
生活学习2024-02-12 16:23:42自考教育网



1. Factors是什么意思?



2. Factors怎么读?


3. Factors同义词及例句

- Synonyms of factors: elements, components, determinants, influences, aspects.

- Example sentences:

- There are many factors that contribute to a person's success in life.


- One of the key factors for a happy marriage is good communication.


- Economic and social factors have led to an increase in crime rates.




1. The success of a business depends on many factors, such as market demand, competition, and management strategies.


2. There are several factors that contribute to climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.


3. Time management is a key factor in achieving work-life balance.


4. Genetics is one of the main factors that determine a person's physical characteristics.


5. The weather was a major factor in the cancellation of the outdoor event.


6. There are many factors to consider when choosing a college, such as location, cost, and program offerings.


7. Personal preferences are often the deciding factor in choosing a restaurant to dine at.


8. The success of a relationship depends on both parties, external factors should not be blamed.




1. Factors是指影响或决定某种结果的事物或因素。例如,Factors that contribute to success(导致成功的因素)。

2. Factors的读音为[fæk'tɔːz],可以通过音标来辅助正确发音。

3. 同义词包括:elements、components、influences等。

4. 例句:

- Time management is one of the key factors in achieving work-life balance.(时间管理是实现工作与生活平衡的关键因素之一。)

- The weather is a major factor in determining the success of outdoor events.(天气是决定户外活动成功与否的主要因素。)

- Family background can be a significant factor in shaping one's personality.(家庭背景可能是塑造个性的重要因素。)

5. 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的factors,它们可能会影响我们的决策、改变我们的命运,甚至塑造我们的个性。因此,了解这些factors并加以利用,对于实现自己的目标和梦想至关重要。希望你也能认识到这一点,并在未来的道路上充分利用各种factors来帮助自己取得成功!


1. Elements - factors that make up a whole or contribute to a result, similar to factors

- Example: The elements of success include hard work, determination, and luck.

2. Components - parts or elements that make up a whole, similar to factors

- Example: The components of a healthy lifestyle include exercise, balanced diet, and stress management.

3. Influences - things that have an effect on something or someone, similar to factors

- Example: Peer influences can greatly impact a teenager's behavior and choices.

4. Aspects - different parts or features of something, similar to factors

- Example: There are many aspects that contribute to a company's success, such as leadership, innovation, and marketing strategy.

5. Determinants - factors that determine the outcome or result of something, similar to factors

- Example: One of the key determinants of economic growth is government policies.

6. Variables - things that can change or affect a situation or outcome, similar to factors

- Example: In scientific experiments, researchers control all variables except for one factor in order to determine its effect on the results.

7. Causes - reasons or explanations for why something happens, similar to factors

- Example: Poverty and lack of education are major causes of social inequality.

8. Conditions - circumstances or situations that affect something else, similar to factors

- Example: The weather conditions played a significant factor in the outcome of the game.

9. Forces - powerful influences that shape or impact something, similar to factors

- Example: Globalization has been one of the driving forces behind changes in the economy and society.

10. Contributors - people or things that add to or support something else, similar to factors

- Example: The volunteers were major contributors in making the event a success


1. Definition of factors: 因素,影响因素,要素

2. Synonyms for factors: elements, components, determinants

3. Example sentences:

- The success of a business depends on various factors such as market demand, competition, and economic conditions.

- The main factor contributing to climate change is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

- Time management is a key factor in achieving work-life balance.

4. Related phrases:

- Contributing factors: 贡献因素,促成因素

- Risk factors: 风险因素

- Key factors: 关键因素

- Influencing factors: 影响因素,决定性因素

- Mitigating factors: 缓解因素,减轻因素

