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The pronunciation of face

1. What does "face" mean?

"Face" is a noun that refers to the front part of a person's head, including the forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth.

2. How do you pronounce "face"?

The word "face" is pronounced as /feɪs/ in American English and /feɪs/ or /fæs/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for "face"

Some synonyms for "face" include countenance, visage, features, and mug.

4. Examples of using "face" in a sentence

- She has a beautiful face with big blue eyes.

- I can't believe he had the nerve to say that to my face.

- The painting shows the faces of all the important figures from that time period.

- I can't wait to see the look on his face when he opens his birthday present.

So now you know the meaning and pronunciation of "face", as well as some synonyms and examples of how to use it in a sentence. Go ahead and practice saying it out loud - it's an important part of communication!

How to pronounce face



1. Countenance:意为“面容”、“表情”,也可以指代整个脸部。

例句:Her countenance showed a mix of emotions.

2. Visage:意为“面貌”、“脸孔”,强调外貌特征。

例句:He had a stern visage that intimidated others.

3. Facade:意为“外表”、“表面”,通常用来指代虚假的外表。

例句:Behind her charming facade, she was actually quite cunning.

4. Physiognomy:意为“相貌”、“容貌”,也可以指代某人的性格特征。

例句:His physiognomy revealed his kind and gentle nature.

5. Features:意为“面部特征”,通常用来指眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴等具体部位。

例句:She has delicate features that make her stand out in a crowd.

6. Profile:意为“轮廓”、“侧面”,也可以指某人的形象或简介。

例句:The artist captured her profile perfectly in the painting.

7. Aspect:意为“方面”、“方向”,也可以指某人的外观或形象。

例句:She has a confident aspect that makes her a great leader.



1. 首先,注意“a”的发音为长音/feɪs/,而不是短音/æs/。

2. 其次,注意发音时舌头要稍微向上抬起,嘴唇要稍微向外伸出。

3. 最后,注意将“s”发成清音/s/而不是浊音/z/。


The usage and examples of face

1. The meaning of face

In English, "face" can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. The most common definition of face is the front part of the head that includes the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. However, it can also refer to a person's expression or appearance, as well as their reputation or social standing.

2. How to pronounce face

The word "face" is pronounced as /feɪs/ in American English and /feɪs/ in British English. It is a one-syllable word with a long vowel sound.

3. Synonyms for face

Some synonyms for face include countenance, visage, features, appearance, and expression. These words can be used interchangeably with face in certain contexts.

4. Examples of usage

- "Her face lit up with joy when she saw her family."

- "He has a very expressive face that makes it easy to tell how he's feeling."

- "She has a beautiful face with high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes."

- "His dishonest actions have damaged his face in the community."

- "She put on a brave face despite her disappointment."

5. Idioms using the word face

There are also several idiomatic expressions that use the word "face." Here are some examples:

- Face to face: directly facing someone or something.

Example: "I prefer to discuss this matter face to face rather than over the phone."

- Save face: to avoid embarrassment or humiliation.

Example: "He apologized just to save his own face."

- Face value: accepting something at its apparent worth without questioning its validity.

Example: "I took his promise at face value and didn't expect him to break it."

6. Phrasal verbs with face

Lastly, there are some phrasal verbs that use the word "face." Here are a few examples:

- Face up to: to confront or deal with a difficult situation.

Example: "It's time for you to face up to the consequences of your actions."

- Face off: to confront someone in a challenge or competition.

Example: "The two teams will face off in the final match of the tournament."

- Face down: to confront and overcome someone or something.

Example: "She was determined to face down her fears and go through with the bungee jump."

In conclusion, the word "face" has various meanings and uses in English. It can refer to a physical feature, an expression, or even an abstract concept like reputation. Learning how to use it correctly and understanding its different forms can help you communicate more effectively in English

Phrases with face

1. "Put on a brave face" - 坚强面对

例句:She put on a brave face and went to the interview despite her nerves.

2. "Face the music" - 面对现实,勇敢承担后果

例句:He knew he had made a mistake and had to face the music when his boss found out.

3. "Save face" - 保全面子,保持尊严

例句:He apologized to his friend in order to save face after their argument.

4. "Wipe the smile off someone's face" - 让某人失去笑容,让某人感到尴尬或难堪

例句:The teacher's harsh words wiped the smile off the student's face.

5. "Face value" - 面值,表面意义

例句:The ticket was worth $100, but I only paid $50 for it at face value.

6. "In your face" - 当着某人的面,直接面对某人

例句:She told him off in front of everyone, it was a real in your face moment.

7. "Straight-faced" - 一本正经的,毫不动情的

例句:He told the joke with a straight-faced expression, making it even funnier.

8. "On the face of it" - 表面看起来,乍看之下

例句:On the face of it, it seems like a good idea, but we need to consider all aspects before making a decision.

9. "Lose face" - 失去面子,丢脸

例句:He lost face in front of his colleagues when he couldn't answer the question.

10. "Face the facts" - 面对事实,接受现实

例句:She needed to face the facts and admit that she was wrong

Synonym examples of face

1. Synonyms for "face": visage, countenance, appearance, expression, features

- Her visage showed no signs of emotion.

- His countenance was one of surprise.

- She had a kind and gentle appearance.

- His expression was one of anger.

- The features of her face were delicate and symmetrical.

2. Other ways to say "face": mug, physiognomy, front, facade

- He has a very recognizable mug.

- Her physiognomy revealed her true feelings.

- The front of the building was decorated with intricate designs.

- The facade of the company was starting to crumble.

3. Examples using synonyms for "face":

- She couldn't help but smile when she saw the familiar visage of her best friend.

- His countenance changed from sadness to joy when he received the good news.

- Despite her tough appearance, she had a kind expression on her face.

- The physiognomy of the suspect matched the description given by the witness.

- The front of the car was completely smashed in after the accident.

- Behind his charming facade, he was actually a deceitful person

