
生活学习2024-02-12 17:07:18自考教育网






在英语中,failure的读音为/ˈfeɪljər/,重音在第二个音节上。它的同义词包括defeat(失败)、loss(损失)、fiasco(惨败)等。例如:“His failure in the exam was a big blow to his confidence.”(他考试失败对他的信心打击很大。)


1. 读音: [ˈfeɪljər],注意重音在第二个音节。

2. 同义词: defeat, breakdown, collapse, disappointment等。

3. 解释:failure是一个名词,指未能达到预期目标或结果的状态。它可以用来描述各种不同的失败情况,包括事业上的失败、学业上的失败、感情上的失败等。

4. 例句:

a) The failure of the company was a result of poor management.


b) He couldn't handle the failure of his marriage and turned to alcohol for comfort.


c) The team's failure to win the championship disappointed their fans.


5. 用法说明:

a) failure作为名词,可用作主语、宾语或表语。

b) 表示“失败”的动词有fail,“使失败”的动词有cause/lead to failure。

c) 失败可以被形容为complete/total/ultimate failure等。

6. 拓展阅读:

a) “fail”与“failure”的区别:fail是动词,表示未能成功或达到目标;failure是名词,表示失败的状态或结果。例如:He failed the exam.(他考试没通过。)vs His failure in the exam disappointed him.(他考试失败让他失望。)

b) “failure”在商业领域的应用:failure可以指公司、产品或项目的失败,也可以指经营者个人的失败。在商业英语中,常用词组有business failure(商业失败)、market failure(市场失灵)等。

c) “failure”与“fault”的区别:两者都可以翻译为“错误”,但failure更强调结果,而fault更强调责任。例如:It's my fault.(这是我的错。)vs The failure was due to poor communication.(失败是由于沟通不畅造成的。)


1. failure的意思是失败,指未能达到预期的结果或目标。例如:The failure of the project was due to a lack of funding. (这个项目的失败是由于缺乏资金。)

2. failure的读音为[feyl-yer],重音在第一个音节。

3. failure的同义词包括:defeat, loss, collapse等。例如:The team's failure to win the championship disappointed their fans. (球队未能赢得冠军让球迷们失望。)

4. 以下是关于failure的双语例句:

- The company's failure to meet its sales target led to a decline in profits.


- Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get back up.


- We can learn valuable lessons from our failures and use them to succeed in the future.


- Despite his repeated failures, he never gave up and eventually achieved his dream.


- The new product was a complete failure and had to be taken off the market.



1. 失败的原因 (reasons for failure)

例句:There are many reasons for failure, such as lack of preparation and poor decision making.

2. 经历失败 (experience failure)

例句:Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives, but it's important to learn from it and move on.

3. 面对失败 (face failure)

例句:It takes courage to face failure and try again, but it's the only way to achieve success.

4. 避免失败 (avoid failure)

例句:By learning from past mistakes, we can avoid failure in the future and improve our chances of success.

5. 克服失败 (overcome failure)

例句:The key to overcoming failure is to have a positive attitude and never give up.

6. 恐惧失败 (fear of failure)

例句:Many people are held back by their fear of failure, but it's important to take risks in order to achieve our goals.

7. 处理失败 (deal with failure)

例句:Learning how to deal with failure is an important skill that can help us grow and become stronger.

8. 接受失败 (accept failure)

例句:It's important to accept that we will experience failures in life, but it's how we handle them that truly matters.

9. 从失败中学习 (learn from failures)

例句:Failures can be valuable learning experiences if we take the time to reflect on what went wrong and how we can improve.

10. 成功与失败 (success vs. failure)

例句:Success and failure often go hand in hand; without experiencing failures, we cannot truly appreciate our successes.

11. 追求成功避免失败 (pursue success and avoid failure)

例句:Instead of fearing failure, we should focus on pursuing success and using failures as stepping stones towards achieving our goals.

12. 失败的代价 (cost of failure)

例句:The cost of failure can be high, but the lessons we learn from it are priceless.

13. 预防失败 (prevent failure)

例句:By identifying potential problems and taking proactive measures, we can prevent failures from occurring.

14. 失败的影响 (impact of failure)

例句:Failures can have a significant impact on our lives, but they can also lead to growth and personal development.

15. 挽救失败 (recover from failure)

例句:It's important to remember that failures do not define us; we can always recover and try again


1. Defeat

例句:The company's failure to meet its sales target resulted in a significant defeat for the team.

2. Fiasco

例句:The project was a complete fiasco, as it failed to achieve any of its objectives.

3. Flop

例句:The new product was a flop, as it did not generate the expected profits for the company.

4. Disaster

例句:The failure of the merger between the two companies was a disaster for both parties involved.

5. Setback

例句:The failure of the negotiations was a major setback for the peace process.

6. Misfortune

例句:The failure of his business was a great misfortune for him and his family.

7. Deficiency

例句:The failure to provide adequate resources led to a deficiency in the project's implementation.

8. Collapse

例句:The failure of the company's financial management resulted in its eventual collapse.

9. Breakdown

例句:The failure of communication between departments caused a breakdown in the project's progress.

10. Disappointment

例句:His repeated failures led to feelings of disappointment and self-doubt

