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What does fabricate mean?

Fabricate is a commonly used word in the field of translation and interpretation, but what exactly does it mean? Let's take a closer look at this word and its various uses.


1. Definition of fabricate

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, fabricate means "to make up for the purpose of deception or fraud" or "to construct by combining or assembling diverse, typically standardized parts." In simpler terms, it can be understood as creating something that is not true or making something using different parts.

2. Pronunciation

Fabricate is pronounced as \ˈfa-bri-ˌkāt\ (fuh-bri-kayt). It has three syllables with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for fabricate

Some common synonyms for fabricate include invent, concoct, falsify, manufacture, and devise. These words all have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably in certain contexts.

4. Example sentences

To further understand how fabricate is used, here are some example sentences:

- The witness admitted to fabricating her story in order to protect her friend.

- The company was accused of fabricating their financial reports to deceive investors.

- The artist fabricated a beautiful sculpture using recycled materials.

- The politician was caught fabricating evidence to support his claims.

- The detective had to sift through fabricated testimonies to find the truth.

In conclusion, fabricate can refer to creating something false or constructing something using different parts. It is important to use this word carefully and accurately in order to avoid any misunderstandings or misinterpretations in the translation industry

How do you pronounce fabricate?

Are you tired of stumbling over the word "fabricate" every time you try to pronounce it? Well, worry no more! In this article, we will break down the pronunciation of "fabricate" and provide some tips to help you say it with confidence.

1. What does fabricate mean?

Before we dive into pronunciation, let's first understand the meaning of "fabricate". This word can have different meanings depending on the context, but in general, it means to create or make something, often by putting different parts together. For example, "The company fabricates custom-made furniture." So basically, fabricate means to construct or manufacture.

2. How do you read fabricate?

Now let's move on to the pronunciation. The word "fabricate" is pronounced as fuh-bri-keyt. The stress is on the second syllable -bri-. Remember to keep your voice low and steady when pronouncing this word.

3. Synonyms and examples

To help you better understand how to use "fabricate", here are some synonyms and examples:

- Synonyms: construct, manufacture, produce, assemble

- Examples:

- He fabricated a story about his whereabouts last night.

- The company fabricates steel structures for buildings.

- She accused her opponent of fabricating lies about her.

4. Practice makes perfect

Now that you know how to pronounce "fabricate", it's time to practice! Repeat the word several times until you feel comfortable saying it. You can also try saying it in different sentences to get a better grasp of its usage.

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help

If you're still struggling with the pronunciation of "fabricate", don't hesitate to ask for help from friends or even Google Translate. You can also listen to audio recordings or watch videos online for reference.

So there you have it - a quick guide on how to pronounce "fabricate". Remember to take your time and practice, and soon enough, you'll be able to say it like a pro. Happy fabricating!

Usage and examples of fabricate

1. What does fabricate mean?

Fabricate is a verb that means to create or make something, especially in a dishonest or deceptive way. It can also refer to the act of constructing or assembling something from various parts.

2. How to pronounce fabricate?

Fabricate is pronounced as "FAB-rih-kayt."

3. Synonyms for fabricate

Some synonyms for fabricate include manufacture, construct, concoct, invent, falsify, and forge.

4. Examples of using fabricate in a sentence

- The company was accused of fabricating evidence to win the lawsuit.

- She had to fabricate a story to explain her absence.

- He was able to fabricate a working model of the machine using spare parts.

- The artist used different materials to fabricate a unique sculpture.

- The journalist was fired for fabricating news stories.

5. How is fabricate used in everyday language?

Fabricate is often used in informal conversations when someone wants to describe something that is not true or has been made up. For example:

- Don't believe everything he says, he tends to fabricate stories.

- She fabricated an excuse for being late again.

- He fabricated his resume and got the job based on false qualifications.

In summary, fabricate means creating or making something in a deceitful manner and can be used as a synonym for words like manufacture or falsify. It is pronounced as "FAB-rih-kayt" and commonly used in informal conversations when describing something that is not true or has been made up

Phrases with fabricate

1. "Falsely fabricated" - to create something that is not true or genuine.

Example: The evidence against him was falsely fabricated by his enemies.

2. "Fabricated story" - a made-up or invented story.

Example: She told her parents a fabricated story to explain her absence.

3. "Fabricated evidence" - false or manufactured evidence used to support a claim or accusation.

Example: The prosecutor was caught using fabricated evidence in the trial.

4. "Fabricated information" - false or misleading information created with the intention of deceiving others.

Example: The journalist was accused of fabricating information in their article.

5. "Fabricate a plan" - to come up with a plan, often involving deception or lies.

Example: They had to fabricate a plan in order to sneak into the party without being caught.

6. "Fabricated documents" - forged or fake documents used for illegal purposes.

Example: The company was shut down for using fabricated documents to secure loans.

7. "Fabricate an excuse" - to make up an excuse in order to avoid responsibility or punishment.

Example: He tried to fabricate an excuse for why he didn't complete his homework.

8. "Fabricated reality" - an artificial or false version of reality, often created through manipulation of information.

Example: The media's portrayal of the event was a completely fabricated reality.

9. "Fabricated accusation" - a false accusation made with the intention of harming someone's reputation.

Example: She was devastated when she found out about the fabricated accusations against her.

10. "Fabricate emotions" - to fake or pretend emotions, often for personal gain.

Example: He had learned how to fabricate emotions in order to manipulate others and get what he wanted

Synonyms of fabricate with examples

1. Invent

- Definition: to create or design something that did not exist before

- Example: The author fabricated a new world in his novel.

2. Concoct

- Definition: to create or make up something, usually with deceitful intentions

- Example: The politician fabricated a story to cover up his scandal.

3. Forge

- Definition: to produce or create something, often with great skill and effort

- Example: The blacksmith fabricated a beautiful sword.

4. Construct

- Definition: to build or put together by combining parts or materials

- Example: The architect fabricated a unique building design.

5. Manufacture

- Definition: to make something on a large scale using machinery and labor

- Example: The factory fabricated thousands of cars every day.

6. Fabricate (as a synonym for "lie")

- Definition: to make up false information or stories in order to deceive someone

- Example: The witness was caught fabricating evidence in court.

7. Devise

- Definition: to come up with a plan, idea, or solution through careful thought and creativity

- Example: The team of engineers fabricated a new technology for renewable energy.

8. Create

- Definition: to bring something into existence through imagination or skill

- Example: The artist fabricated a beautiful painting using different colors and textures.

9. Formulate

- Definition: to develop an idea or theory by careful thought and analysis

- Example: The scientist fabricated a hypothesis based on their experiments.

10. Design

- Definition: to plan and create something with specific purpose and function

- Example: The fashion designer fabricated a stunning dress for the runway show

In summary, fabricate means to create or construct something, usually by assembling parts or materials. It can also refer to the act of making up a story or information. The word is pronounced as "fab-ri-kate" and has various synonyms such as manufacture, produce, and build. Some phrases that commonly use fabricate include "fabricate evidence," "fabricate a lie," and "fabricated story." As the editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and usage of fabricate. If you enjoyed reading this article, don't forget to follow me for more interesting language tips and tricks. Thank you for reading!
