力



1. 表达自我:Expression is not just about words, it's about expressing yourself. (表达不仅仅是说话,它更多的是关于表达自我。)

例句:She used her body language as an expression of her excitement. (她用肢体语言来表达她的兴奋。)

2. 表情与情绪:Facial expressions can speak louder than words. (面部表情比语言更能表达情感。)

例句:Her expression changed from happiness to sadness in a matter of seconds. (她的表情在几秒钟内从快乐变成了悲伤。)

3. 表现方式:Different cultures have different expressions of respect. (不同文化有不同的尊敬表现方式。)

例句:In Japanese culture, bowing is a common expression of respect. (在日本小节化中,鞠躬是一种常见的尊敬表现方式。)

4. 表示意见:What's your expression on this matter? (你对这件事有什么看法?)

例句:His facial expression showed that he was not happy with the decision. (他的面部表情显示他对这个决定并不满意。)

5. 表现能力:Dancing is a great form of self-expression. (跳舞是一种很好的自我表现形式。)

例句:Through his art, he was able to find an outlet for his emotions and express himself fully. (通过他的艺术,他能够找到一个释放情感并充分表达自己的出口。)

6. 表示感激:Thank you for your kind expression of gratitude. (谢谢你对我的感激之情的表达。)

例句:Her heartfelt expression of thanks brought tears to everyone's eyes. (她发自内心的感谢之情让每个人都流下了眼泪。)

7. 表现技巧:He has a great expression on the piano, he could make it sing. (他在钢琴上有出色的表现,他能让它唱歌。)

例句:The actor's facial expressions were so convincing, it was like watching a real person on stage. (演员的面部表情如此逼真,就像是在舞台上看真人一样。)

8. 表示意图:His expression was one of pure determination, he was not going to give up. (他的表情充满了坚定决心,他不会放弃。)

例句:Her expression of love was clear in her eyes and her actions. (她对爱的表达清晰地体现在她的眼神和行动中。)


1. Facial expression

Facial expression refers to the movements and positions of the muscles in the face that convey emotions, attitudes or intentions. It is an important aspect of nonverbal communication and can greatly influence how a message is perceived.

2. Body language

Body language includes all the nonverbal signals that we use to communicate, such as gestures, posture, and facial expressions. It can reveal a person's true feelings and intentions, often more accurately than words.

3. Idiomatic expressions

Idiomatic expressions are phrases or sayings that have a different meaning from the literal interpretation of the words. They are unique to a language or culture and can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand.

4. Expressive language

Expressive language refers to the use of words, sentences, and gestures to convey meaning and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It is an essential part of human communication and allows us to share our experiences with others.

5. Figurative expression

Figurative expression uses figurative language such as metaphors, similes, and personification to add depth and creativity to written or spoken communication. It can make a message more interesting and engaging for the audience.

6. Expression of gratitude

Expression of gratitude refers to showing appreciation or thanks towards someone for something they have done. It can be expressed through words, actions or gifts.

7. Expressive arts therapy

Expressive arts therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses creative activities such as art, music, dance or drama to help individuals express their emotions in a safe and non-verbal way.

8. Social expression

Social expression involves how we interact with others in social situations through verbal and nonverbal cues such as greetings, eye contact, smiling or body language.

9. Expressionist art

Expressionist art emphasizes the artist's subjective experience rather than objective reality through bold colors, distorted forms and exaggerated emotions. It often reflects the artist's inner feelings and thoughts.

10. Freedom of expression

Freedom of expression is the right to express one's opinions, beliefs, and ideas without fear of censorship or punishment. It is a fundamental human right that allows for open and diverse societies


1. Phrase - This is a common synonym for expression, and it refers to a group of words that have a specific meaning when used together. For example, "to break the ice" is a phrase that means to make people feel more comfortable in a social situation.

2. Utterance - This term is often used in linguistics and refers to any spoken or written expression. It can also be used to describe the act of speaking or writing something.

3. Saying - Similar to phrase, saying refers to a group of words that have a commonly understood meaning. However, saying can also refer to a well-known proverb or adage.

4. Verbiage - This term has negative connotations and is often used to describe excessive or unnecessary use of words. It can also refer to confusing or unclear language.

5. Idiom - An idiom is an expression that has a different meaning than its literal translation would suggest. For example, "it's raining cats and dogs" is an idiom that means it's raining heavily.

6. Locution - This term refers to the style or manner in which something is expressed. It can also refer to a particular word or phrase used in speech or writing.

7. Diction - Diction refers to the choice and use of words in speech or writing. It can also refer to the clarity and effectiveness of language.

8. Turn of phrase - This phrase refers to a particular way of expressing something, often with cleverness or wit.

9. Figure of speech - A figure of speech is an expression that uses words in an imaginative or non-literal way for rhetorical effect. Examples include metaphors, similes, and personification.

10. Verbalism - This term can have multiple meanings but is often used as a synonym for expression, particularly when referring to spoken language.

11. Communication - While not directly synonymous with expression, communication involves conveying ideas and information through various means, including language.

12. Language - Similarly, language is not an exact synonym for expression but refers to the system of communication used by a particular group or culture.

13. Articulation - This term refers to the clear and effective pronunciation of words and can also be used to describe the act of expressing oneself clearly.

14. Vocalization - This term specifically refers to the act of producing sounds with the voice, particularly in speech or singing.

15. Voice - In addition to its literal meaning, voice can also refer to someone's unique way of expressing themselves through language.

16. Tone - Tone refers to the attitude or emotion conveyed through someone's expression, particularly in speech.

17. Style - Style can refer to a particular way of expressing oneself, often with a distinctive tone or manner.

18. Delivery - This term is often used in public speaking and refers to the way in which something is expressed or presented.

19. Vernacular - Vernacular refers to the everyday language spoken by a particular group or region and can also refer to their unique style of expression.

20. Mannerism - This term refers to a distinctive way of speaking or writing that is characteristic of an individual or group

