
生活学习2024-02-12 15:05:46自考教育网


The meaning of ex

1. Ex的意思是什么?



2. Ex怎么读?


3. Ex的同义词有哪些?


4. Ex在例句中怎么使用?

a. My ex-boyfriend and I are still good friends.


b. She used to be my ex-colleague, but now she works in a different company.


c. The ex-president of the company was involved in a financial scandal.


How to pronounce ex

1. What does "ex" mean?

Ex, short for "former", is a commonly used abbreviation that refers to someone who was previously in a romantic relationship with another person.

2. How do you pronounce "ex"?

The word "ex" is pronounced as /eks/ or /ɛks/, with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is often pronounced with a sharp and quick sound, similar to the letter X.

3. What are some synonyms for "ex"?

Some synonyms for "ex" include former partner, previous lover, ex-love, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, and ex-spouse.

4. Can you give me an example of how to use "ex" in a sentence?

Sure! Here's an example: "My ex and I broke up last year, but we're still good friends." In this sentence, "ex" is used to refer to a former romantic partner.

5. Is there any other way to say "ex"?

Yes, instead of using the abbreviation "ex", you can also say former or previous partner/lover/spouse. However, using "ex" is more casual and commonly used in everyday conversations.

6. How do I use "ex" correctly in a sentence?

When using the word "ex", it is important to use it as an adjective before a noun (e.g. ex-boyfriend) or as a noun by itself (e.g. My ex). Also, make sure to use it in past tense since it refers to something that happened in the past.

In conclusion, now you know what "ex" means, how to pronounce it correctly, some synonyms for it and how to use it in a sentence. Remember that while breakups may not be easy, learning about them can be fun!

Usage and examples of ex

1. "Ex"是一个常见的英文缩写,它可以有多种含义,具体取决于上下文。下面是一些常见的用法及例句。

2. "Ex"可以作为前缀,表示"以前的"或"前任的"。例如:"ex-boyfriend"(前任男朋友)、"ex-husband"(前夫)。

3. 在数学中,"ex"通常表示指数函数中的底数e。例如:"2^x=exponent of 2 to the power x."

4. "Ex"也可以作为形容词,表示出色的、优秀的。例如:"She is an ex-student of Harvard University."(她是哈佛大学优秀的毕业生)

5. "Ex"还可以作为动词,意思是结束、解雇或排除。例如:"He was exiled from his home country."(他被驱逐出了祖国)

6. 同义词:former, previous, former spouse, former partner, dismissed, expelled.

7. 下面是一些例句:

- My ex-boyfriend and I are still good friends.

- She used to work for a big corporation as an ex-employee.

- The company decided to excommunicate the dishonest employee.

- His ex-wife remarried last year.

- The professor is an expert in the field of mathematics and exponents.

- After being caught cheating on the exam, he was expelled from school.

8. 总结一下,根据不同的语境,“ex”可以有多种含义,包括前任、优秀的、指数、解雇等。记住它的不同用法可以帮助你更好地理解英语文章和对话

Phrases with ex

1. "ex"的意思是什么?

- "ex"可以作为前缀使用,表示“以前”、“以前的”或“从...中出来”。它也可以作为一个单词,表示“前配偶”或“前任”。

2. 如何正确读音"ex"?

- "ex"的正确读音是/eks/。

3. "ex"的同义词有哪些?

- 前缀:former, previous, previous, past

- 名词:former spouse, former partner

4. 含有"ex"的短语及例句

- ex-boyfriend/girlfriend (前男友/女友)

例句:I saw my ex-boyfriend at the party last night.

- ex-husband/wife (前夫/妻子)

例句:She's still good friends with her ex-husband.

- ex-partner (前伴侣)

例句:They used to be business partners, but now they're just ex-partners.

- ex-president (前总统)

例句:The museum has a special exhibit on the life of the ex-president.

- ex-student (毕业生)

例句:Many of the attendees were ex-students of the university.

5. 常用短语搭配及例句

- in the past/ex (过去)

例句:I used to smoke a lot in the past, but I quit now.

- former/ex-(以前的/从前的)

例句:She's a former Miss Universe contestant.

- from/ex-(从...开始)

例句:From 2010 to 2015, she worked as a lawyer before becoming a writer.

- ex-couple (前夫妻)

例句:The ex-couple is still fighting over custody of their children.

6. 其他常用短语及例句

- ex gratia (慷慨地,额外地)

例句:The company gave her an ex gratia payment for her years of service.

- ex officio (根据职位,因为职位而必须做的)

例句:The mayor is the ex officio chairperson of the city council.

- ex post facto (事后,追溯性的)

例句:The new law cannot be applied ex post facto, so it will not affect past cases

Synonyms for ex with examples

1. Ex is short for "ex-boyfriend" or "ex-girlfriend", meaning a former romantic partner. Other synonyms for ex include former lover, past flame, or old flame. Example: "My ex and I used to go to this restaurant all the time."

2. Ex can also refer to an ex-spouse, or someone who was previously married to you. Synonyms for this meaning include former husband/wife, ex-partner, or former spouse. Example: "I'm still on good terms with my ex even though we got divorced."

3. In some contexts, ex can mean an ex-employee or a person who used to work for a company but no longer does. Synonyms for this usage include former employee, past worker, or previous staff member. Example: "Our company has hired several of our competitors' ex-employees."

4. Another common usage of ex is as a prefix meaning "former" or "out of". For example, an ex-convict is someone who has been released from prison and an ex-pat is someone who has left their home country to live in another country. Example: "After serving his sentence, he became an active member of society as an ex-convict."

5. Ex can also be used as a slang term meaning excellent or outstanding. Synonyms for this slang usage include awesome, amazing, or fantastic. Example: "That concert was so ex! I had the best time ever."

In summary, ex is a commonly used abbreviation for "example" or "exercise". It is pronounced as "eks" and can be used in various phrases and expressions, such as "ex-boyfriend", "ex-husband", and "ex-president". Some synonyms for ex include former, previous, and past. Here are some examples of how to use them: "My ex-boyfriend and I are still good friends." "The ex-president gave a speech at the conference." As an editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning of ex better. If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider following me for more interesting content. Thank you for your attention and best wishes!
