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The pronunciation of extends

1. 英语中的单词“extends”是一个动词,读音为/ɪkˈstɛndz/,重音在第一音节。

2. “extends”的意思是“延伸”,指某物在空间或时间上的延长或扩展。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。


3. 同义词包括:lengthen, prolong, expand, stretch等。

4. 以下是一些例句,帮助理解和运用“extends”这个单词:

- The road extends for miles through the countryside.


- The deadline for the project has been extended by a week.


- The company plans to extend its reach to international markets.


- She extended her hand in greeting.


- The bridge extends over the river.


5. “extends”的过去式和过去分词形式分别为“extended”和“extended”。它的现在分词形式为“extending”。

6. 除了表示物理上的延伸外,“extends”还可以引申为其他含义,比如:

- 扩大:The company plans to extend its product line.


- 延期:The deadline for the project has been extended by a week.


- 扩展:The museum is extending its opening hours during the holiday season.


- 延伸:The movie extends the story beyond the book's ending.


7. “extends”的反义词为“reduces”,意思是“减少”或“缩小”。

8. “extends”的近义词中,“lengthen”和“prolong”指时间上的延长,而“expand”和“stretch”则更多指空间上的扩展。

9. 在英语中,有时也会将“extends”用作名词,表示延期或扩大。例如:

- The company has requested an extend on the deadline.


- The road construction project requires a 2-mile extend.


在英语中,“extends”的读音为/ɪkˈstɛndz/,意思是“延伸”,可以用作及物动词或不及物动词。它的同义词包括lengthen, prolong, expand, stretch等。除了表示物理上的延伸外,还可以引申为其他含义,如扩大、延期、扩展等。反义词为“reduces”,近义词中,“lengthen”和“prolong”指时间上的延长,而“expand”和“stretch”则更多指空间上的扩展。在英语中,有时也会将“extends”用作名词,表示延期或扩大

How to pronounce extends

1. What is the meaning of "extends"?

- "Extends" is a verb that means to make something longer or larger, to stretch or expand something, or to continue for a longer period of time.

2. How do you pronounce "extends"?

- The word "extends" is pronounced as ik-STENDZ, with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Are there any synonyms for "extends"?

- Yes, some synonyms for "extends" include prolongs, expands, stretches, lengthens, and continues.

4. Can you give some examples of how to use "extends" in a sentence?

- Sure! Here are a few examples:

- The teacher extends the deadline for the assignment by one week.

- The company plans to extend its services to other countries.

- She extends her arm to reach for the book on the top shelf.

- His contract with the team has been extended for another year.

5. Is there a difference between "extend" and "expand"?

- While both words can mean to make something larger or longer, "extend" usually refers to adding more time or length to something that already exists, while "expand" often suggests creating something new or making it bigger in size.

6. Can "extend" also mean to offer hospitality or kindness?

- Yes, it can also mean to show kindness or hospitality towards someone by offering them help or support. For example: The neighbors extended their hand in friendship by inviting us over for dinner.

7. How about using "extend" in a figurative sense?

- Yes, it can also be used figuratively to mean reaching out emotionally or intellectually. For example: She extends her love and support to those in need

The usage and examples of extends

1. Introduction to extends

In the programming world, extends is a keyword that is commonly used in object-oriented programming languages such as Java and Python. It is used to create a relationship between two classes, where one class inherits the properties and methods of another class.

2. Understanding the meaning of extends

The word "extends" itself means to stretch or expand something. In programming, it refers to the ability of a class to inherit from another class and extend its functionality. This allows for code reuse and helps in creating a hierarchical structure of classes.

3. How to read extends

In terms of pronunciation, extends is read as "ek-stends." It is important to note that the "s" at the end is pronounced as a "z."

4. Synonyms for extends

Some common synonyms for extends in programming include:

- Inherit: This refers to the process of extending one class from another.

- Subclass: This refers to the class that inherits from another class.

- Superclass: This refers to the class that is being inherited from.

5. Examples of using extends

To better understand how extends works, let's look at some examples:

Example 1:

public class Animal {

// properties and methods specific to animals


public class Dog extends Animal {

// properties and methods specific to dogs


In this example, the Dog class inherits all the properties and methods from the Animal class, such as name, age, eat(), sleep(), etc.

