
生活学习2024-02-12 16:43:45自考教育网



1. fade的含义



2. fade的发音


3. fade的同义词

在不同场景下,fade可以有不同的同义词替换。例如,在表示“逐渐消失”的意思时,可以使用disappear、vanish、diminish等;在表示“褪色”的意思时,可以使用discolor、bleach、wash out等。

4. fade的例句

(1) The colors of the painting have started to fade after being exposed to sunlight for a long time.


(2) As the night went on, the music gradually faded into the background.


(3) The popularity of this trend is fading and being replaced by a new one.


5. fade的定义


6. fade的衍生用法


7. fade在文学作品中的使用

Fade这个单词经常出现在文学作品中,有时候也会被用来象征性地描述一个人或事物的衰落、消失或结束。例如,在小说《The Great Gatsby》中,作者描述主角Gatsby最终走向失败和死亡时说道:“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” (我们继续前进,在逆流中奋力划船,无尽地被拖回过去。) 这里的"borne back"就暗示了Gatsby最终被时间和命运所抛弃。



1. fade的发音和读法

- 发音:[feɪd]

- 读法:fade的读音为“feɪd”,其中的元音字母“a”发[ei]音,辅音字母“d”发[d]音。

2. fade的意思


- 逐渐消失或减弱:to disappear gradually or become less distinct (例句:The sun began to fade behind the mountains.)

- 褪色;变淡:to lose brightness, color, or strength gradually (例句:The old photograph had faded over time.)

- 消散;消退:to become less important or noticeable (例句:His fame has faded since he retired from the spotlight.)

3. fade的同义词


- disappear: 消失

- diminish: 减弱

- wane: 衰退

4. fade的例句


- The flowers in the garden will eventually fade as winter approaches.


- The excitement of the crowd began to fade as the game went into overtime.


- His dreams of becoming a famous actor have slowly faded over the years.


- The colors of the painting have faded due to exposure to sunlight.



1. fade的含义:fade一词可以用作动词或名词,表示“逐渐消失”、“褪色”、“减弱”等意思。

2. fade的发音:fade的读音为/feɪd/,注意不要把最后的“e”读成/d/。

3. 同义词:fade的同义词包括disappear、vanish、diminish等。

4. 例句:

- The memories of my childhood are starting to fade away.


- The colors of the old painting have faded over time.


- His interest in the project has started to fade.


- As summer fades into autumn, the leaves on the trees change color.



1. Fade away: 逐渐消失,慢慢淡出

例句:The memories of our trip slowly faded away as we returned to our daily routines.

2. Fade out: 渐渐消失,逐渐淡出

例句:The music slowly faded out as the movie ended.

3. Fading light: 褪色的光线,暗淡的光线

例句:As the sun set, the fading light created a beautiful orange glow in the sky.

4. Fade to black: 渐变为黑色,逐渐变暗至黑色

例句:The screen slowly faded to black as the credits rolled.

5. Faded memories: 褪色的回忆,模糊的记忆

例句:As she grew older, her childhood memories began to fade.

6. Fade into obscurity: 逐渐被遗忘,消失不见

例句:After his scandal, the actor's career quickly faded into obscurity.

7. Fading beauty: 衰老的美丽,凋零的美貌

例句:Despite her fading beauty, she still exuded elegance and grace.

8. Fade in and out: 淡入淡出,循环播放

例句:The images on the screen were fading in and out, creating a dream-like effect.

9. Faded dreams: 破灭的梦想,黯然失望的希望

例句:Her faded dreams of becoming a famous singer were replaced by a stable job and family life.

10. Slow fade: 缓慢消失,逐渐淡出

例句:The song ended with a slow fade, leaving the audience in silence


1. Diminish - 减少,减弱

例句:The colors of the sunset gradually diminished as the night fell.


2. Vanish - 消失,消退

例句:The memories of my childhood seem to have vanished into thin air.


3. Dissipate - 消散,消失

例句:The fog slowly dissipated as the sun rose higher in the sky.


4. Disappear - 消失,不见

例句:The magician made the rabbit disappear in front of our eyes.


5. Evaporate - 蒸发,挥发

例句:The water on the surface of the lake slowly evaporated in the heat of the sun.


6. Fizzle Out - 熄灭,逐渐结束

例句:Their relationship started out strong but eventually fizzled out after a few months.


7. Wane - 减少,衰退

例句:As his popularity waned, so did his influence over his followers.


8. Ebb - 衰退,消退

例句:The tide began to ebb, revealing the hidden treasures on the beach.


9. Dwindle - 减少,缩小

例句:The food supplies dwindled as the winter dragged on.


10. Recede - 逐渐远离,后退

例句:The sound of the train receded into the distance as it left the station.


