
生活学习2024-02-12 17:43:38自考教育网




1. 缺乏信仰


faithless一词最常见的含义是指缺乏信仰。这种状态可以指一个人对宗教、神灵或精神世界缺乏信任和崇拜,也可以指对某种理念、价值观或原则缺乏坚定的信念。例如,“他对宗教完全是faithless的,从来不参加任何宗教活动。” “她对爱情持有faithless的态度,总是认为会有更好的选择。”

2. 不忠诚

除了指缺乏信仰外,faithless也可以表示不忠诚。这种状态可以指一个人在感情上不专一,经常出轨或背叛伴侣;也可以指某个国家、组织或团体在政治、经济等方面不遵守承诺和协议。例如,“他曾经发誓要永远忠于她,但最后还是做了一个faithless的丈夫。” “这个国家在国际关系中表现出了faithless的态度,导致了外交危机。”

3. 不可信赖

除了上述两种含义外,faithless也可以表示不可信赖。这种状态可以指一个人在言行中不一致,经常说谎或欺骗他人;也可以指某个事物在质量、性能等方面不稳定或不可靠。例如,“他曾经向我保证过会做到的,但最后还是表现出了faithless的行为。” “这款产品的质量非常faithless,经常出现故障。”


1. unfaithful:与faithless同义,表示缺乏忠诚和信仰。“她发现自己的丈夫对她unfaithful后立刻提出离婚。”

2. disloyal:与faithless同义,表示缺乏忠诚。“他被指控为disloyal,并被开除出了公司。”

3. unreliable:与faithless部分意思相同,表示不可靠。“这家公司的服务非常unreliable,经常无法按时完成任务。”


1. faithless的发音


2. faithless的意思

faithless一词是形容词,意为“不忠诚的;不可信赖的;背信弃义的”。例如:“He was accused of being faithless to his wife.”(他被指控对妻子不忠);“The politician's promises turned out to be faithless.”(那位政治家的承诺最终被证明是靠不住的)。

3. faithless怎么读


4. faithless同义词及例句

faithless的同义词包括disloyal、treacherous、untrustworthy、unfaithful等。例如:“He was accused of being disloyal to his country.”(他被指控对国家不忠);“The treacherous friend betrayed her trust.”(那个背信弃义的朋友背叛了她的信任)。

5. 例句

- She had always been faithful to her husband, but he turned out to be a faithless spouse.


- The faithless employee leaked confidential information to a competitor.


- He promised to always love her, but his actions proved him to be faithless.



1. faithless的意思


2. faithless的读音


3. faithless的同义词

faithless的同义词包括:disloyal, unfaithful, treacherous, deceitful, dishonest等。它们都表示缺乏忠诚和信任。

4. faithless的例句

(1) He was accused of being a faithless friend who betrayed his comrades.


(2) The politician's faithless actions caused him to lose the trust of the people.


(3) She felt hurt and betrayed by her husband's faithless behavior.


(4) The company's faithless practices led to their downfall.


5. 与faithless相关的短语和例句

- faithless friend: 背信弃义的朋友

e.g. She learned the hard way that her so-called best friend was actually a faithless friend.


- faithless lover: 不忠诚的情人

e.g. She couldn't believe that her once faithful lover had become a faithless lover.


- faithless employee: 不忠诚的雇员

e.g. The company had to let go of its faithless employees in order to maintain its reputation.


6. 与faithless相反意义的短语和例句

- faithful: 忠实的

e.g. He has been a faithful friend to me for many years.


- trustworthy: 值得信赖的

e.g. We can always count on him because he is a trustworthy person.


- loyal: 忠诚的

e.g. Despite the difficulties, she remained loyal to her beliefs and principles.


7. faithless在文学作品中的使用



1. 同义词:disloyal, unfaithful, treacherous, deceitful

2. 反义词:loyal, faithful, trustworthy

3. 例句:

- She was heartbroken when she found out her husband had been faithless and had been having an affair.

- The politician's faithless actions caused him to lose the trust of his constituents.

- The faithless employee leaked confidential information to a competitor.

4. 短语:

- Faithless friend: 背信弃义的朋友

- Faithless lover: 不忠诚的情人

- Faithless behavior: 不信任的行为

- Be faithless to someone/something: 对某人/某事不忠诚


1. Unfaithful

- Definition: not faithful; disloyal, dishonest, or untrustworthy

- Example: She was accused of being unfaithful to her partner.

2. Disloyal

- Definition: not loyal; not faithful to a person, country, or cause

- Example: The soldiers were punished for being disloyal to their king.

3. Treacherous

- Definition: guilty of or involving betrayal or deception; unreliable and dangerous

- Example: The treacherous weather conditions made it difficult to travel.

4. Infidel

- Definition: a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own

- Example: The infidel was persecuted for his beliefs.

5. Deceitful

- Definition: guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others

- Example: Her deceitful actions caused her friends to lose trust in her.

6. Perfidious

- Definition: deceitful and untrustworthy; betraying someone's trust

- Example: The perfidious politician was caught in a scandal.

7. Unreliable

- Definition: not able to be relied upon; not trustworthy or dependable

- Example: His unreliable behavior caused him to lose his job.

8. False

- Definition: not genuine; fake or deceptive

- Example: He gave a false testimony in court.

9. Fickle

- Definition: changing frequently, especially in regards to one's loyalties, interests, or affections

- Example: She is known for her fickle nature when it comes to relationships.

10. Inconstant

- Definition: frequently changing; lacking consistency or stability

- Example: His inconstant moods made it hard for others to predict his behavior

