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The pronunciation of extrovert

1. The meaning of extrovert

Extrovert (n.) is a term used to describe a person who is outgoing, sociable, and enjoys being around other people. It is derived from the Latin words "extra," meaning "outside," and "vertere," meaning "to turn." This suggests that an extrovert is someone who turns outward towards others.

2. How to pronounce extrovert

The correct pronunciation of extrovert is /ˈekstrəvərt/, with the stress on the first syllable. The first syllable should be pronounced as "ek-struh," with a short "e" sound and a soft "s" sound. The second syllable should be pronounced as "vərt," with a short "e" sound and a hard "t" sound.

3. Synonyms for extrovert

- Outgoing: This word means friendly, talkative, and confident in social situations.

- Sociable: This word describes someone who enjoys being around other people and has good social skills.

- Gregarious: This word refers to someone who is fond of company and enjoys being in the company of others.

- Extroversive: This word is similar to extroverted, but it specifically refers to someone who has an outward focus or orientation.

4. Example sentences using extrovert

- Sarah is such an extrovert; she always has a large group of friends around her.

- As an introvert, I find it difficult to understand how my extroverted sister can thrive in large social gatherings.

- He may seem shy at first, but once you get to know him, you'll see that he's actually quite an extroverted person.

- Being an extroversive person, she always seeks out new experiences and loves meeting new people.

In conclusion, the pronunciation of extrovert is /ˈekstrəvərt/ and it is a term used to describe someone who is outgoing, sociable, and enjoys being around others. Some synonyms for extrovert include outgoing, sociable, gregarious, and extroversive. Examples of using extrovert in sentences include describing someone's personality or behavior

How to pronounce extrovert

Are you tired of stumbling over the word "extrovert" every time you try to use it in a conversation? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people struggle with the pronunciation of this word, but fear not, I'm here to help!

First things first, let's break down the word. "Extrovert" is made up of two parts: "ex" meaning outwards and "trovert" meaning turning. So essentially, an extrovert is someone who turns outwards or is outgoing.

Now that we have a better understanding of what it means, let's focus on how to actually say it. The correct pronunciation is "ek-struh-vurt." It may seem a bit tricky at first, but with some practice, you'll be saying it like a pro.

Here are some examples of other words that have a similar sound to "extrovert": extravaganza, extraordinary, and extract. These words can help you get a feel for the correct pronunciation.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that "extrovert" has a synonym? That's right, another word with a similar meaning is "outgoing." So if you're struggling with saying "extrovert," feel free to use its synonym instead.

Now that you know how to pronounce extrovert and its synonym, let's see how it can be used in a sentence. For example: "She is definitely an extrovert; she loves being around people and always has something to say."

So next time you come across the word "extrovert," don't shy away from using it in your conversations. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to pronounce it confidently and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. Happy talking!

Usage and examples of extrovert

Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Do you thrive in social situations and love being the center of attention, or do you prefer quiet alone time to recharge? If you identify as an extrovert, then this article is for you! In this section, we will discuss the meaning of extrovert, how to pronounce it, and some synonyms and examples to help you better understand this personality trait.

1. What does extrovert mean?

An extrovert is someone who is outgoing, sociable, and enjoys being around other people. They tend to be energized by social interactions and often have a large circle of friends. Extroverts are known for their confidence, assertiveness, and ability to easily start conversations with strangers.

2. How do you pronounce extrovert?

Extrovert is pronounced as "ek-struh-vurt" with the stress on the first syllable. It can also be pronounced as "ek-strov-urt" with the stress on the second syllable. Whichever way you choose to say it, just remember to speak with confidence like a true extrovert!

3. Synonyms for extrovert

- Outgoing: This word describes someone who is friendly and sociable.

- Sociable: Similar to outgoing, sociable means enjoying the company of others.

- Gregarious: This adjective refers to someone who enjoys being around others and has a lot of friends.

- Talkative: An extroverted person tends to be talkative and enjoys sharing their thoughts and ideas with others.

4. Examples of extroverts in action

- John is such an extrovert! He always has a group of people surrounding him at parties.

- Sarah's outgoing personality makes her a natural leader in group projects.

- My friend Mark is so gregarious that he can strike up a conversation with anyone he meets.

- Jane's talkative nature makes her the life of the party.

In conclusion, being an extrovert means being outgoing and sociable, with a love for social interactions. Remember to embrace your extroverted nature and use these synonyms and examples to better understand yourself and others. Keep shining like the social butterfly that you are!

Phrases with extrovert

1. What does extrovert mean?

Extrovert is a term used to describe someone who is outgoing, sociable, and enjoys being around people. It comes from the Latin word "extrō" meaning "outward" and "vertere" meaning "to turn."

2. How do you pronounce extrovert?

The correct pronunciation of extrovert is "ek-struh-vurt," with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for extrovert

Some synonyms for extrovert include outgoing, social, gregarious, and friendly.

4. Examples of using extrovert in a sentence

- She's such an extrovert, she can strike up a conversation with anyone.

- As an introverted person, I envy my extroverted friends who always seem to have endless energy for socializing.

- The party was full of extroverts dancing and having a great time.

5. Extroverts vs Introverts

Extroverts are often seen as the opposite of introverts - while introverts prefer solitude and quiet activities, extroverts thrive in social situations and gain energy from being around others. However, it's important to note that these are simply two ends of a spectrum and most people possess qualities of both introversion and extroversion.

6. Extroversion in different cultures

In some cultures, such as the United States, being an extrovert is often seen as desirable and rewarded in social situations. However, in other cultures like Japan or China, introversion is more highly valued and being too outgoing may be seen as rude or inappropriate.

7. Embracing your inner/exterior/extroversy

Whether you're naturally an introvert or an extrovert, it's important to embrace your own personality traits and not feel pressured to fit into any societal expectations. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to be, and both introversion and extroversion have their own unique strengths and advantages. So go out there and be yourself, whether that means being the life of the party or enjoying a quiet night in

Synonyms for extrovert and their examples

1. Outgoing

- Definition: friendly and socially confident, enjoying being with other people

- Example: She is known for her outgoing personality and always makes new friends easily.

2. Sociable

- Definition: willing to talk and engage in activities with other people, enjoying being in social situations

- Example: He is a very sociable person and loves attending parties and events.

3. Gregarious

- Definition: fond of the company of others, sociable

- Example: She has a gregarious nature and is often the life of the party.

4. Extroversive

- Definition: characterized by extroversion; outgoing or directed towards the outside world

- Example: His extroversive personality makes him a natural leader in group settings.

5. Extraverted

- Definition: characterized by extroversion; outgoing or directed towards the outside world

- Example: She is an extraverted individual who thrives in social situations.

6. Talkative

- Definition: liking to talk a lot, often about unimportant things

- Example: He can be quite talkative at times, especially when he's excited about something.

7. Expressive

- Definition: showing feelings or thoughts clearly and effectively

- Example: She is a highly expressive person who is not afraid to share her opinions with others.

8. Societal

- Definition: relating to society or its organization

- Example: Her societal nature allows her to easily adapt to different social environments.

9. Convivial

- Definition: friendly, lively, and enjoyable

- Example: He has a convivial personality that makes everyone around him feel comfortable and at ease.

10. Gregariously

- Definition: fond of company; sociable

- Example: She tends to behave gregariously in large groups, always making sure everyone feels included

