
生活学习2024-02-12 17:19:48自考教育网





1. 原意解释:faintly是一个副词,意为“微弱地,模糊地”,可以用来描述声音、光线等。


2. 读音指南:faintly的读音为[feynt-lee],重音在第一个音节。

3. 拓展释义:除了原意外,faintly还可以表示“稍微,略微”,常用于修饰程度副词或形容词。

4. 使用场景:在日常生活中,我们经常会听到“faintly”这个词,比如说:“我能够听到远处传来的钟声,但是非常微弱(faintly)。”

5. 幽默一下:如果你的英语发音不太标准,也许会有人听到“feint-ly”或者“fain-tily”的发音。不过没关系,只要表达出来的意思大家都能理解就好啦


1. faintly的基本含义


2. faintly的用法

a) 描述声音:例如,“I could hear her voice faintly from the other room.”(我能从另一个房间微弱地听到她的声音。)

b) 描述光线:例如,“The stars were shining faintly in the night sky.”(夜空中星星微弱地闪耀着。)

c) 描述感情:例如,“She smiled faintly when she saw him.”(当她看到他时,她微笑了一下。)

3. 双语例句

a) The music was playing so faintly that I could hardly hear it.


b) The memories of my childhood came back to me faintly.


c) The streetlights were flickering faintly in the distance.


4. 拓展用法


例如,“She looked faintly ill.”(她看起来有点虚弱。)


例如,“The faintly lit room was filled with a sense of mystery.”(微弱的灯光照亮的房间充满了神秘感。)

5. 注意事项

a) Faintly通常用于描述程度轻微的事物,如果想要表达更强烈的程度,可以使用形容词faint。

例如,“He felt faint when he saw the blood.”(当他看到血时,他感觉昏厥了。)

b) Faintly也可以用于修饰动词或者形容词,表示程度轻微。

例如,“Her voice was faintly trembling.”(她的声音微弱地颤抖着。)


1. Faintly audible: 轻微可听见的

2. Faintly visible: 轻微可见的

3. Faintly remembered: 轻微地记得

4. Faintly fragrant: 淡淡的香味

5. Faintly lit: 微弱地照亮

6. Faintly colored: 微弱着色的

7. Faintly recognizable: 微弱地可以辨认出来的

8. Faintly reminiscent: 微弱地让人联想起来的

9. Faintly reminiscent of the past: 微弱地让人联想起过去的事情

10. Faintly glowing: 微弱发光的

11. Faintly heard: 微弱听到的

12. Faintly whispered: 轻声低语着

13. Faintly smiling: 微笑着

14. Faintly trembling: 轻轻颤抖着

15. Faintly shining: 微微闪耀着

16. Faintly flickering: 模糊闪烁着

17. Faintly humming: 轻轻哼唱着

18. Fain


1. Dimly

- Meaning: Faintly or unclearly.

- Example: The light from the candle was dimly visible in the dark room.

2. Vaguely

- Meaning: Not clearly or precisely expressed; uncertain.

- Example: She vaguely remembered meeting him at a party.

3. Indistinctly

- Meaning: Not clear or sharply defined.

- Example: The words on the old sign were indistinctly written and hard to read.

4. Obscurely

- Meaning: In a way that is not well known or not easily understood.

- Example: The meaning of the ancient text was obscurely written and required further research.

5. Hazy

- Meaning: Unclear, vague, or confused.

- Example: Her memories of that day were hazy and she couldn't recall all the details.

6. Faint-heartedly

- Meaning: In a timid or hesitant manner.

- Example: He approached the edge of the cliff faint-heartedly, afraid to take the leap.

7. Barely

- Meaning: Only just; almost not.

- Example: She could barely make out his face in the dim light of the room.

8. Slightly

- Meaning: To a small degree; somewhat.

- Example: He was slightly disappointed when he didn't get the job he had applied for.

9. Foggily

- Meaning: In a way that is unclear or muddled.

- Example: His mind was foggily trying to remember where he had left his keys.

10. Faintingly

- Meaning: In a weak, feeble, or barely perceptible manner.

- Example: She whispered faintingly as she passed out from exhaustion.

11. Murkily

-Meaning:In an unclear, dark, or gloomy manner.

Example:The water in the lake was murkily still, making it difficult to see the bottom.

12. Blurrily

- Meaning: In a way that is unclear or not sharply defined.

- Example: The image on the old photograph was blurrily faded, but she could still make out her grandparents' faces.

13. Shadowily

- Meaning: In a vague or elusive manner.

- Example: The truth about his past remained shadowily hidden, no matter how much she tried to uncover it.

14. Faintishly

- Meaning: In a weak or delicate manner.

- Example: She laughed faintishly at his joke, trying not to show how much it had actually amused her.

15. Ghostly

- Meaning: Like a ghost; eerie and mysterious.

- Example: The faintly glowing figure in the abandoned house appeared ghostly and sent chills down her spine

