
生活学习2024-02-12 16:28:24自考教育网



1. factor的定义及含义



2. factor的读音及音标


3. factor的同义词及例句

(1) synonym: element, component, ingredient, aspect

(2) example sentence:

- Time is a major factor in our decision-making process.


- Nutrition is an important factor in maintaining good health.


- The economy is a key factor in determining the success of a business.


- One of the factors contributing to climate change is deforestation.


4. 不同场景下factor的用法差异


5. factor的常见搭配短语

(1) contributing factor: 促成因素

(2) decisive factor: 决定性因素

(3) key factor: 关键因素

(4) risk factor: 风险因素

(5) determining factor: 决定性因素


在英语中,factor是一个常用的名词,读作/fæk.tər/。它的意思是“因素”,指影响某件事情发生或发展的原因或条件。例如,我们可以说:“There are many factors that contribute to the success of a business.”(有许多因素影响着一家企业的成功。)

除了factor这个词之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思,比如“element”、“component”、“influence”等。例如,“Time management is an important factor in achieving work-life balance.”(时间管理是实现工作与生活平衡的重要因素。)

在日常生活中,我们也经常会用到factor这个词,比如谈论健康、成功、幸福等话题时。例如,“Exercise is a key factor in maintaining good health.”(运动是保持健康的关键因素。)“Motivation is a crucial factor in achieving your goals.”(动力是实现目标的关键因素。)“Having a positive attitude is a major factor in living a happy life.”(拥有积极的态度是过上幸福生活的主要因素。)


1. factor的意思:因素,影响因素,要素。

2. factor的发音:['fæktə(r)]。

3. factor的同义词:element, component, ingredient。

4. 双语例句:

- The weather is a major factor in determining crop yields. (天气是决定农作物产量的主要因素。)

- Time is a key factor in our decision-making process. (时间是我们决策过程中的关键因素。)

- Family history is a significant factor in determining one's risk for certain diseases. (家族史是决定某人患某些疾病风险的重要因素。)

- The cost of living is a major factor that affects people's standard of living. (生活成本是影响人们生活水平的主要因素。)


1. Factor in


例句:When making a decision, it is important to factor in all the possible outcomes.

2. Key factor


例句:The key factor for the company's success was its innovative marketing strategy.

3. Contributing factor


例句:The increase in sales can be attributed to several contributing factors such as a strong economy and effective advertising.

4. Determining factor


例句:The determining factor in choosing a college should be the quality of education it offers.

5. Risk factors


例句:Smoking and poor diet are major risk factors for heart disease.

6. Mitigating factors


例句:The judge considered the defendant's difficult childhood as a mitigating factor in his sentencing.

7. Contributing factors to success/failure


例句:There were many contributing factors to their success, including hard work, dedication, and teamwork.

8. External/internal factors


例句:The company's external factors such as competition and market trends can greatly impact its performance.

9. Influencing factors

意思: 影响因素; 导致影响的原因

例句: There are many influencing factors that can affect a person's decision-making process.

10. Multi-factor analysis


例句:The researchers used a multi-factor analysis to determine the causes of the economic crisis


1. Element - "Factor" is a synonym for "element" and refers to a particular aspect or component of a situation or problem.

Example: Time management is a crucial factor in achieving success.

2. Influence - This word can be used interchangeably with "factor" to describe something that has an effect on a situation or outcome.

Example: The weather was a significant factor in the cancellation of the outdoor event.

3. Aspect - Similar to "element", this word also refers to a specific part or feature of something.

Example: The economic aspect was just one factor that contributed to the company's decline.

4. Component - Another synonym for "factor", this word emphasizes the idea of something being a part of a larger whole.

Example: Communication skills are an essential component in building strong relationships.

5. Determinant - This term is often used in mathematical contexts, but it can also be used as a synonym for "factor" when describing something that has an influence on an outcome.

Example: The level of education is considered a determinant in predicting future job success.

6. Factorial - In mathematics, this term refers to the product of all the positive integers from 1 up to a given number. However, it can also be used as an adjective meaning "relating to factors".

Example: The factorial analysis showed that there were multiple factors contributing to the problem.

7. Ingredient - When talking about factors that make up something, "ingredient" can be used as another synonym for "factor".

Example: Hard work and determination are key ingredients in achieving one's goals.

8. Variable - This word can be used as both a noun and adjective and describes something that is subject to change or variation.

Example: The variable weather conditions were a major factor in the unpredictable harvest yield.

9. Consideration - When discussing different factors, this word can be used to emphasize careful thought and evaluation.

Example: Cost is just one of the many considerations when making a major purchase.

10. Condition - This word can be used to describe a particular circumstance or situation that has an impact on something.

Example: The political condition of the country was a significant factor in the decision to invest in the market.

11. Influence - Similar to "influence", this word also emphasizes the idea of something having an effect on a situation or outcome.

Example: The media has a powerful influence on public opinion and behavior.

12. Element - This synonym for "factor" also refers to a specific part or aspect of something.

Example: The element of surprise was a key factor in the success of their marketing campaign.

13. Component - Another synonym for "factor", this word highlights the idea of something being a part of a larger whole.

Example: Teamwork is an essential component in achieving success in any project.

14. Aspect - Similar to "element", this word also refers to a specific part or feature of something.

Example: The social aspect plays an important factor in an individual's overall well-being.

15. Ingredient - Just like "ingredient", this word can be used to describe factors that make up something.

Example: Creativity and innovation are essential ingredients for success in any business venture.


