
生活学习2024-02-12 17:32:48自考教育网







同义词方面,fairyland还可以用其他词语来替代,比如"wonderland"(仙境)、"enchanted land"(魔法之地)等等。而在发音上,“fairyland”通常读作[ˈfeərilænd]



1. 首先,让我们来了解一下这个词的含义。fairyland指的是“仙境”或“童话世界”,是一个充满奇幻和想象力的地方。

2. 接下来,我们来讨论一下它的发音。fairyland一词由两部分组成,分别是“fairy”和“land”。其中,“fairy”的发音为/ˈferi/,重读在第一个音节上;而“land”的发音为/ˈlænd/,重读在第二个音节上。

3. 结合起来,fairyland的正确发音为/ˈferiˌlænd/。记住,在英语中,“y”通常被读作/i/的音素,因此不要把它读作/fairyland/。

4. 如果你觉得这个单词有些难以掌握,可以尝试用字母拼写来帮助记忆:fa-i-ry-land。

5. 最后,我们再来看一下fairyland的同义词。它可以替换成其他类似意思的单词,比如wonderland、enchanted land、magical kingdom等。

6. 举个例子吧!当我看到那片美丽的花海时,我仿佛置身于一个神奇的fairyland中。



1. 什么是fairyland?


2. 如何发音?


3. fairyland的同义词有哪些?

Fairyland的同义词包括enchanted land、magical world、fantasy realm等。它们都指代一个神奇和不真实的地方。

4. 例句

- I felt like I was in a fairyland when I visited the lavender fields.


- The amusement park was like a fairyland for children, with colorful lights and joyful music.



1. 仙境 (fairyland的同义词)

仙境是指美丽神奇的地方,常用来形容像童话故事中的仙境一样的美妙场景。例如:The garden was like a fairyland, with colorful flowers and sparkling fountains.

2. 童话王国 (fairyland的同义词)

童话王国是指充满想象力和奇幻色彩的地方,常用来形容像童话故事中的王国一样的梦幻世界。例如:The theme park was like a fairyland, with castles, princesses and magical creatures.

3. 神秘乐园 (fairyland的同义词)

神秘乐园是指充满神秘色彩和未知之处的地方,常用来形容像童话故事中那些神秘幻想之地。例如:The forest was like a fairyland, with hidden caves and mysterious creatures.

4. 梦幻世界 (fairyland的同义词)

梦幻世界是指充满梦想和奇迹的地方,常用来形容像童话故事中那些美好而不可思议的场景。例如:The snow-covered mountains were like a fairyland, with shimmering ice crystals and sparkling snowflakes.

5. 奇迹之城 (fairyland的同义词)

奇迹之城是指充满奇迹和魔法的地方,常用来形容像童话故事中那些不可思议的城市。例如:The city was like a fairyland, with towering skyscrapers and bustling streets filled with enchanting lights.

6. 梦想乡 (fairyland的同义词)

梦想乡是指充满梦想和幻想的地方,常用来形容像童话故事中那些令人向往的场景。例如:The island was like a fairyland, with crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches that seemed like a dream


1. Enchanted Kingdom

例句:The children's book was set in an enchanted kingdom where fairies and other magical creatures lived.

2. Wonderland

例句:The amusement park was like a wonderland, with bright lights and fun rides everywhere.

3. Elfland

例句:In the fantasy novel, the protagonist travels to Elfland to seek help from the elves in defeating the evil sorcerer.

4. Faerieland

例句:The fairy queen ruled over the beautiful Faerieland, where everything was made of sparkling jewels and colorful flowers.

5. Netherworld

例句:According to ancient mythology, fairies were believed to reside in the netherworld, a mystical realm beyond our own.

6. Otherworld

例句:The legend says that a portal to the otherworld can be found in the heart of the forest, where fairies dance under the moonlight.

7. Neverland

例句:Peter Pan and his friends lived in Neverland, a magical island where they never grew old and had endless adventures.

8. Fairy realm

例句:The fairy realm was hidden from human eyes, but some lucky few were able to catch glimpses of it through their dreams.

9. Pixie country

例句:The pixie country was full of mischievous little creatures who loved playing pranks on unsuspecting travelers.

10. Magic land

例句:With a wave of her wand, the fairy transported them to a magic land filled with wonders beyond their imagination