Example 2:

public abstract class Shape {

// abstract method for calculating area

public abstract double calculateArea();


public class Circle extends Shape {

private double radius;

public Circle(double radius) {

this.radius = radius;



public double calculateArea() {

return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);



In this example, we have an abstract class Shape that defines an abstract method for calculating the area. The Circle class extends the Shape class and overrides the calculateArea() method to provide its own implementation.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, extends is a powerful keyword in object-oriented programming that allows for code reuse and helps in creating a hierarchical structure of classes. It is important to understand its usage and how it can be applied in different scenarios to create efficient and maintainable code

Phrases with extends

1. Definition of extends

- Meaning: To make something longer or larger in size or scope.

- Example sentence: The company plans to extend their product line to include more options for customers.

2. How to pronounce extends

- Pronunciation: /ɪkˈstɛndz/

- Example sentence: She struggled to extend her arms to reach the top shelf.

3. Synonyms for extends

- Synonyms: expands, lengthens, broadens, increases

- Example sentence: The project manager decided to extend the deadline for the team to complete their tasks.

4. Examples of phrases using extends

- Extend a hand: To offer help or support.

Example sentence: The community came together to extend a hand to those affected by the natural disaster.

- Extend an invitation: To invite someone to an event or gathering.

Example sentence: The host extended an invitation to all their friends for a dinner party.

- Extend one's stay: To prolong one's visit or time in a place.

Example sentence: The traveler decided to extend their stay in the city because they were enjoying it so much.

- Extend credit: To allow someone to make purchases on credit.

Example sentence: The store extended credit options for customers who couldn't afford to pay in full at the time of purchase.

5. Common idiomatic expressions with extends

- Extend an olive branch: To make peace or reconcile with someone.

Example sentence: After years of feuding, the two families finally extended an olive branch and made amends.

- Extend oneself/oneself too thin: To take on too many tasks or responsibilities at once.

Example sentence: She was exhausted from extending herself too thin with work and family obligations.

- Extend one's gratitude/thanks/appreciation: To express sincere thanks or appreciation towards someone.

Example sentence: He extended his gratitude towards his colleagues for helping him with the project.

6. Phrasal verbs with extends

- Extend on/upon: To add more detail or information to something.

Example sentence: The speaker extended upon the topic of climate change and its effects on the environment.

- Extend over: To cover or include a specific period of time.

Example sentence: The concert extended over three hours due to multiple encores.

- Extend to: To reach or apply to someone or something.

Example sentence: The new policy will extend to all employees, regardless of their position in the company.

In conclusion, "extends" can have various meanings and uses in different contexts. It is important to pay attention to its pronunciation and understand its synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and phrasal verbs in order to use it correctly in spoken or written English

Synonyms of extends with examples

1. What does extends mean? How to pronounce extends?

- What is the meaning of extends? How to say extends?

2. Synonyms of extends:

- Expands

- Increases

- Broadens

- Stretches

3. Examples:

- The company plans to extend its business into international markets.

- The deadline for the project has been extended by two weeks.

- The road construction will extend the highway by 10 miles.

- She extended her hand in greeting.

4. Other words with similar meanings:

- Lengthens

- Expands upon

- Continues

5. Example sentences:

- The teacher extended the lesson by including real-life examples.

- His generosity extends beyond his immediate family.

6. Alternative ways to say extends:

- Prolongs

- Expands outwards

7. Examples:

-The magician extended his arms and pulled out a rabbit from his hat.

-The tree branches extend towards the sky, reaching for sunlight.

8. Other synonyms for extends:

-Increases in scope or size

-Stretches out further

9. Examples:

-The company plans to increase their product line with new items next year.

-The athlete stretched out her arms and legs before starting her workout routine.

10. Conclusion: In conclusion, the word "extends" can be replaced with various synonyms such as expands, increases, broadens, stretches, lengthens, and more depending on the context it is used in. These synonyms add variety and depth to your writing and make it more interesting for readers. So next time you are writing about extending something, consider using one of these alternatives!

extends是一个常用的动词,它的发音是/ɪkˈstendz/。它的用法非常广泛,可以表示延伸、扩大、增加等含义。比如,我们可以说“His influence extends to every corner of the world.”表示他的影响力遍及世界各地。除此之外,还有一些与extends相关的短语,如extend one's hand表示伸出手来、extend one's stay表示延长停留等。如果你想要替换extends这个词,可以使用synonyms of extends, 例如expand、enlarge、prolong等,并且每个同义词都附带了例句供你参考。最后,我是网站的编辑,希望我的文章能够帮助到你,并且让你更加了解extends这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和信息。谢谢阅读!
