
生活学习2024-02-12 15:53:49自考教育网


The pronunciation of faceless

Faceless是指没有面孔的,也可以用来形容没有特定身份或个性的人。它的发音为/ˈfeɪsləs/,其中“a”发音为“e”的音标。Faceless的同义词包括anonymous、nameless、unidentified等,例如:“The hacker remained faceless as he continued to wreak havoc on the company's website.”(这位黑客仍然没有露面,继续在公司网站上制造混乱。)另外,faceless也可以用来形容缺乏个性或特点的事物,例如:“The city's skyline was dominated by a sea of faceless skyscrapers.”(城市的天际线被一片毫无特色的摩天大楼所主导。)总之,faceless是一个多义词,在不同语境下可以有不同的含义

Is faceless an idiom?



首先,让我们来看一下“faceless”的字面意思。直译过来就是“没有脸的”,但在英语中,它并不是指一个人没有脸的意思。相反,它是一个形容词,用来描述一个人或事物缺乏特征、无特色或无个性的状态。例如,“The faceless crowd marched down the street.”(毫无特色的人群沿街行进。)因此,我们可以将“faceless”理解为“平凡的”、“缺乏特色的”。



1. The company's products are so faceless that they blend in with all the other brands on the market.(该公司的产品如此平凡,以至于和市场上其他品牌毫无区别。)

2. The faceless bureaucrat refused to listen to our concerns.(这个没有个性的官僚拒绝听取我们的关切。)

3. The faceless corporation only cares about profits, not its employees.(这家缺乏特色的公司只关心利润,而不是员工。)

Usage and examples of faceless


1. 面部特征:Faceless可以用来描述那些没有明显面部特征的人,比如说穿着全身紧身衣的超级英雄,他们的脸被遮住了,因此被称为faceless heroes(无面英雄)。

2. 缺乏个性:Faceless也可以指代那些缺乏个性或表情的人,比如说在一场重要会议上,所有参与者都戴着面具,他们都变得faceless(没有个性)。

3. 无法辨认:当我们无法分辨某个人或物体时,也可以使用faceless这个词。例如,在一个拥挤的地铁车厢里,我们可能会感到有些faceless(无法分辨)。

同义词:anonymous, featureless, unidentifiable


1. The faceless man in the black suit stood silently in the corner, his presence sending shivers down everyone's spine.


2. The internet can be a faceless world, where people hide behind screens and say things they would never say in person.


3. The protesters wore faceless masks to show their solidarity and unity against the oppressive government.


Antonyms and synonyms of faceless

1. Antonyms:

- Recognizable: Faceless refers to something or someone that lacks a recognizable face. An antonym for this would be "recognizable", meaning easily identifiable or able to be recognized.

Example: The faceless figure in the shadows was unrecognizable, but when he stepped into the light, we realized it was our friend John.

- Distinctive: Another antonym for faceless could be "distinctive", which means having a unique or noticeable quality that sets someone or something apart.

Example: The faceless corporation lacked any distinctive features, making it difficult for customers to remember their brand.

2. Synonyms:

- Anonymous: Faceless can also mean lacking individuality or anonymity. A synonym for this would be "anonymous", meaning without a known name or identity.

Example: The faceless hacker remained anonymous while causing chaos in the company's computer system.

- Nameless: Similar to anonymous, another synonym for faceless is "nameless", referring to someone or something without a known name.

Example: The artist chose to remain faceless and nameless, letting their work speak for itself.

Overall, faceless can have different meanings depending on the context, but these antonyms and synonyms provide a better understanding of its usage. Whether it refers to something lacking a recognizable face or an individual without an identity, one thing is clear - being faceless means being without a distinct presence

Explanation of the meaning of faceless

1. Introduction

The word "faceless" is a common term in the English language, but its meaning and usage may not be clear to everyone. In this section, we will explore the definition of faceless and its various synonyms and examples.

2. Meaning of Faceless

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, faceless is defined as "having no face or identity." This can be interpreted in a literal sense, where someone or something does not have a physical face, or in a figurative sense, where they lack individuality or uniqueness.

3. Pronunciation of Faceless

Faceless is pronounced as "feys-lis," with the emphasis on the first syllable. The -less ending is commonly used in English to indicate the absence of something, in this case, a face.

4. Synonyms for Faceless

Some common synonyms for faceless include anonymous, featureless, unrecognizable, and nameless. These words all convey a similar meaning of lacking an identifiable appearance or personality.

5. Examples of Faceless

Here are a few examples of how faceless can be used in different contexts:

- In horror movies, the antagonist is often portrayed as a faceless entity to create fear and suspense.

- The employees at the call center were just another group of faceless voices on the other end of the line.

- The protesters marched through the streets with their faces covered by masks, making them appear faceless and unified.

- The artist's abstract paintings were meant to represent society's growing issue with becoming increasingly faceless and impersonal.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "faceless" refers to something or someone without an identifiable appearance or identity. It can be used literally or figuratively and has several synonyms that convey a similar meaning. By understanding its definition and usage, you can effectively incorporate this word into your vocabulary

