
生活学习2024-02-12 13:43:46自考教育网



1. express的词性:动词、名词、形容词


2. express的定义:

- 动词:表达,表示,表露,表达出来,快递

- 名词:快递,快车,特快列车

- 形容词:明确的,直接的,迅速的

3. express作为动词时的例句:

- He expressed his love for her in a heartfelt letter.


- The artist expressed his emotions through his paintings.


- Please express your opinions on this matter.


4. express作为名词时的例句:

- I received the package through express delivery.


- The express train will take you to the city in just an hour.


5. express作为形容词时的例句:

- She gave an express command to her subordinates.


- The company offers an express service for urgent deliveries.


6. 同义词及近义词:



1. 英式发音:[ɪkˈspres],美式发音:[ɪkˈsprɛs]

2. “express”一词的发音中,重音在第二个音节上。

3. “express”一词的“e”发短元音,类似于汉语拼音中的“e”音。

4. “x”发/ks/的音,与汉语拼音中的“x”相同。

5. “p”发/p/的爆破音,与汉语拼音中的“p”相同。

6. “r”发/r/的浊舌根近似音,与汉语拼音中的“r”相同。

7. “e”发短元音,与汉语拼音中的“e”相同。

8. “s”发/s/的清齿龈擦擦音,与汉语拼音中的“s”的读法相同。



1. express (adj.) – 快速的、迅捷的

例句:We offer express delivery for urgent orders.


2. express (n.) – 快车、快递

例句:I missed the express and had to take the local train.


3. express (v.) – 表达、表露

例句:He expressed his gratitude for their help.


4. synonym (n.) – 同义词

例句:“Happy” is a synonym of “joyful”.


5. antonym (n.) – 反义词

例句:The antonym of “big” is “small”.



1. express是什么意思?


2. express怎么读?


3. express同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- I can't express how happy I am to see you again after so long.


- She expressed her love for him in a heartfelt letter.


- The company uses a reliable express service to deliver their products to customers.


- He always expresses his opinions in a straightforward manner.



1. Convey

例句:She was able to convey her feelings through her music.


2. Expressive

例句:Her expressive eyes showed her true emotions.


3. Articulate

例句:He was able to articulate his thoughts clearly and concisely.


4. State

例句:I want to state my opinion on this matter.


5. Voice

例句:She finally found the courage to voice her concerns.


6. Utter

例句:He uttered a cry of joy when he heard the good news.


7. Expressively

例句:She sang the song expressively, bringing tears to everyone's eyes.


8. Conveyance

例句:Body language is an important conveyance of emotions.

翻译: 身体语言是重要的情绪传递方式。

9. Articulation

例句: The articulation of his words was so clear that everyone could understand him.


10. Expression

例句:Her facial expression showed her disappointment.



1. Express oneself: 表达自己

例句:She always finds it difficult to express herself in front of a large audience.

2. Express emotions: 表达情感

例句:His face expressed a mixture of surprise and disappointment.

3. Express gratitude: 表达感激之情

例句:I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your help.

4. Express an opinion: 表达观点

例句:Everyone has the right to express their opinions freely.

5. Express concern: 表达关切

例句:The doctor expressed concern about the patient's health condition.

6. Express a desire: 表达愿望

例句:I would like to express my desire to travel around the world someday.

7. Express a thought: 表达想法

例句:He paused for a moment, trying to find the right words to express his thoughts.

8. Express disappointment: 表达失望之情

例句:The team's coach could not hide his disappointment after their loss in the final game.

9. Express joy/happiness: 表达喜悦/幸福之情

例句:The children's faces were beaming with joy as they opened their Christmas presents.

10. Express an idea: 表达想法/理念

例句:The company's new advertising campaign aims to express the idea of living life to the fullest.

11. Clearly express: 清楚地表达

例句:It is important to clearly express your expectations when working on a project with others.

12. Freely express: 自由地表达

例句:In this country, people are free to openly and freely express their opinions.

13. Express a concern: 表达担忧

例句:The government needs to address and respond to the public's expressed concerns about the economy.

14. Express an attitude: 表达态度

例句:The candidate's speech clearly expressed his attitude towards environmental issues.

15. Express gratitude/appreciation: 表达感激/欣赏之情

例句:I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for all your hard work

express是一个多功能的词汇,它可以作为动词、名词和形容词使用,意思也各有不同。它的发音也有多种变化,但是最常见的读法是[ikˈspres]。在日常生活中,我们可以用express来表达自己的感受、想法或者意见,也可以用它来描述快速和直接的方式。与express意思相近的词汇还有“convey”、“state”、“demonstrate”等等。此外,express还有许多常用短语,如“express oneself”、“express one's gratitude”、“express delivery”等等。如果你对这篇文章感兴趣,并且想要了解更多关于英语单词的知识,请继续关注我们网站的编辑(我),我将为大家带来更多精彩内容。同时也欢迎大家留言交流,谢谢!
