
生活学习2024-02-12 16:16:26自考教育网



1. facility的发音是[fəˈsɪlɪti],其中第一个音节读作[fə],第二个音节读作[ˈsɪl],最后一个音节读作[ɪti]。

2. 在英语中,facility是一个名词,意为“设施、设备、便利条件”等。它的复数形式为facilities。


3. 在美式英语中,facility的发音可能会稍有不同,最后一个音节可能会读作[əti],即[fəˈsɪləti]。但总体上和英式英语的发音相似。

4. facility这个词源于拉丁语“facilis”,意为“容易的、便利的”,在英语中也可以用来表示“能力、才能”等含义。

5. 除了作为名词外,facility还可以作为形容词使用,意为“容易做到的、灵巧的”。例如:“She has a facility for languages.”(她擅长语言。)

6. 如果你想要准确地发出facility这个单词,请注意将重点放在第二个音节上,并且将第二个音节轻声一些。同时,在最后一个音节上保持平稳的声调即可。

7. 如果你想要更加熟练地掌握facility这个单词的发音,在日常生活中可以多听一些相关场景的英语对话,例如关于设施、设备的对话,来加深印象。

8. 在学习发音的过程中,也可以借助一些在线资源或者使用录音软件来练习自己的发音。通过不断地重复和模仿,可以帮助你更好地掌握facility这个单词的发音。

9. 最后要提醒大家的是,在学习英语发音时,要注意练习标准的英式或美式发音,并且保持自己的口型和语调清晰准确。只有这样才能真正地提高自己的英语口语水平。

10. 总而言之,facility是一个常用且重要的词汇,在日常生活中经常会遇到。掌握它正确的发音不仅可以帮助我们更好地理解和使用它,也能够提高我们的英语口语表达能力。希望以上内容能够帮助你更加准确地发出facility这个单词!


Facility是一个英语单词,意思是设施、设备、场所。它的读音为 [fəˈsɪləti],可以拆分为三个音节:fa-ci-li-ty。

在翻译解释行业中,facility通常指代某种具体的设施或设备,比如医疗设施(medical facility)、运动场馆(sports facility)、会议设施(conference facility)等。它也可以用来表示某个地方的便利性或方便程度,比如交通便利的地理位置(convenient location)。



1. facility的意思


2. facility的读音


3. facility的用法

(1) 作为名词时,facility常用于以下几种情况:

a. 指某个地方或建筑物内部的设施、设备:The hotel has excellent facilities for conferences and banquets. (这家酒店拥有出色的会议和宴会设施。)

b. 指提供某种服务或功能的机构:The new facility will provide medical care for the local community. (这个新设立的机构将为当地社区提供医疗服务。)

c. 指某种能力或技能:She has a natural facility for languages. (她天生具备学习语言的能力。)

(2) 作为动词时,facility常用于以下几种情况:

a. 表示使变得容易:The new software will facilitate the process of data analysis. (新软件将简化数据分析过程。)

b. 表示提供便利:The company has facilities for employees to work from home. (公司为员工提供在家办公的便利。)

4. facility的例句

(1) The university has state-of-the-art facilities for research in the field of science and technology.


(2) The facility offers a wide range of services for the elderly, including health care and recreational activities.


(3) She has a remarkable facility for solving complex mathematical problems.


(4) The new highway will greatly facilitate transportation between the two cities.


(5) The company provides employees with excellent facilities such as a gym and a cafeteria.




1. Facility management: 设施管理,指对建筑物、设备、场地等进行维护和管理的工作。

2. Healthcare facility: 医疗设施,指提供医疗服务的机构或场所,如医院、诊所等。

3. Recreational facility: 娱乐设施,指供人们进行娱乐活动的场所,如游乐园、健身房等。

4. Educational facility: 教育设施,指提供教育服务的机构或场所,如学校、大学等。

5. Manufacturing facility: 生产设施,指用于生产商品或加工原材料的工厂或厂房。

6. Research facility: 研究设施,指用于科学研究和实验的场所,如实验室、研究中心等。

7. Correctional facility: 惩教设施,指用于监管和惩罚罪犯的机构或场所,如监狱、拘留所等。

8. Sports facility: 体育设施,指用于体育运动的场馆或器材,如体育馆、运动场等。

9. Communication facility: 通信设施,指用于传输信息和数据的技术系统和设备,如电话网络、卫星通信系统等。

10. Community facilities: 社区设施,指为满足社区居民生活需要而建设的公共设施,如公园、图书馆等。

11. Industrial facilities: 工业设施,指用于工业生产的场所和设备,如工厂、仓库等。

12. Public facilities: 公共设施,指供公众使用的设施,如公共厕所、停车场等。

13. Residential facilities: 居住设施,指为居民提供住宿和生活服务的场所,如公寓、宿舍等。

14. Retail facilities: 零售设施,指供销售商品和服务的商业场所,如商场、超市等。

15. Transportation facilities: 交通设施,指用于运输人员和货物的场所和工具,如机场、港口等


1. 设施 (设备、建筑物、服务等)

- What does facility mean?

- How do you pronounce facility?

- Facility is a synonym for amenities, equipment, buildings, and services.

2. 便利 (方便、容易)

- What is the meaning of facility?

- How do you say facility in English?

- Facility can also be used as a synonym for convenience, ease, and simplicity.

3. 能力 (技能、天赋)

- What is the definition of facility?

- Can you explain how to read facility?

- In certain contexts, facility can refer to one's ability, skill, or talent.

4. 场所 (地点、场地)

- What exactly does facility mean?

- Is there a different way to pronounce facility?

- Another synonym for facility is location, place, or venue.

5. 机构 (组织、机构)

- What's another word for facility?

- Do you know how to read the word "facility" correctly?

- Facility can also be used as a synonym for institution or organization.

6. 容量 (大小、能力)

- Can you give me an example sentence using the word "facility"?

- How would you translate "facility" into Chinese?

- In some cases, facility can refer to capacity or size.

7. 简易设备 (简单工具、器具)

- Could you provide some synonyms for "facility"?

- Is there an easier way to say "facility" in English?

- Another possible synonym for facility is appliance or tool.

8. 优势 (好处、益处)

What are some other ways to say "facility" in English?

How would you define "facility" in your own words?

Facility can also be used as a synonym for advantage, benefit, or perk

