
生活学习2024-02-12 17:14:36自考教育网



1. "fainted"的拼音是[fɛɪntɪd]。

2. "fainted"是英文动词"faint"的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“昏倒、晕厥”。它来自于中古英语的"feynt",源自古法语的"faindre",意为“虚弱、无力”。


3. 这个词通常用来形容人因为某种原因而突然失去知觉或意识。比如,She fainted from shock.(她因为惊吓而晕倒了。)

4. 在医学领域,"faint"也可以用作名词,指短暂的昏厥状态。例如,The patient had a fainting spell in the waiting room.(病人在候诊室发生了一次昏厥。)

5. 除了指身体上的失去知觉外,"faint"也可以用来形容情绪上的消失或衰减。比如,My hope for success was fading, but then I got a call offering me the job.(我对成功的希望正在消失,但后来我接到了一个电话给我提供这份工作。)

6. "faint"还可以用作形容词,表示微弱或模糊不清。例如,I could hear a faint sound in the distance.(我能听到远处微弱的声音。)

7. 在日常生活中,"faint"也可以用来表示虚弱或疲倦。比如,I feel faint after running for an hour.(我跑了一个小时后感觉很虚弱。)

8. 另外,"faint"也可以用来表示某事物的存在或出现程度很低。例如,There was only a faint glimmer of hope left.(只剩下微弱的一线希望了。)

9. 总的来说,"fainted"是一个描述人体或情绪状态的动词,在不同语境下可以有不同的含义。

10. 最后提醒一下,在英语中还有一个与"fainted"相似的词"fainthearted",意为“胆小、懦弱”。它的拼音是[fɛɪntˌhɑːrtɪd],请注意区分使用


1. "fainted"是什么意思


2. 怎么读"fainted"


- 首先,发音第一个音节[fain]时,把舌头放在上牙齿后面的位置,并轻轻咬住舌尖。

- 然后,发音第二个音节[ted]时,把舌头放松并向下移动,让舌尖轻触下齿龈。

- 最后,把两个音节连起来快速地发出[fain-ted]的音。

3. "fainted"怎么用


- She fainted at the sight of blood. (她一看见血就晕倒了。)

- He fainted from exhaustion after running a marathon. (跑完马拉松后他因为太累而晕倒了。)


- I was so tired that I fainted on the couch. (我太累了,在沙发上就睡着了。)

4. "fainted"的同义词


- Pass out:指因为缺氧或血压过低而晕倒。

- Black out:指因为受到惊吓或情绪激动而晕倒。

- Swoon:指因为受到强烈的感情冲击而晕倒。


5. 怎样避免"fainted"


- 缺水:保持身体充足的水分对于预防头晕很重要。

- 低血压:如果你有低血压的问题,建议多喝点咖啡或茶来提高血压。

- 贫血:贫血会导致身体缺氧,从而引起头晕和昏厥。建议多吃一些富含铁质的食物。



1. "fainted"的用法

"fainted"是一个动词,指的是突然晕倒或昏厥。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。当它作为及物动词时,通常需要接受一个宾语,表示晕倒的原因或导致晕倒的情况。例如:"She fainted from exhaustion."(她因为疲劳而晕倒了。)而当它作为不及物动词时,通常后面会跟上介词"from",表示晕倒的原因。例如:"He fainted from the heat."(他因为炎热而晕倒了。)

2. 双语例句

1) She fainted at the sight of blood.(她看到血就晕倒了。)

2) The heat was so intense that he almost fainted.(炎热太强烈了,他差点晕倒。)

3) He fainted from lack of oxygen at high altitude.(他在高海拔缺氧时昏厥了。)

4) The patient fainted during the medical examination.(这位患者在体检过程中昏厥了。)

5) She was so shocked that she fainted on the spot.(她被吓得当场就晕倒了。)

3. "fainted"的同义词

"faint"是"faintest"和"faintly"的过去式和副词形式。它的同义词包括:pass out, black out, lose consciousness, collapse等。

4. "fainted"的反义词


5. 与"fainted"相关的短语

1) fainting spell: 晕厥

2) faint from: 因...而晕倒

3) feel faint: 感到头晕眼花

4) come to after fainting: 在晕倒后恢复意识

6. "fainted"在文学作品中的使用

"fainted"经常出现在文学作品中,用来描述人物在极端情况下昏厥或失去意识。例如:"She fainted at the sight of her husband's dead body."(她看到丈夫的尸体就晕倒了。)它也可以用来表示情感上的失控,例如:"She fainted with joy when she heard the good news."(她听到好消息时高兴得昏了过去。)

7. "fainted"与其他语言中类似表达方式

在西班牙语中,"fainted"可以翻译为"desmayarse";在法语中,可以翻译为"s'évanouir";在德语中,可以翻译为"in Ohnmacht fallen". 它们都有着类似的意思,即晕倒或昏厥


1. "Faint with joy": 意为因为喜悦而晕倒,形容非常高兴的心情。

2. "Faint of heart": 意为胆小怯懦,形容缺乏勇气和决心的人。

3. "Faint-hearted": 意为胆怯的,形容缺乏勇气和决心的人或行为。

4. "Fainting spell": 意为晕厥,指突然昏倒的症状。

5. "Faint hope": 意为微弱的希望,形容希望渺茫或不太可能实现的事情。

6. "Faint praise": 意为虚假的赞美,指表面上称赞但实际上并不真诚的话语。

7. "Faint scent of perfume": 意为淡淡的香味,形容香味轻微或散发不强烈。

8. "Feeling faint": 意为感觉昏眩,指身体出现虚弱或头晕目眩等不适感觉


1. Passed out

- Definition: to lose consciousness, often temporarily

- Example: She fainted from the heat and passed out on the sidewalk.

2. Blacked out

- Definition: to briefly lose consciousness or memory due to a temporary lack of oxygen to the brain

- Example: The athlete blacked out during the race and couldn't remember what happened.

3. Swooned

- Definition: to faint or lose consciousness due to strong emotion, such as excitement or shock

- Example: The singer's fans were so overwhelmed with emotion that some of them swooned during her performance.

4. Collapsed

- Definition: to fall down suddenly and lose consciousness, often due to a medical condition or exhaustion

- Example: The hiker collapsed from dehydration and had to be rescued by a search team.

5. Fell unconscious

- Definition: to lose consciousness suddenly and unexpectedly

- Example: The patient fell unconscious after being given too much anesthesia during surgery.

6. Slumped over

- Definition: to become limp and fall forward while losing consciousness, often due to exhaustion or intoxication

- Example: The partygoer had too much alcohol and slumped over in his chair, completely passed out.

7. Keeled over

- Definition: to suddenly fall over while losing consciousness, often due to a heart attack or other medical emergency

- Example: The elderly man keeled over in the grocery store aisle and had a heart attack.

8. Felt dizzy

- Definition: experiencing lightheadedness or vertigo, often leading to fainting

- Example: She felt dizzy after standing up too quickly and nearly fainted in front of her friends.

9. Lost consciousness

- Definition: becoming unconscious or unaware of one's surroundings

- Example: The boxer lost consciousness after taking a hard hit to the head during the match.

10. Passed away

- Definition: to die

- Example: The elderly woman fainted and unfortunately passed away due to a heart attack

