
生活学习2024-02-12 14:12:59自考教育网



external的拼音是 [ɪkˈstɜːrnəl],它是由五个字母组成的单词,发音时需要注意重读在第二个音节上。

external的意思是外部的、外面的,通常用来描述与内部或内在相对的事物。比如,我们可以说“external factors”来指代外部因素,“external appearance”表示外表。



同义词方面,可以使用outer、outside、exterior等词语来替换external。例如,“outer appearance”、“outside influences”、“exterior factors”。


1. The company's success is not only due to internal efforts, but also external factors.


2. He may seem confident on the outside, but internally he is struggling with self-doubt.


3. The external appearance of the building was impressive, but the interior was quite plain.





除了怎么读外,我们还需要了解external的意思。它作为一个形容词时有两个主要含义:一是“外部的”,指与内部不同或相对独立的;二是“外面的”,指与内部相对而言。比如,在工作中我们可能会遇到external factors(外部因素),这些因素可能会影响到我们的工作表现。




1. external的意思和读音

- external是一个形容词,意为“外部的”,读作[ikˈstɜːnl]。

- 同义词包括:outer, exterior, outside。

- 例句:The external appearance of the building was very impressive. (这座建筑的外观非常令人印象深刻。)

2. external的用法

- 表示“外部”的概念,通常用来修饰物体、事物或者位置。比如:external environment (外部环境),external factors (外部因素)。

- 也可以用来表示“外国的”或者“国际的”,比如:external affairs (国际事务),external trade (对外贸易)。

- 在医学领域中,还有专门指代身体表面或者器官之外部分的含义。比如:external injuries (身体表面伤害),external organs (器官以外的部位)。

3. 双语例句

1) The company's success is largely due to its ability to adapt to changes in the external market. (公司的成功很大程度上归功于其适应外部市场变化的能力。)

2) External factors such as weather and economic conditions can greatly impact a business's performance. (天气和经济条件等外部因素会对企业业绩产生巨大影响。)

3) The external appearance of the new product was carefully designed to attract customers' attention. (新产品的外观经过精心设计,旨在吸引顾客的注意力。)

4) The external trade of the country has been growing steadily over the past few years. (近年来,该国的对外贸易稳步增长。)

5) The external injuries on his body were severe, but luckily none of his internal organs were damaged. (他身上的外伤很严重,但幸运的是没有受到内部器官的损伤。)

6) The doctor examined both the internal and external organs of the patient during the check-up. (医生在体检时检查了患者的内部和外部器官。)


1. External factors 外部因素

External factors refer to any influences or circumstances that come from outside of a particular situation or organization. These factors can have a significant impact on the outcome of a situation or the success of an organization.

例句:The company's financial performance was affected by various external factors such as economic conditions and changes in consumer behavior.

2. External environment 外部环境

The external environment refers to the conditions, events, and influences that exist outside of an organization and can affect its operations and performance. This includes factors such as political, economic, social, technological, and legal aspects.

例句:The company conducted a thorough analysis of the external environment before entering a new market.

3. External communication 外部沟通

External communication refers to the exchange of information between an organization and individuals or groups outside of the organization. This can include customers, suppliers, partners, investors, and other stakeholders.

例句:Effective external communication is crucial for maintaining good relationships with customers and stakeholders.

4. External audit 外部审计

An external audit is an independent examination of an organization's financial statements and records by a certified public accountant (CPA) or an accounting firm not affiliated with the company. This type of audit provides assurance to shareholders and other stakeholders that the financial statements are accurate and reliable.

例句:The company hired a reputable accounting firm to conduct an external audit for transparency purposes.

5. External debt 外债

External debt refers to the amount of money that a country or organization owes to foreign lenders or governments. It includes both public debt (owed by the government) and private debt (owed by businesses).

例句:The government is facing challenges in managing its external debt due to economic downturns.

6. External validity 外在效度

External validity is a measure used in research studies to determine how well the results can be generalized to other populations, settings, or situations. It ensures that the findings of a study are applicable and relevant beyond the specific sample or context used in the research.

例句:The researchers took measures to increase the external validity of their study by using a diverse sample and varying research settings.

7. External locus of control 外部控制感

External locus of control refers to a person's belief that external factors such as luck, fate, or powerful others have a significant influence on their life events and outcomes. This is in contrast to an internal locus of control, where individuals believe they have more control over their own lives.

例句:Individuals with an external locus of control tend to attribute their successes and failures to luck rather than their own efforts.

8. External fixation 外固定

External fixation is a surgical technique used to stabilize broken bones by attaching metal pins or screws outside the body and connecting them with rods. This method is commonly used for severe fractures that cannot be treated with traditional casts.

例句:The patient underwent external fixation surgery after a car accident left him with multiple broken bones.

9. External storage 外部存储

External storage refers to any device or medium used for storing data outside of a computer's internal memory. This can include USB drives, external hard drives, cloud storage, and other types of removable media.

例句:It is recommended to regularly back up important files on an external storage device in case of computer malfunctions.

10. External beam radiation therapy 外照射放疗

External beam radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses high-energy X-rays or protons directed from outside the body towards the tumor site. It is non-invasive and can be used for various types of cancer depending on its location and stage.

例句:The patient opted for external beam radiation therapy as part of their treatment plan for breast cancer


1. Outward

- 同义词:outward、outer、outside

- 例句:

External refers to something that is outward or exterior in nature.


2. Exterior

- 同义词:exterior、outside、outward

- 例句:

The external appearance of the building was impressive.


3. Foreign

- 同义词:foreign、external、international

- 例句:

The company has expanded its business to external markets.


4. Outer

- 同义词:outer、external、outside

- 例句:

The outer layer of the skin is called the epidermis.


5. Outside

- 同义词:outside、external、outer

- 例句:

The external noise made it difficult to concentrate on my work.


6. Surface

- 同义词:surface、external、outer

- 例句:

We need to look beyond the surface and understand the root cause of the problem.


7. Peripheral

- 同义词:peripheral、external、outer

- 例句:

The external factors had a significant impact on the company's performance.


8. Superficial

- 同义词:superficial、external、outer

- 例句:

His external charm was just a superficial facade.


9. Outlying

- 同义词:outlying、external、outer

- 例句:

The external regions of the country are often overlooked in terms of development.


10. Remote

- 同义词:remote、external、outer

- 例句:

The external islands are difficult to access due to their remote location.


